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A systematic approach for the determination of failure thresholds for hybrid navigation systems is described. Cost functions which reflect the importance assigned to the consequences of false and missed alarms are minimized. The false alarm probability is obtained as a function of the threshold magnitude by observing the statistical behavior of the instrument outputs in the normal operating mode. The missed alarm probability is obtained by determining the sensitivity of navigation error performance to instrument error sources. Two cost functions are considered. To illustrate this method, failure detection and identification (FDI) thresholds are determined for the Space Shuttle Approach and Landing Test flight.  相似文献   
Urkowitz [1]has discussed the detection of a deterministic signal of unknown structure in the presence of flat, band-limited, Gaussian noise of known power density. That analysis is extended here to the case where jamming or other conditions preclude knowledge of the noise power density. The chi-square statistic of Urkowitz is replaced with Fisher's variance-ratio statistic, using a separate set of noise samples to estimate the unknown noise power density. Curves are given to show the additional degradation of perform over that due to ignorance of the signal structure, caused by ignorance of the noise power density.  相似文献   
The results are reported of the ATS-6/GEOS-3 and the ATS-6 NIMBUS-6 satellite-to-satellite orbit determination experiments. NASA intends to use the tracking data relay satellite system for operational orbit determination of NASA satellites. Hence, in the near future, satellite-to-satellite tracking data will be routinely processed to obtain orbits. The satellite-to-satellite tracking system used in the ATS-6/NIMBUS-6 and ATS-6/GEOS-3 experiments performed with a resolution of 1 to 2 m in range and less than 1 mm/s in range rate for a 10-s averaging. A Bayesian least squares estimation technique utilizing independent ranging to the synchronous relay satellite was determined to be the most effective procedure for estimating orbits from satellite-to-satellite tracking data. The use of this technique yields estimates of user satellite orbits which are comparable in accuracy to what is usually obtained from ground based systems.  相似文献   
A train of radar pulses from one resolution cell can be processed coherently to reject echoes from external clutter and detect targets moving radially with respect to the clutter. Optimum methods of signal processing are defined for systems in which the interpulse spacings are multiply staggered to avoid target blind speeds. Likelihood ratio tests are developed for systems in which the target Doppler frequency is known a priori and for systems employing a bank of filters to cover the target Doppler band. To implement such tests, the N pulses in the train are added with complex weights and the amplitude of the sum compared with a detection threshold. The set of weights which maximizes the average signal-to-clutter ratio is also computed for a single-filter system with unknown target Doppler frequency. When the clutter autocorrelation function is exponential, the clutter covariance matrix can be inverted analytically. This latter result is useful for comparing different interpulse-spacing codes for a particular system application.  相似文献   
The design of an adaptive tracking filter control system and its application to large flexible booster vehicles is described. The problem of elastic vehicle stability is considered along with its solution by conventional and adaptive techniques. The improvement in vehicle stability, which may be achieved with the adaptive tracking filter technique as compared to conventional techniques, is shown. The control system evolved uses two adaptive tracking filters to phase stabilize the first and second bending modes, in addition to conventional compensation techniques. The application of this adaptive technique to a vehicle in which the modal frequencies are in close proximity (<2.5 percent separation) is discussed. The mechanization of the adaptive control system involves the selection of design techniques and components that are electrically and physically compatible with the intended airborne application. The development of a suitable frequency tracking technique and tracking filter is described, in addition to the electronic and mechanical design of the adaptive control system prototype.  相似文献   
Knowledge of geomagnetism and its effects was recently much augmented during the IGY; when added to what is known of stellar fields, interplanetary fields, and meteoric magnetism, and combined with magnetic theory, this knowledge not only suggests that much may be learned of our neighbors in space by making an early determination of their magnetic fields, but also provides a foundation for many inferences and rough estimates on the magnetic fields of other solar-system bodies. Present estimates range from 660 cgs for Jupiter to 0.004 for the smaller satellites and the planetoids.  相似文献   
A foremost characteristic of large dot radar angels is the wide variation of basic parameter values which they exhibit. This variation is traceable to the nature of the underlying phenomena, i.e., birds and flocks of birds. In this paper, statistical distribution models for the mean radar cross section (RCS) and density of radar angels are obtained, based on a combination of radar and direct ornithological data. The radar cross-section distribution model has been derived from a dimensionless RCS versus wavelength model for individual birds, obtained from measured RCS data which have been scaled to a dimensionless form. This model is applied to ornithological data on populations of birds. The density distribution model is based on statistical reduction of migratory bird data obtained by Lowery's moon watching experiment, and observed seasonal and diurnal variations of radar angel activity. Both resulting distribution models are closely appproximated by the log-normal distribution. The model parameters for these distributions are given.  相似文献   
A space mission to Jupiter and Saturn, and beyond, provides an opportunity to explore the low energy galactic cosmic rays, which are largely excluded from the inner solar system by the outward sweep of the magnetic fields in the solar wind. The low energy cosmic rays are believed to be responsible for much of the heating of the gaseous disk of the galaxy, so a measurement of their intensity will have far reaching effects on theories of the interstellar gas and the evolution of the galaxy. The nuclear abundances, and in particular the presence or absence of high Z nuclei, will give critical information on the proximity of cosmic ray sources.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   
The commutating impedance of homopolar alternators of medium frequency, as described by Trutt and Erdélyi [1], has to be kept at a low value in order to enable the various arrangements made up from solid-state elements to convert frequencies of 3500 Hz to the usual 400 or 60 Hz used in aerospace supplies. This can be achieved by fitting damping devices into homopolar inductor alternators. To study theoretically the effect of these devices, the inductances of the various windings must be known. This problem is treated here. For this purpose, the two-dimensional model of the alternator and the vector potential analysis of the cross section (as shown by Schenk et al. [2]) is used. Because of the varying position of the stator winding with respect to the rotor teeth, these reactances are time-dependent, and the coefficients of the differential equations describing the commutating (subtransient) regime are time-varying. The calculations were carried out for a 95-kVA, 115/200 V, 5 rotor teeth, 3400-Hz homopolar inductor alternator. The air gap of the alternator was 0.030 inch. Detailed data of the homopolar inductor alternator are in [1] and [6].  相似文献   
A simple method for generating digital terrain surfaces as a function of only the terrain standard deviation is presented. This is accomplished by fitting a postulated autocorrelation model to actual terrain data. Observed relations between model parameters are used to obtain a one-parameter model.  相似文献   
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