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提出一种调整雷达跟踪通道相移的方法 ,即在雷达天线主面上配置偏馈振子 ,利用偏馈振子做为校准源调整雷达跟踪和 /差通道间的相移 ,并对该方法的可行性、可靠性及稳定性进行了实验研究。  相似文献   
铸造钛合金的氢处理细化晶粒的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了氢处理(渗氢+共析处理+真空除氢)对铸造Ti-6Al-4V合金微观组织的影响。发现Ti-6A1-4V合金渗氢后析出片状的面心立方结构的TiH2相。随含氢量的增加,TiH2相趋于球化。渗氢试样经共析处理后,原晶界α消失,组织转变为α+TiH2共析组织及少量残余β相。真空除氢后,组织变为细小的等轴组织。氢处理提供了一种细化铸造Ti-6Al-4V组织的有效途径。  相似文献   
美国航天飞机主发动机(SSME)的健康监控系统具有目前液体火箭发动机健康监控技术的先进水平.近年来围绕SSME的健康监控问题开展了大量、广泛的研究工作,这些研究标志着液体推进技术的一个新的发展方向.本文综合评述了在这一新的研究领域里所取得的最新进展.  相似文献   
超精密加工中圆度的在线测量与补偿技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合利用微机系统、动态检测、信号处理、微位移等技术,研究开发补偿主轴径向误差运动提高工件圆度的新技术。在国产S1—235超精密车床进行了补偿切削试验,工件圆度改善60%以上,圆度值优于0.05μm。  相似文献   
直升机驾驶人员的可靠性分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据直升机的使用及型号研制中的经验教训,提出了在直升机的可靠性分析中必须考虑人的失误对直升机使用的安全性和可靠性的影响,并根据THERP(Technique for the Human Error Rate Prediction)方法,建立了人的失误的分析和计算程序,最后以直11型机为例详细地说明了THERP方法的应用。  相似文献   
Over the next 2 decades, NASA and ESA are planning a series of space-based observatories to detect and characterize extrasolar planets. This first generation of observatories will not be able to spatially resolve the terrestrial planets detected. Instead, these planets will be characterized by disk-averaged spectroscopy. To assess the detectability of planetary characteristics in disk-averaged spectra, we have developed a spatially and spectrally resolved model of the Earth. This model uses atmospheric and surface properties from existing observations and modeling studies as input, and generates spatially resolved high-resolution synthetic spectra using the Spectral Mapping Atmospheric Radiative Transfer model. Synthetic spectra were generated for a variety of conditions, including cloud coverage, illumination fraction, and viewing angle geometry, over a wavelength range extending from the ultraviolet to the farinfrared. Here we describe the model and validate it against disk-averaged visible to infrared observations of the Earth taken by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer, the ESA Mars Express Omega instrument, and ground-based observations of earthshine reflected from the unilluminated portion of the Moon. The comparison between the data and model indicates that several atmospheric species can be identified in disk-averaged Earth spectra, and potentially detected depending on the wavelength range and resolving power of the instrument. At visible wavelengths (0.4-0.9 microm) O3, H2O, O2, and oxygen dimer [(O2)2] are clearly apparent. In the mid-infrared (5-20 microm) CO2, O3, and H2O are present. CH4, N2O, CO2, O3, and H2O are visible in the near-infrared (1-5 microm). A comprehensive three-dimensional model of the Earth is needed to produce a good fit with the observations.  相似文献   
研究了弹道一升力式载人航天器的再入制导规律和各种再入误差源对其落点的影响。主要包括以下内容:再入纵向制导和侧向制导规律的确定;分析各种单项误差对落点的影响;用MonteCarlo方法模拟各种再入误差源及其对落点偏差的综合影响。通过大量的模拟计算,掌据各种再入误差对落点偏差的影响,提出再入误差应具有的指标要求,并得到一些有益的结论。计算结果表明,确定的制导规律可以达到满意的落点控制效果。  相似文献   
新一代高能固体推进剂的能量分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
冯增国  侯竹林  谭惠民 《推进技术》1992,13(6):66-74,31
根据最小自由能方法,计算分析了叠氮基含能预聚物和高能高密度氧化剂对AP/R-DX/Al/HTPB复合固体推进剂能量特性的影响。GAP、AMMO和BAMO的氮平衡值优于HTP-B,含有叠氮基含能预聚物的复合固体推进剂,其标准理论比冲(I°ss)出现最大值时所对应的RDX含量相应地升高。无论是HTPB,还是GAP、AMMO和BAMO,标准理论比冲和燃温(T_c)在Al含量为18%时都有极大值出现,燃气平均分子量(M(则随着Al含量的增加而增加。减少GAP配方中的AP含量,代之以硝酸酯增塑剂,可显著提高I°ss,与RDX相比,采用高能高密度氧化剂HMX,HHTD和ONC的复合推进剂的最大优势是密度的提高,从而显著地改善了密度比冲。与NEPE高能固体推进剂相比,GAP推进剂在相同的粘合剂体积分数下,标准理论比冲可提高24.5~34.3N·s/kg。而在相同能量特性的情况下,推进剂的粘合剂的体积分数可提高50~65%。因此,叠氮基含能预聚物和高能高密度氧化剂的使用,将代替下一代高能固体推进剂的发展方向。  相似文献   
Radiobiology experiments performed in space will encounter continuous exposures to the cosmic rays and fractionated exposures to trapped protons which accumulate to several hundred dose fractions in a few weeks. Using models of track structure and cellular kinetics combined with models of the radiation environment and radiation transport, we consider calculations of damage rates for cell cultures. Analysis of the role of repair mechanisms for space exposures for the endpoints of survival and transformation is emphasized.  相似文献   
The principal goal of the NASA Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) and European Space Agency's Darwin mission concepts is to directly detect and characterize extrasolar terrestrial (Earthsized) planets. This first generation of instruments is expected to provide disk-averaged spectra with modest spectral resolution and signal-to-noise. Here we use a spatially and spectrally resolved model of a Mars-like planet to study the detectability of a planet's surface and atmospheric properties from disk-averaged spectra. We explore the detectability as a function of spectral resolution and wavelength range, for both the proposed visible coronograph (TPFC) and mid-infrared interferometer (TPF-I/Darwin) architectures. At the core of our model is a spectrum-resolving (line-by-line) atmospheric/surface radiative transfer model. This model uses observational data as input to generate a database of spatially resolved synthetic spectra for a range of illumination conditions and viewing geometries. The model was validated against spectra recorded by the Mars Global Surveyor-Thermal Emission Spectrometer and the Mariner 9-Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer. Results presented here include disk-averaged synthetic spectra, light curves, and the spectral variability at visible and mid-infrared wavelengths for Mars as a function of viewing angle, illumination, and season. We also considered the differences in the spectral appearance of an increasingly ice-covered Mars, as a function of spectral resolution, signal-to-noise and integration time for both TPF-C and TPFI/ Darwin.  相似文献   
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