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Sharp (<10 min) and large (>20%) solar wind ion flux changes are common phenomena in turbulent solar wind plasma. These changes are the boundaries of small- and middle-scale solar wind plasma structures which can have a significant influence on Earth’s magnetosphere. These solar wind ion flux changes are typically accompanied by only a small change in the bulk solar wind velocity, hence, the flux changes are driven mainly by plasma density variations. We show that these events occur more frequently in high-density solar wind. A characteristic of solar wind turbulence, intermittency, is determined for time periods with and without these flux changes. The probability distribution functions (PDF) of solar wind ion flux variations for different time scales are calculated for each of these periods and compared. For large time scales, the PDFs are Gaussian for both data sets. For small time scales, the PDFs from both data set are more flat than Gaussian, but the degree of flatness is much larger for the data near the sharp flux change boundaries.  相似文献   
Itapetinga measurements at 48 GHz with the multibeam technique are used to determine the relative position of solar burst centroid of emission with high spatial accuracy and time resolution. For the Great Bursts of October 19,22, 1989, with a large production of relativistic particles, and October 23, it is suggested that, at 48 GHz, the bursts might have originated in more then one source in space and time. Additionally the October 19 and 22 Ground Level Events exhibited very unusual intensity-time profiles including double component structures for the onset phase. The Bern observatory spectral radio emission data show a strong spectral flattening typical for large source inhomogeneties. The interpretation for this is that large solar flares are a superposition of a few strong bursts (separated both in space and time) in the same flaring region.  相似文献   
Initial results of a combined study of electron events using the 3DP experiment on the WIND spacecraftand the Nançay Radioheliograph (NRH) are presented. A total of 57 electron events whose solar release time could be inferred from WIND/3DP observations occurred during NRH observing times. In 40 of them a distinct signature was detected in maps at decimetric and metric wavelengths (dm-m-λ) taken by the NRH. These events are equally distributed among two categories: (1) Electron release together with dm-m-λ bursts of a few minutes duration: these events are also accompanied by decametric-hectometric type III bursts seen by WAVES/WIND. They correspond to the well-known impulsive electron events. (2) Electron release during long duration (several tens of minutes) dm-m-λ emission: the electrons are most often released more than ten minutes after the start of the radio event. In the majority of cases the dm-m-λ radio source changes position, size, and/or intensity near the time of electron release.  相似文献   
The Antarctic Laboratory for Cosmic Rays (LARC, acronym for Laboratorio Antartico per i Raggi Cosmici or Laboratorio Antártico para Rayos Cósmicos) operates on King George Island (South Shetlands). Since January 1991 a standard 6NM-64 detector has been recording continuous cosmic ray measurements and several Ground-Level Enhancements have been registered. Here we describe the different phases performed in Italy for the realization of a 3NM-64_3He detector, which started its measurements during the Italian XXII Antarctic Summer Campaign. Data recorded during solar activity cycle 24 will furnish an useful research tool for the next Solar Extreme Events.  相似文献   
The 22 min long decimetric type IV radio event observed during the decay phase of the June 6, 2000 flare simultaneously by the Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS) and the Ond?ejov radiospectrograph in frequency range 1200–4500 MHz has been analyzed. We have found that the characteristic periods of about 60 s belong to the long-period spectral component of the fast wave trains with a tadpole pattern in their wavelet power spectra. We have detected these trains in the whole frequency range 1200–4500 MHz. The behavior of individual wave trains at lower frequencies is different from that at higher frequencies. These individual wave trains have some common as well as different properties. In this paper, we focus on two examples of wave trains in a loop segment and the main statistical parameters in their wavelet power and global spectra are studied and discussed.  相似文献   
Stochastic acceleration in the heliosheath appears to be a likely mechanism by which Anomalous Cosmic Rays (ACRs) are accelerated. However, most stochastic acceleration mechanisms are not appropriate. The energy density in the ACRs and in the interstellar pickup ions out of which the ACRs are accelerated greatly exceeds the energy density in the turbulence in the heliosheath. Thus, a traditional stochastic acceleration mechanism in which particles are accelerated by damping the turbulence will not work. A stochastic acceleration mechanism has been developed in which the total energy of the pickup ions and the ACRs is conserved. Energy is redistributed from the core pickup ions into a suprathermal tail to create the ACRs. A model for the acceleration of the ACRs in the heliosheath, based on this stochastic acceleration mechanism, is presented. The model provides reasonable fits to the spectra of suprathermal particles and ACRs observed by Voyager.  相似文献   
Since 1954 a research team (called SVIRCO) has been performing measurements of cosmic rays in Rome at La Sapienza University till 1997 and then at Roma Tre University. The experimental work carried out over more than 50 years is summarized in this paper. It describes: the early history of SVIRCO, the evolution from SVIRCO station to SVIRCO observatory, land and sea cosmic-ray surveys and the mini-network of neutron monitors, operating inside the world-wide network of cosmic ray detectors.  相似文献   
In this investigation, we present and discuss the response of the ionospheric F-region in the South American and East Asian sectors during an intense geomagnetic storm in August 2005. The geomagnetic storm studied reached a minimum Dst of −216 nT at 12:00 UT on 24 August. In this work ionospheric sounding data obtained of 24, 25, and 26 August 2005 at Palmas (PAL; 10.2° S, 48.2° W; dip latitude 6.6° S), São José dos Campos (SJC, 23.2° S, 45.9° W; dip latitude 17.6° S), Brazil, Ho Chi Minh City, (HCM; 10.5° N, 106.3° E; dip latitude 2.9° N), Vietnam, Okinawa (OKI; 26.3° N, 127.8° E; dip latitude 21.2° N), Japan, are presented. Also, the GPS observations obtained at different stations in the equatorial and low-latitude regions in the Brazilian sector are presented. On the night of 24–25 August 2005, the h′F variations show traveling ionospheric disturbances associated with Joule heating in the auroral zone from SJC to PAL. The foF2 variations show a positive storm phase on the night of 24–25 August at PAL and SJC during the recovery phase. Also, the GPS-VTEC observations at several stations in the Brazilian sector show a fairly similar positive storm phase on 24 August. During the fast decrease of Dst (between 10:00 and 11:00 UT) on 24 August, there is a prompt penetration of electric field of magnetospheric origin that result in abrupt increase (∼12:00 UT) in foF2 at PAL, SJC (Brazil) and OKI (Japan) and in VTEC at IMPZ, BOMJ, PARA and SMAR (Brazil). OKI showed strong oscillations of the F-region on the night 24 August resulted to the propagation of traveling atmospheric disturbances (TADs) by Joule heating in the auroral region. These effects result a strong positive observed at OKI station. During the daytime on 25 August, in the recovery phase, the foF2 observations showed positive ionospheric storm at HCM station. Some differences in the latitudinal response of the F-region is also observed in the South American and East Asian sectors.  相似文献   
Space radiation has been monitored successfully using the Radiation Risks Radiometer-Dosimeter (R3D) installed at the ESA EXPOSE-R (R3DR) facility outside of the Russian Zvezda module of the International Space Station (ISS) between March 2009 and January 2011. R3DR is a Liulin type spectrometer–dosimeter with a single Si PIN detector 2 cm2 of area and 0.3 mm thick. The R3DR instrument accumulated about 2 million measurements of the absorbed dose rate and flux of 10 s resolution. The total external and internal shielding before the detector of R3DR device is 0.41 g cm−2. The calculated stopping energy of normally incident particles to the detector is 0.78 MeV for electrons and 15.8 MeV for protons. After the Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) at 09:54 UTC on 3 April 2010, a shock was observed at the ACE spacecraft at 0756 UTC on 5 April, which led to a sudden impulse on Earth at 08:26 UTC. Nevertheless, while the magnetic substorms on 5 and 6 of April were moderate; the second largest in history of GOES fluence of electrons with energy >2 MeV was measured. The R3DR data show a relatively small amount of relativistic electrons on 5 April. The maximum dose rate of 2323 μGy day−1 was reached on 7 April; by 9 April, a dose of 6600 μGy was accumulated. By the end of the period on 7 May 2010 a total dose of 11,587 μGy was absorbed. Our data were compared with AE-8 MIN, CRESS and ESA-SEE1 models using SPENVIS and with similar observations on American, Japanese and Russian satellites.  相似文献   
Geomagnetic storm sudden commencements (SSC) contain a wealth of information which is useful in many applications. It is important to point out that the SSCs used in this study are sampled at the rate of one sample per second in order get use of such high resolution data. In this paper, two studies are made on the geomagnetic SSC and an SSC onset automatic detection algorithm is introduced. The first study is about finding the relationship between the SSC rise time and its amplitude. Where it is found that there is a positive correlation between the amplitude and the amplitude gradient which is the amplitude divided by rise time. The second study is checking the spectrum of the SSC, starting from its onset until the end of the SSC rise time. This check had proved that the SSC contains both low and high frequency regions. This led us to introduce a new term, namely the SSC variation rate (VR). This VR is defined as the maximum rate of change of the field in the higher-frequency region of the SSC. These two studies were the guide to build an SSC automatic detector of one sample per second data using multi resolution analysis (MRA) of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The data set contains 134 SSCs with different VRs that were collected from the Circum-pan Pacific Magnetometer Network (CPMN). It is found that the standard deviation of the detection error is 41 s and that the average error is 9 s. From the calculated error distribution function, it is found that the detection error is within the range of −1.5 to 3 min. The detection process, as will be shown in the article, takes 70 s for one station and 3 min if the decision is related to the detection(s) of other stations. These results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm over other algorithms in which the detection error ranges between −8 and 5 min and the detection process takes 2–10 min. In addition to being faster and more accurate than the other algorithms, the proposed algorithm is the first algorithm that automatically detects the SSC onset times from high-resolution data unlike previous studies that focused on determining the SSC times automatically using one-minute resolution data.  相似文献   
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