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Two experiments examined cue reliance and risk-taking during desktop virtual wayfinding, and how they might be modulated by personality traits and external stressors. Participants navigated a series of virtual buildings and we manipulated the strength of probabilistic cues available to guide turn decisions. Navigators frequently discounted probabilistic cues and instead took risks, particularly when costs were low and potential benefits were high. Risk-taking was predicted by higher sense of direction and lower need for structure. Introducing a time stressor lowered risk-taking, with a higher relative reliance on probability-based information. This was most pronounced in females and those with a high need for structure. Results provide novel evidence that spatial cue reliance is modulated by individual differences and contextual constraints.  相似文献   
A relatively general formulation for studying the dynamics and control of an arbitrary spacecraft with interconnected flexible bodies has been developed accounting for transient system properties, shift in the center of mass, shear deformations, rotary inertias and geometric nonlinearities. This self-contained, comprehensive, numerical algorithm using system modes is applicable to a large class of spacecraft configurations of contemporary and future interests. Here, versatility of the approach is demonstrated through the dynamics and control studies aimed at the evolving Space Station Freedom.  相似文献   
In order to observe exoplanets we propose a space-based achromatic stellar coronagraph combined with a 0.8–1.5 m telescope. We develop an achromatic common path interferometer for observing an exoplanet (a faint off-axis source) on the background of a hoste star (bright axial source). An image of the star and its copy acquire an achromatic phase shift by 180° and interfere in antiphase. The achromatic phase shift is caused by geometric phase in the scheme of a three-dimensional interferometer. The interference process divides spatially the dark and light fields of the star image redirecting them to the opposite sides of a beam splitter. The interference process does not weaken the image of a planet, with equal intensities it is redirected to both sides of a beam splitter. The suggested scheme of common path interferometer ensures mechanical stability. The background signal is experimentally demonstrated to be reduced by six orders of magnitude.  相似文献   
Pozzo T  Berthoz A  Popov C 《Acta Astronautica》1995,36(8-12):727-732
Here are reported preliminary results of the “Synergy” experiment performed aboard the Russian orbital station “MIR” in July 1993 (Altaïr Mission). The experiment was carried out before, during, and after the space flight of two astronauts (S1 and S2). The duration of the flight was 21 days for S1 and 6 month for S2. The subjects were tested during preflight, inflight and postflight. The astronaut subjects were fixed on the ground by the feet. They were asked to pick up a box in front of them on the ground. Two velocities of movement and two distances of the target to be reached were tested. The movement of several small markers placed on the body was recorded on video tape.

Results show that the shape of head and hand trajectories in the sagittal plane remains roughly the same during the flight in spite of the modification of mechanical constraints. Trajectory invariance does not result in joint angular displacement invariance. These data indicate that the planning of the movement takes place in terms of head and hand trajectories rather than joint rotations as it was previously suggested for simple arm reaching movement.  相似文献   

The constraints imposed on parameters of a force field and of a symmetrical gyrostat in it are determined, at which regular precession of this gyrostat demonstrate Lyapunov stability (or, respectively, instability).  相似文献   
The purpose and scope of the Habitability Research Group within the Space Human Factors Office at the NASA/Ames Research Center is described. Both near-term and long-term research objectives in the space human factors program pertaining to the U.S. manned Space Station are introduced. The concept of habitability and its relevancy to the U.S. space program is defined within a historical context. The relationship of habitability research to the optimization of environmental and operational determinants of productivity is discussed. Ongoing habitability research efforts pertaining to living and working on the Space Station are described.  相似文献   
The paper examines the limitations of quasi-steady autoignition theory in providing information needed for the characterization of autoignition temperature fields. Time-dependent autoignition theory is then utilized to examine the autoignition behavior of a reactive system where both wall catalysis and gas phase kinetic rates are significant. It is found that a diverse range of space-time temperature-composition-pressure histories is possible, depending on the system's thermo-kinetic characteristics.  相似文献   
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