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Composition and gas density measurement at all altitudes in the atmospheres of earth and other planets are made by mass spectrometers. Because of the impartiality and large dynamic range they are particularly favored for exploratory missions. Measurements of trace constituents, inert gases and height profiles, especially below clouds, are objectives where mass spectrometry is most useful. Significant advances have been made in recent years in development of light weight automated instruments. Experiments conducted in rarified atmospheres have been more successful or results were less controversial than in attempts to analyze high pressure atmospheres. Gas sampling and conditioning techniques are highly specific because of measurement environments and engineering constraints on the mission, and are usually the most critical elements in the experiment. Chemical sample enrichment and scrubbing for noble gas enhancement are additional sample conditioning techniques now employed. Dynamic range of more than 108 is achievable. Reliable measurements of complex organic or chemically active trace constituents with mixing ratios of less than 10?9 still require significant instrument development particularly where weight, power and sampling time are severely restricted. Adaptation of familiar and proven laboratory techniques for flight instruments is usually not straightforward and practical.  相似文献   
A body of techniques that have been developed and planned for use during the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE), the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP), and related climate experiments of the 1980's are reviewed. Validation and verification methods must apply for systems of satellites. They include: (1) use of a normalization or intercalibration satellite, (2) special intensive observation areas located over ground-truth sites, and (3) monitoring of sun and earth by several satellites and/or several instruments at the same time. Since each climate application area has a hierarchy of user communities, validation techniques vary from very detailed methods to those that simply assure high relative accuracy in detecting space and time variations for climate studies. It is shown that climate experiments generally require more emphasis on long-term stability and internal consistency of satellite data sets than high absolute accuracy.  相似文献   
Two special measurements of the energy exchange between earth and space were made in connection with the FGGE. A global monitoring program using wide-field-of-view and scanner detectors from NASA's NIMBUS-7 satellite successfully returned measurements during the entire FGGE. This experiment system also used a black cavity detector to measure the total energy output of the sun to very high precision. A second set of high frequency time and space estimates of the radiation budget were determined from selected geostationary satellite data. Preliminary results from both radiation budget data sets and the solar “constant” measurements will be presented.  相似文献   
The global developments of the stratospheric events (~20–50 km) are briefly described using balloon and satellite data. Winds data from L.F. drift (52°N, 15°E, Europe) for heights of 90–100 km, and from M.F. radar (52°N, 107°W, Canada) for heights of 60–110 km are then compared with the stratospheric morphology.Data for 1982/3 and 1983/4 show that the planetary wave activity and warmings produced strong westward and southward perturbations in the radar winds. Satellite data from 0.1, 0.01 hPa are consistent with these winds; and also show smaller scale structures in the mesosphere than the stratosphere. The semi-diurnal tide responded strongly to the atmospheric disturbances in Europe and Canada: for the latter vertical wavelength changes occurred for heights of 70–100 km. However the correlation between these tidal fluctuations was not high indicating that the tidal adjustments were continental rather than hemispheric.  相似文献   
A small, vibration- and shock-resistant thermoluminescent dosemeter /TLD/ system--named PILLE--was developed at the Health Physics Department of the Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest, to measure the cosmic radiation dose on board orbital stations. The first on-board measurements with this system were performed /by B. Farkas, the Hungarian astronaut/, on the Salyut-6 space station in 1980. The same instrument was used by other crews in the following years. Doses measured at different sites in Salyut-6 are presented. The dose rates varied from 0.07 to 0.11 mGy.day-1. After the first cosmic measurements, the system was further developed. The minimum detectable dose of the new TLD system is 1 microGy, i.e. less by on order of magnitude than that of the former system. The self-irradiation dose rate of the TLD bulbs is also reduced--by more than one order of magnitude--to 10 nGy.h-1, by the use of potassium-free glass for the bulb envelope. This new type of PILLE TLD system is currently on-board Salyut-7. The dose rates /0.12-0.23 mGy.day-1/ measured in 1983 are presented in detail.  相似文献   
Diiminosuccinonitrile (DISN) has been investigated as a potential prebiotic phosphorylating agent. It is formed readily by the oxidation of diaminomaleonitrile (DAMN), a tetramer of HCN. DISN effects the cyclization of 3'-adenosine monophosphate to adenosine 2',3'-cyclic phosphace in up to 40% yield. The DISN-mediated phosphorylation of uridine to uridine mono-phosphate does not proceed efficiently in aqueous solution. The reaction of DISN and BrCN with uridine-5'-phosphate and uridine results in the formation of 2,2'-anhydronucleotides and 2,2'-anhydronucleosides respectively, and other reaction products resulting from an initial reaction at the 2'- and 3'-hydroxyl groups. The clay mineral catalysis of the cyclization of adenosine-3'-phosphate was investigated using homoionic montmorillonites.  相似文献   
During the summer of 1979, solar coronal structure was such that a sequence of recurrent regions produced a corresponding sequence of corotating solar wind streams, with pronounced downstream signatures. One of these stream events passed Earth on July 3, and was observed later at Venus late on July 11th, with similar characteristics. Corresponding in-situ measurements at Earth from the Atmospheric Explorer-E satellite and at Venus from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter are examined for evidence of comparable perturbations of the planetary ionospheres. The passage of the stream shock front is found to be associated with pronounced fluctuations in n(0+) which appear as pronounced local depletion of ion concentrations in both ionospheres. The ionosphere disturbances appear to be closely associated with large variations in the solar wind momentum flux. The implied local ionospheric depletions observed at each planet are interpreted to be the consequence of plasma redistribution, rather than actual depletions of plasma.  相似文献   
Structural features of germanium-silicon solid solution crystals have been investigated and silicon distribution in the crystals has been studied. All the crystals obtained under microgravity had, in spite of good external shape and facetting, a poorer internal structure than those obtained on Earth. The distribution of silicon have been shown to be non-uniform. High dislocation densities were observed.  相似文献   
Cross Polarization in Radomes: A Program for Its Computation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study is made of transmission by radomes, with particular reference to cross polarization, and of the consequent radiation patterns of the radome with its aerial for both linear and circular polarizations. The work is embodied in a computer program which considers a scanner of specifiable size, position, and power distribution at different orientations inside a multilayer radome of given dimensions, class of shape, and construction in terms of the number and properties of its layers. Initially, rays are traced from points on the scanner, and details of their paths and propagation are presented in tables of preliminary results; later, diffraction theory is used. Polar diagrams of cross polarization, of main beam, etc., are presented in final tables for the system. Nearly all the parameters are specifiable, and so the program has reasonably general applicability, and it can also assess the effects of bandwidth, tapering of layer thickness, complex permittivity, and other parameters of the system.  相似文献   
Recent successes in the effort to miniaturize spacecraft components using MEMS technology, integrated passive components, and low power electronics have driven the need for very low power, low profile, low mass micro-power sources for micro/nanospacecraft applications. Recent work at JPL has focused upon developing thin film/micro-batteries compatible with temperature sensitive substrates. A process to prepare crystalline LiCoO2 films with RF sputtering and moderate (<700°C) annealing temperature has been developed. Thin film batteries with cathode films prepared with this process have specific capacities approaching the practical limit for LiCoO2, with acceptable rate capabilities and discharge voltage profiles. Solid-state micro-scale batteries have also been fabricated with feature sizes on the order of 50 microns  相似文献   
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