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回顾世界无线电通信大会对卫星广播业务规划修改的历程,并以国际电联的相关建议为基础,通过对实例的分析、比较,认为空间业务极化方式的选择应综合考虑载波的传输特性、空间业务的继承性、《无线电规则》的相关条款、是否有利于网络的兼容性以及易于用户接收设备的安装等因素。  相似文献   
以汽轮机700mm扭叶片为对象,在XK5040数控机床上,进行了型面误差在线检测的研究。  相似文献   
The event of 2009–2011 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) provides an opportunity to gain insight into the biological variability of the equatorial Pacific Ocean for an entire ENSO cycle with satellite and in situ observations. Even though El Niño and La Niña in general led to respectively weakened and enhanced chlorophyll-a concentration and net primary production (NPP) along the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the 2009–2011 ENSO cycle, biological responses were highly disparate along the equator and attributed to different driving mechanisms. In the eastern equatorial Pacific east of 150°E, the El Niño-La Niña biological change was in general small except for the transition period even though sea surface temperature (SST) showed over ∼5 °C drop from El Niño to La Niña. In the central-eastern (170°W–140°W) equatorial Pacific, moderate change of biological activity is attributed to the changes of thermocline driven by the eastward propagating equatorial Kelvin waves and changes of zonal currents and undercurrents. Highest biological response in this ENSO cycle was located in the central (170°E–170°W) and central-western (150°E–170°E) equatorial Pacific with quadruple chlorophyll-a concentration and over ∼400 mg C m−2 d−1 increase of NPP from El Niño in 2009 to La Niña in 2010. However, spatial pattern of ENSO biological variability as represented with NPP is not exactly the same as chlorophyll-a variability. Wind-driving mixing of nutrients and eastward advection of the oligotrophic warm pool waters are attributed to this significant biological variability in this region.  相似文献   
Pinpoint landing (within 100 m from the target) is essential for future Mars exploration missions. This paper deals with one aspect of the pinpoint landing architecture—the navigation performance improvement during the powered descent phase, and proposes an innovative navigation scheme to obtain the vehicle complete and accurate states. On the basis of dead reckoning relying on the Inertial Measurement Unit, measurements of the Integrated Doppler Radar are adopted to correct the vehicle velocity and altitude. Distance between the vehicle and one Mars Orbiter as well as their line-of-sight relative velocity is measured by a radio sensor, and integrated in the filter to correct the vehicle horizontal position. The innovative navigation system is based on an Extend Kalman Filter. Two observation schemes are developed. One considers measurements of the Integrated Doppler Radar and radio range measurement. Another further considers radio velocity measurement. The performance of the innovative navigation scheme is greatly influenced by the position of the Mars Orbiter with respect to the target. Stochastic analyses are performed to obtain optimal locations of Mars Orbiter. Finally, the innovative navigation scheme performances are assessed through stochastic simulations. Its performance improvements are demonstrated by comparison with the Integrated Doppler Radar only navigation scheme.  相似文献   
辐射发射参考源是在对EMC测试系统进行比对测试和定期场地校验时必不可少的设备,介绍了辐射发射参考源的原理和特点、各种实现方式、国内外应用概况及其稳定性考核措施。  相似文献   
以北斗卫星导航系统三频双差为基础探讨了组合观测值及误差,针对以往采用聚类方法在研究GPS三频组合数据过程中的不足,提出了基于距离修正的增量模糊C均值算法.通过调节因子有效地修正了样本中心与聚类中心的距离,获得合理的隶属度,从而得到正确的分类;构造了基于距离修正的聚类有效性指标,自动获取最佳聚类数,避免了人为确定聚类数的不合理性;在此基础上引入增量的思想,数据增加时以原有的数据集为基础,根据阈值进行归类,不需要重新进行初始计算.通过矩阵变换法及实例验证了该方法的可行性和可靠性.  相似文献   
屋面现浇板裂缝的防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从设计、施工、材料、气候等多方面分析现浇板裂缝产生的原因,并总结一些防治措施。  相似文献   
本文研究了面内强磁场环境下铁磁板壳的自由振动问题。基于Eringen-Maugin的关于磁弹性作用的理性力学模型,从理论上推导了一般壳体在磁场中的运动方程,进而求解了面内强磁场作用下的小磁化率悬臂铁磁薄板自由振动频率。数值计算结果表明,本文模型和已有的实验结果吻合很好。  相似文献   
航空发动机双转子系统的拍振分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
韩军  高德平  胡绚  陈高杰 《航空学报》2007,28(6):1369-1373
 在双转子航空发动机中,由于转子系统不可避免地存在不平衡量,当两个转子的转速比较接近时,发动机会出现拍振现象,拍振将引起振动强度过大问题。对双转子系统的拍振进行了研究,分析了拍振的周期性、信号强度及其反向转子特性,阐明了拍振产生的机理和特征,并采用数值仿真和试验对拍振进行了定量分析和验证。研究表明,拍振与双转子转速差和不平衡量的相位因素有关,当转速差小于工作转速的20%时,双转子系统拍振信号的强度较大。  相似文献   
为了探讨漩涡发生器(简称V.G)对燃油喷嘴雾化性能的影响,利用Gambit分别建立了原型喷嘴、加装2个漩涡发生器和加装4个漩涡发生器喷嘴的模型,并利用FLUENT软件进行了数值模拟,得到了三种模型的出口流场分布图。计算结果表明:在相同燃油压力下,加装漩涡发生器可以加快射流的混合速度,其中加装4个漩涡发生器的喷嘴的加速掺混能力最高,加装2个的其次,但仍比"原型"的情况有明显的改善;当燃油压力改变时,掺混能力会随着燃油压力的提高而提高。  相似文献   
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