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THEMIS was launched on February 17, 2007 to determine the trigger and large-scale evolution of substorms. During the first seven months of the mission the five satellites coasted near their injection orbit to avoid differential precession in anticipation of orbit placement, which started in September 2007 and led to a commencement of the baseline mission in December 2007. During the coast phase the probes were put into a string-of-pearls configuration at 100 s of km to 2 RE along-track separations, which provided a unique view of the magnetosphere and enabled an unprecedented dataset in anticipation of the first tail season. In this paper we describe the first THEMIS substorm observations, captured during instrument commissioning on March 23, 2007. THEMIS measured the rapid expansion of the plasma sheet at a speed that is commensurate with the simultaneous expansion of the auroras on the ground. These are the first unequivocal observations of the rapid westward expansion process in space and on the ground. Aided by the remote sensing technique at energetic particle boundaries and combined with ancillary measurements and MHD simulations, they allow determination and mapping of space currents. These measurements show the power of the THEMIS instrumentation in the tail and the radiation belts. We also present THEMIS Flux Transfer Events (FTE) observations at the magnetopause, which demonstrate the importance of multi-point observations there and the quality of the THEMIS instrumentation in that region of space.  相似文献   
NASA’s MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) mission will further the understanding of the formation of the planets by examining the least studied of the terrestrial planets, Mercury. During the one-year orbital phase (beginning in 2011) and three earlier flybys (2008 and 2009), the X-Ray Spectrometer (XRS) onboard the MESSENGER spacecraft will measure the surface elemental composition. XRS will measure the characteristic X-ray emissions induced on the surface of Mercury by the incident solar flux. The Kα lines for the elements Mg, Al, Si, S, Ca, Ti, and Fe will be detected. The 12° field-of-view of the instrument will allow a spatial resolution that ranges from 42 km at periapsis to 3200 km at apoapsis due to the spacecraft’s highly elliptical orbit. XRS will provide elemental composition measurements covering the majority of Mercury’s surface, as well as potential high-spatial-resolution measurements of features of interest. This paper summarizes XRS’s science objectives, technical design, calibration, and mission observation strategy.  相似文献   
Conclusions Long wavelength radar observations of Venus yield a surface reflectivity of about 15%. Total power measurements at 12.5 cm and 3.6 cm strongly suggest that significant atmospheric absorption is operative in this wavelength region. If the observed low value of reflectivity at 3.6 cm is attributed to atmospheric absorption alone an opacity of = 1.14 is implied at this wavelength rather independently from assumptions concerning the surface scattering characteristics of Venus. An inverse 2 opacity law for the atmosphere is consistent with the reflectivity measurements over the complete range of observations wavelengths.The mathematical characteristics of the Venusian backscatter law are the same as for the moon but wavelength-dependent mean effective slopes indicate that Venus appears smoother than the moon at all radar wavelengths.Considerable progress has been made toward obtaining a precise value for the Venusian axial rotation vector which is found to be oriented to within 10 degrees of the planet's orbital plane. The period of (retrograde) rotation lies within the range 242–250 days with the lower value favored by the statistics of the data. Regions of enhanced radar return fixed to the surface have been found and verified at a later conjunction. Measurements of the surface radar depolarization support the hypothesis that the prominences are due to increased surface roughness as opposed to regional increases of dielectric constant.Observations of Mercury strongly suggest that the rotation period of the planet is about 59 days, a conclusion which has been supported, a posteriori, by theoretical tidal calculations and rediscussions of optical observations of surface markings. Mercury has radar backscatter characteristics more similar to the moon than Venus and exhibits a reflectivity of about 5%.Mars has demonstrated strong variations of radar backscatter characteristics which appear correlated with the Martian longitude and, in turn, with the dark surface markings in its north equatorial zone. Particularly reliable correlations have been discovered with the positions of Trivium Charontis and Syrtis Major. The observed variations appear to be primarily manifested in terms of the Martian radar backscatter law or surface roughness as opposed to variations in the intrinsic surface material reflectivities although the observations are not sufficiently precise to resolve this question. Variations in surface materials are apparently also present but their degree is currently unassayable. The reflectivity of the average surface has been crudely determined to be about 7% which suggests that the surface of Mars is composed of underdense materials. The 7% value is consistent with the values of 7.5% and 5% for the moon and Mercury, respectively, and is significantly different from the 15% value for Venus,No unequivocal radar detection of Jupiter has been made although a statistically weak detection has been reported for a single opposition which could not be verified in succeeding attempts.  相似文献   
Solar and stellar flares are highly structured in space and in time, as is indicated for example by their radio signatures: the narrowband spikes, type III, type II and IV, and pulsation events. Structured in time are also the not flare related type I events (noise storms). The nature of this observationally manifest fragmentation is still not clear. Either, it can be due to stochastic boundary or initial conditions of the respective processes, such as inhomogeneities in the coronal plasma. Or else, a deterministic non-linear process is able to cause complicated patterns of these kinds.We investigate the nature of the fragmentation in time. The properties of processes we enquire are stationarity, periodicity, intermittency, and, with dimension estimating methods, we try to discriminate between stochastic and low-dimensional deterministic processes. Since the measured time series are rather short, the dimension estimate methods have to be used with care: we have developed an extended dimension estimate procedure consisting of five steps. Among others, it comprises again the questions of stationarity and intermittency, but also the more technical problems of temporal correlations, judging scaling and convergence, and limited number of data points (statistical limits).We investigate 3 events of narrowband spikes, 13 type III groups, 10 type I storms, 3 type II bursts and 1 type IV event of solar origin, and 3 pulsation-like events of stellar origin. They have in common that all of them have stationary phases, periodicities are rather seldom, and intermittency is quite abundant. However, the burst types turn out to have different characteristics. None of the investigated time series reveals a low-dimensional behaviour. This implies that they originate from complex processes having dimensions (degrees of freedom) larger than about 4 to 6, which includes infinity,i. e. stochasticity. The lower limit of the degrees of freedom is inferred from numerical experiments with known chaotic systems, using time series of similar lengths, and it depends slightly on the burst types.  相似文献   
Times of sustained strong northward IMF can interrupt the magnetic storm development and lead to lower levels of geomagnetic activity for many hours. During 1997–2000 we have found two events of this kind observed on November 8, 1998 and October 13, 2000. In both cases, the storms started as usual after arrival of ejecta with a southward IMF component from the Sun to the Earth, but ceased after several hours due to the onset of sustained northward IMF leading to the faster recovery process. After the passage of this so-called positive domain, the storm development started again. The heliospheric magnetic field intensity remained enhanced and nearly constant. The solar origins of the geomagnetic storm interruptions have been investigated. Tentatively they may be related to strong nonlinear Alfvйn type solitary waves excited by non-stationary coronal current variations with a characteristic time-scale of about a day.  相似文献   
The science community has continued to be interested in planetary entry probes, aerocapture, and sample return missions to improve our understanding of the Solar System. As in the case of the Galileo entry probe, such missions are critical to the understanding not only of the individual planets, but also to further knowledge regarding the formation of the Solar System. It is believed that Saturn probes to depths corresponding to 10 bars will be sufficient to provide the desired data on its atmospheric composition. An aerocapture mission would enable delivery of a satellite to provide insight into how gravitational forces cause dynamic changes in Saturn’s ring structure that are akin to the evolution of protoplanetary accretion disks. Heating rates for the “shallow” Saturn probes, Saturn aerocapture, and sample Earth return missions with higher re-entry speeds (13–15 km/s) from Mars, Venus, comets, and asteroids are in the range of 1–6 KW/cm2. New, mid-density thermal protection system (TPS) materials for such probes can be mission enabling for mass efficiency and also for use on smaller vehicles enabled by advancements in scientific instrumentation. Past consideration of new Jovian multiprobe missions has been considered problematic without the Giant Planet arcjet facility that was used to qualify carbon phenolic for the Galileo probe. This paper describes emerging TPS technologies and the proposed use of an affordable, small 5 MW arcjet that can be used for TPS development, in test gases appropriate for future planetary probe and aerocapture applications. Emerging TPS technologies of interest include new versions of the Apollo Avcoat material and a densified variant of Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA). Application of these and other TPS materials and the use of other facilities for development and qualification of TPS for Saturn, Titan, and Sample Return missions of the Stardust class with entry speeds from 6.0 to 28.6 km/s are discussed.  相似文献   
Biological dosimetry in Russian and Italian astronauts.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large uncertainties are associated with estimates of equivalent dose and cancer risk for crews of long-term space missions. Biological dosimetry in astronauts is emerging as a useful technique to compare predictions based on quality factors and risk coefficients with actual measurements of biological damage in-flight. In the present study, chromosomal aberrations were analyzed in one Italian and eight Russian cosmonauts following missions of different duration on the MIR and the international space station (ISS). We used the technique of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to visualize translocations in chromosomes 1 and 2. In some cases, an increase in chromosome damage was observed after flight, but no correlation could be found between chromosome damage and flight history, in terms of number of flights at the time of sampling, duration in space and extra-vehicular activity. Blood samples from one of the cosmonauts were exposed in vitro to 6 MeV X-rays both before and after the flight. An enhancement in radiosensitivity induced by the spaceflight was observed.  相似文献   
The program of the 7-day flight of the biosatellite Cosmos-1667 launched in July 1985 included experiments on two rhesus monkeys, ten Wistar SPF rats, ten newts, Drosophila flies, maize seedlings, lettuce sprouts, and unicellular organisms - Tetrahymena. The primate study demonstrated that transition to orbital flight was accompanied by a greater excitability of the vestibular apparatus and an increased linear blood flow velocity in the common carotid artery. The rat studies showed that atrophy of antigravity muscles and osteoporosis of limb bones developed even during short-term exposure to microgravity. The experiments on other living systems revealed no microgravity effects on the cell division rate, proliferative activity of cells of regenerating tissues and organs, energy metabolism of developing insects, structure or chemical composition of higher plant seedlings.  相似文献   
The Japanese lunar explorer SELENE (SElenological and Engineering Explorer), to be launched in 2007, will for the first time utilize VLBI observations in lunar gravimetry investigations. This will particularly improve the accuracy to which the low degree gravitational harmonics and the gravity field near the limb can be measured, and when combined with Doppler measurements will enable three-dimensional information to be extracted. Differential VLBI Radio sources called VRAD experiment involves two on-board sub-satellites, Rstar and Vstar. These will be observed using differential VLBI to measure the trajectories of the satellites with the Japanese network named VERA (VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry) and an international VLBI network.  相似文献   
The in situ validation of the satellite altimeter sea surface heights is generally performed either at a few local points directly flown over by the satellites or using the global tide gauge network. A regional in situ calibration method was developed by NOVELTIS in order to monitor the altimeter data quality in a perimeter of several hundred kilometres around a given in situ calibration site. The primary advantage of this technique is its applicability not only for missions flying over dedicated sites but also for missions on interleaved or non repetitive orbits. This article presents the altimeter bias estimates obtained with this method at the Corsican calibration site, for the Jason-1 mission on its nominal and interleaved orbits as well as for the Jason-2 and Envisat missions. The various regional bias estimates (8.2 cm and 7.4 cm for Jason-1 respectively on the nominal and interleaved orbits in Senetosa, 16.4 cm for Jason-2 in Senetosa and 47.0 cm for Envisat in Ajaccio, with an accuracy between 2.5 cm and 4 cm depending on the mission) are compared with the results obtained by the other in situ calibration teams. This comparison demonstrates the coherency at the centimetre level, the stability and the generic character of the method, which would also be of benefit to the new and future altimeter missions such as Cryosat-2, SARAL/AltiKa, Sentinel-3, Jason-3, Jason-CS.  相似文献   
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