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In this paper we will report the results of the computation of cutoff rigidities of vertical and non-vertical incident cosmic ray particles. Non-vertical effective cutoff rigidities have been computed by tracing particle trajectories through the “real” geomagnetic magnetic field comprising the International Geomagnetic Reference Field model (IGRF95, IAGA Division 5 Working Group 8, 1996: Sabaka, T.J., Langel, R.A., Baldwin, R.T., Conrad, J.A. The geomagnetic field, 1900–1995, including the large scale fields from magnetospheric sources and NASA candidate models for the 1995 IGRF revision. J. Geomag. Geoelect. 49, 157–206, 1997.) and the Tsyganenko [Tsyganenko, N.A. A magnetospheric magnetic field model with a warped tail current sheet. Planet. Space Sci. 37, 5–20, 1989.] magnetosphere model. The computation have been done for the backward route (from Antarctica to Italy) of the Italian Antarctic ship survey 1996–1997, for geographic points corresponding to the daily average coordinates of the ship; for zenith angles 15°, 30°, 45° and 60°, and azimuth angles from 0° to 360° in steps of 45°. By means of the obtained non-vertical cutoffs the apparent cutoff rigidities have been calculated. The information on integral multiplicities of secondary neutrons detected by the neutron monitor in dependence of the zenith angle of incoming primary cosmic ray particles have also been used. This information is based on the theoretical calculations of meson-nuclear cascades of primary protons with different rigidities arriving to the Earth’s atmosphere at the zenith angles of 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 75°. The difference between the computed apparent and vertical cutoff rigidities reaches ∼1 GV at rigidities >7–8 GV. At rigidities of 10–16 GV, the difference between the apparent and vertical cutoff rigidities is larger than that obtained earlier by Clem et al. [Clem, J.M., Bieber, J.W., Duldig, M., Evenson, P., Hall, D., Humble, J.E. Contribution of obliquely incident particles to neutron monitor counting rate. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 26919–26926, 1997.] and Dorman et al. [Dorman, L.I., Villoresi, G., Iucci, N., Parisi, M., Tyasto, M.I., Danilova, O.A., Ptitsyna, N.G. Cosmic ray survey to Antarctica and coupling functions for neutron component near solar minimum (1996–1997), 3. Geomagnetic effects and coupling functions. J. Geophys. Res. 105, 21047–21056, 2000.].  相似文献   
The Arecibo Observatory (18°N, 66°W) has the world’s largest single dish antenna (300 m diameter). Beyond radio astronomy it can also operate as an incoherent scatter radar and in that mode its figure-of-merit makes it also one of the most powerful world-wide. For the present purpose all electron density data available on the web, from the beginning with the first erratic measurements in 1966 up to 2004 inclusive, were downloaded. The measurements range from about 100 km to beyond 700 km and are essentially evenly distributed, i.e. not dedicated to measure specific geophysical events. From manually edited/inspected data a neural network (NN) was established with season, hour of the day, solar activity and Kp as the input parameters. The performance of this model is checked against a – likewise NN based – global model of foF2, a measure of the maximum electron density of the ionosphere. Considering the diverse data sources and assumptions of the two models it can be concluded that they agree remarkably well.  相似文献   
在简介MIMO-OFDM系统基本原理的基础上,讨论天线单元的耦合和激励对MIMO-OFDM系统抗干扰性能的影响。采用MVDR波束形成算法,通过仿真例子可以看出,当天线单元实际存在互耦和激励误差时天线的抗干扰性能较理想情况会有所下降,表明要充分保持MIMO-OFDM的抗干扰性能需要考虑互耦效应和激励误差。  相似文献   
In this paper we intend to enlarge the fof2 long-term prediction accuracy taking into account the systematic variations of the hysteresis and secular-time phenomena.  相似文献   
聚焦透镜天线焦斑宽度估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据惠更斯-菲涅耳原理,通过简单的推导,得出聚焦透镜天线焦平面上焦斑宽度的近似计算公式,并讨论了与焦平面平行的平面上的焦斑场.为证明该方法的计算精度及效率,设计了一个Ka波段聚焦透镜天线,并加工了两个天线样品进行比较.对两天线进行了平面近场扫描测试,采用近似公式计算得到的Ka波段聚焦透镜天线半功率点宽度与实验数据接近,表明文中给出的公式有一定工程参考作用.   相似文献   
A procedure based on the envelope concept of differential geometry is described that permits the reconstruction of the contour of a smooth, moving, conducting target, satisfying the geometrical optics approximation. The target reflections are assumed to be specular in nature with either one reflection point or multiple resolvable reflection points. The time variation of the range to the reflection point of the target (assumed derivable from a high-resolution radar) and the general motion of the target (assumed derivable from tracking or trajectory information) are employed to reconstruct the contour of that portion of the assumed target surface that is illuminated by the radar. The reconstruction is accomplished by the simultaneous solution of two nonlinear differential equations which are derived using the envelope concept of differential geometry. Several reconstruction examples based on computer analysis are presented which indicate the results obtainable using this method.  相似文献   
Results of detailed computer simulations of mass loss from a cataclysmic variable secondary are presented. The calculations involve solution of the nonlinear hydrodynamical equations of stellar structure under varying degrees of approximation in an attempt to determine stability of the mass loss process. For comparison with previous theoretical studies dynamical sequences were computed assuming spherically symmetric mass loss from the secondary. The assumption of spherical symmetry is very poor since nearly all of the transferred material is lost within a small region about the inner Lagrangian point. Dynamical sequences treating only the region near the Lagrangian point were constructed in a manner consistent with the assumption of Roche geometry. Finally the effects of mass flow nonorthogonal to the Roche equipotential surfaces were treated in a very simple way. The last generalization produces stable mass loss in a model which was unstable for the less realistic approximation schemes. The finding of stable mass transfer implies that instability of the secondary star is not the mechanism leading to cataclysmic variable outbursts. This conclusion is consistent with published observations of dwarf novae made just prior to outburst.A detailed account of this study will be published elsewhere.Now at National Center for Atmospheric Research, P. O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307  相似文献   
The properties of an adaptive array antenna, including transient response rate and control loop noise, depend on the intensity of the external noise field. This dependence can be reduced by envelope hard limiting in the control loops, without degrading the performance of the adaptive array.  相似文献   
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