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Most of the southern hemisphere of Mars is densely cratered and stands 1–3 km above the topographic datum. The northern hemisphere is more sparsely cratered and elevations are generally below the datum. A broad rise, the Tharsis bulge, centered at 14° S, 101° W, is 8000 km across and 10 km above the datum at its summit. The densely cratered terrain has two main components; very ancient crust, nearly saturated with large craters, and younger intercrater plains. In many areas the older unit is fractured and extensively dissected by small channels. The younger intercrater plains are distinctly layered in places and less dissected, less fractured, and less cratered. Both units probably date from very early in the planet's history. Cratered plains cover much of the northern hemisphere and are highly variegated. Those around the large volcanoes are covered with numerous volcanic flows whereas in other areas the plains are featureless except for craters and lunar mare-like ridges. Between 40° N and 60° N the plains are complex with various kinds of striped and patterned ground, low escarpments, and isolated irregularly shaped mesas. Their peculiar morphology has been attributed, in part, to the repeated deposition and removal of volatile-rich debris layers. Along the boundary between the northern plains and the densely cratered terrain to the south, the plains and cratered terrain complexly inter-finger. The old terrain forms the high ground and appears to have undergone mass wasting on a large scale. In several areas, particularly south of Chryse Planitia, the old, cratered surface has collapsed to form chaotic terrain. Large channels, tens of kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers long, with numerous characteristics suggestive of catastrophic flooding, commonly emerge from the chaotic areas. Much of the area between 50° W and 180° W and 50° N and 50° S is cut by fractures radial to the center of the Tharsis bulge. The equatorial canyon system, Valles Marineris, is radial to the bulge and appears to have formed largely by faulting along the radial fractures, although it has also been extensively modified by various mass wasting and fluvial processes. Most but not all volcanoes are in the Tharsis and Elysium regions. The largest resemble terrestrial shield volcanoes except for scale; the edifices, flow features and calderas are all far larger than their terrestrial counterparts. Most impact craters on Mars are surrounded by layers of ejecta, each with a distil ridge. This unique morphology coupled with other surface characteristics suggests large amounts of ground ice. Layered deposits at both poles appear to be relatively young, volatile-rich, aeolian deposits. The north pole is also surrounded by a continuous belt of dunes several tens of kilometers across. In most other places, aeolian modification of the surface at a scale of several tens of meters appears slight despite annual global dust storms.  相似文献   
The availability of water-ice at the surface in the Mars polar cap and within the top meter of the high-latitude regolith raises the question of whether liquid water can exist there under some circumstances and possibly support the existence of biota. We examine the minimum temperatures at which liquid water can exist at ice grain-dust grain and ice grain-ice grain contacts, the minimum subfreezing temperatures at which terrestrial organisms can grow or multiply, and the maximum temperatures that can occur in martian high-latitude and polar regions, to see if there is overlap. Liquid water can exist at grain contacts above about -20 degrees C. Measurements of growth in organisms isolated from Siberian permafrost indicate growth at -10 degrees C and metabolism at -20 degrees C. Mars polar and high-latitude temperatures rise above -20 degrees C at obliquities greater than ~40 degrees, and under some conditions rise above 0 degrees C. Thus, the environment in the Mars polar regions has overlapped habitable conditions within relatively recent epochs, and Mars appears to be on the edge of being habitable at present. The easy accessibility of the polar surface layer relative to the deep subsurface make these viable locations to search for evidence of life.  相似文献   
House CH 《Astrobiology》2003,3(2):245-247
When applied to the Colorado Plateau miner population, the two-stage clonal expansion (TSCE) model of radiation carcinogenesis predicts that radiation-induced promotion dominates radiation-induced initiation. Thus, according to the model, at least for alpha-particle radiation from inhaled radon daughters, lung cancer induction over long periods of protracted irradiation appears to be dominated by radiation-induced modification of the proliferation kinetics of already-initiated cells rather than by direct radiation-induced initiation (i.e., mutation) of normal cells. We explore the possible consequences of this result for radiation exposures to space travelers on long missions. Still unknown is the LET dependence of this effect. Speculations of the cause of this phenomenon include the suggestion that modification of cell kinetics is caused by a "bystander" effect, i.e., the traversal of normal cells by alpha particles, followed by the signaling of these cells to nearby initiated cells which then modify their proliferation kinetics.  相似文献   
Education and public outreach are viewed by NASA as significant undertakings for all of its space missions. The IMAGE satellite is one of the first missions to explicitly include `E&PO in its original proposal to NASA in 1996. We will discuss what IMAGE has accomplished in this area to date, and what new activities it will conduct following a successful launch.  相似文献   
The goal of the Kinelite Project is to develop a space qualified motion analysis system to be used in space by the scientific community, mainly to support neuroscience protocols. The measurement principle of the Kinelite is to determine, by triangulation mean, the 3D position of small, lightweight, reflective markers positioned at the different points of interest. The scene is illuminated by Infra Red flashes and the reflected light is acquired by up to 8 precalibrated and synchronized CCD cameras. The main characteristics of the system are: Camera field of view: 45 degrees; Number of cameras: 2 to 8; Acquisition frequency: 25, 50, 100, or 200 Hz; CCD format: 256 x 256; Number of markers: up to 64; 3D accuracy: 2mm; Main dimensions: 45 cm x 45 cm x 30 cm; Mass: 23 kg; Power consumption: less than 200 W. The Kinelite will first fly aboard the NASA Spacelab; it will be used, during the NEUROLAB mission (4/98), to support the "Frames of References and Internal Models" (Principal Investigator: Pr. A. Berthoz, Co Investigators: J. McIntyre, F. Lacquaniti).  相似文献   
The rapid rotation of the gas giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, leads to the formation of magnetodisc regions in their magnetospheric environments. In these regions, relatively cold plasma is confined towards the equatorial regions, and the magnetic field generated by the azimuthal (ring) current adds to the planetary dipole, forming radially distended field lines near the equatorial plane. The ensuing force balance in the equatorial magnetodisc is strongly influenced by centrifugal stress and by the thermal pressure of hot ion populations, whose thermal energy is large compared to the magnitude of their centrifugal potential energy. The sources of plasma for the Jovian and Kronian magnetospheres are the respective satellites Io (a volcanic moon) and Enceladus (an icy moon). The plasma produced by these sources is globally transported outwards through the respective magnetosphere, and ultimately lost from the system. One of the most studied mechanisms for this transport is flux tube interchange, a plasma instability which displaces mass but does not displace magnetic flux—an important observational constraint for any transport process. Pressure anisotropy is likely to play a role in the loss of plasma from these magnetospheres. This is especially the case for the Jovian system, which can harbour strong parallel pressures at the equatorial segments of rotating, expanding flux tubes, leading to these regions becoming unstable, blowing open and releasing their plasma. Plasma mass loss is also associated with magnetic reconnection events in the magnetotail regions. In this overview, we summarise some important observational and theoretical concepts associated with the production and transport of plasma in giant planet magnetodiscs. We begin by considering aspects of force balance in these systems, and their coupling with the ionospheres of their parent planets. We then describe the role of the interaction between neutral and ionized species, and how it determines the rate at which plasma mass and momentum are added to the magnetodisc. Following this, we describe the observational properties of plasma injections, and the consequent implications for the nature of global plasma transport and magnetodisc stability. The theory of the flux tube interchange instability is reviewed, and the influences of gravity and magnetic curvature on the instability are described. The interaction between simulated interchange plasma structures and Saturn’s moon Titan is discussed, and its relationship to observed periodic phenomena at Saturn is described. Finally, the observation, generation and evolution of plasma waves associated with mass loading in the magnetodisc regions is reviewed.  相似文献   
On the basis of generalization of the results of extensive trajectory calculations for trial charged particles moving in the geomagnetic field the method of calculation of effective vertical cutoff rigidity, taking into account the values of K p -index and local time, is developed. The IGRF and Tsyganenko-89 models are used for the geomagnetic field. A comparison of the results of model simulations with the experimental data on penetration of charged particles into near-Earth space is made, and penetration functions for typical spacecraft orbits are calculated.  相似文献   
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