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Optimal speckle reduction in polarimetric SAR imagery   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Speckle is a major cause of degradation in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. With the availability of fully polarimetric SAR data, it is possible to use the three complex elements (HH, HV, VV) of the polarimetric scattering matrix to reduce speckle. The optimal method for combining the elements of the scattering matrix to minimize image speckle is derived, and the solution is shown to be a polarimetric whitening filter (PWF). A simulation of spatially correlated, K-distributed, fully polarimetric clutter is then used to compare the PWF with other, suboptimal speckle-reduction methods. Target detection performance of the PWF, span, and single-channel |HH|2 detectors is compared with that of the optimal polarimetric detector (OPD). A novel, constant-false-alarm-rate (CFAR) detector (the adaptive PWF) is as a simple alternative to the OPD for detecting targets in clutter. This algorithm estimates the polarization covariance of the clutter, uses the covariance to construct the minimum-speckle image, and then tests for the presence of a target. An exact theoretical analysis of the adaptive PWF is presented; the algorithm is shown to have detection performance comparable with that of the OPD  相似文献   
The stability design criteria for the fourth-order switching regulator/low-pass filter system are obtained directly from the solution to the resultant simultaneous equations for the Lyapunov matrix equation. The regulator/filter system is asymptotically stable if the values of the filter components are chosen to satisfy the derived Lyapunov stability design criterion for a given value of the switcher dynamic resistance  相似文献   
The gravitation and celestial mechanics investigations during the cruise phase and Orbiter phase of the Galileo mission depend on Doppler and ranging measurements generated by the Deep Space Network (DSN) at its three spacecraft tracking sites in California, Australia, and Spain. Other investigations which also rely on DSN data, and which like ours fall under the general discipline of spacecraft radio science, are described in a companion paper by Howard et al. (1992). We group our investigations into four broad categories as follows: (1) the determination of the gravity fields of Jupiter and its four major satellites during the orbital tour, (2) a search for gravitational radiation as evidenced by perturbations to the coherent Doppler link between the spacecraft and Earth, (3) the mathematical modeling, and by implication tests, of general relativistic effects on the Doppler and ranging data during both cruise and orbiter phases, and (4) an improvement in the ephemeris of Jupiter by means of spacecraft ranging during the Orbiter phase. The gravity fields are accessible because of their effects on the spacecraft motion, determined primarily from the Doppler data. For the Galilean satellites we will determine second degree and order gravity harmonics that will yield new information on the central condensation and likely composition of material within these giant satellites (Hubbard and Anderson, 1978). The search for gravitational radiation is being conducted in cruise for periods of 40 days centered around solar opposition. During these times the radio link is least affected by scintillations introduced by solar plasma. Our sensitivity to the amplitude of sinusoidal signals approaches 10-15 in a band of gravitational frequencies between 10-4 and 10-3 Hz, by far the best sensitivity obtained in this band to date. In addition to the primary objectives of our investigations, we discuss two secondary objectives: the determination of a range fix on Venus during the flyby on 10 February, 1990, and the determination of the Earth's mass (GM) from the two Earth gravity assists, EGA1 in December 1990 and EGA2 in December 1992.  相似文献   
In this review the IR emission from circumstellar material is discussed, both of ionized gas and dust grains, and the astrophysical information that can be extracted from such observations. Some emphasis is placed on the possibilities of stellar IR astronomy using a large space-borne telescope, especially with respect to the much better spatial and spectral resolution of such a telescope compared to the current generation of ground-based and space IR telescopes.  相似文献   
The plasma instrumentation (PLS) for the Galileo Mission comprises a nested set of four spherical-plate electrostatic analyzers and three miniature, magnetic mass spectrometers. The three-dimensional velocity distributions of positive ions and electrons, separately, are determined for the energy-per-unit charge (E/Q) range of 0.9 V to 52 kV. A large fraction of the 4-steradian solid angle for charged particle velocity vectors is sampled by means of the fan-shaped field-of-view of 160°, multiple sensors, and the rotation of the spacecraft spinning section. The fields-of-view of the three mass spectrometers are respectively directed perpendicular and nearly parallel and anti-parallel to the spin axis of the spacecraft. These mass spectrometers are used to identify the composition of the positive ion plasmas, e.g., H+, O+, Na+, and S+, in the Jovian magnetosphere. The energy range of these three mass spectrometers is dependent upon the species. The maximum temporal resolutions of the instrument for determining the energy (E/Q) spectra of charged particles and mass (M/Q) composition of positive ion plasmas are 0.5 s. Three-dimensional velocity distributions of electrons and positive ions require a minimum sampling time of 20 s, which is slightly longer than the spacecraft rotation period. The two instrument microprocessors provide the capability of inflight implementation of operational modes by ground-command that are tailored for specific plasma regimes, e.g., magnetosheath, plasma sheet, cold and hot tori, and satellite wakes, and that can be improved upon as acquired knowledge increases during the tour of the Jovian magnetosphere. Because the instrument is specifically designed for measurements in the environs of Jupiter with the advantages of previous surveys with the Voyager spacecraft, first determinations of many plasma phenomena can be expected. These observational objectives include field-aligned currents, three-dimensional ion bulk flows, pickup ions from the Galilean satellites, the spatial distribution of plasmas throughout most of the magnetosphere and including the magnetotail, and ion and electron flows to and from the Jovian ionosphere.  相似文献   
An experimental investigation of three eigen DF techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The comparative direction-finding (DF) performance of multiple signal classification (MUSIC), ROOT-MUSIC, and estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) is considered. Data were collected from two target transmitters operating simultaneously. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate multipath resolution capability using measurement precision equivalent to that found in modern radio direction-finding systems  相似文献   
The profiles of H observed during the 1970–1992 period in the binary hypergiant HR 8752 (G0 Ia) are presented. We distinguish five typical H profiles designated as A, B, C, D and E types according to the number of emission and absorption features. The profiles of H are complex and contain several emission and absorption components, with: –130 km/s in emission or absorption, –84 km/s in absorption, –49 km/s in emission and about +6 km/s in emission. All of them are rather stable in radial velocities except of the main absorption component in the P Cygni profile with –84 km/s. The frequency of appearance and the periods of duration of the occurrence of the components is discussed. The duration times range between about 3 to 10 months for various components. The red emission component E2 is particularly interesting. Possible explanations of its origin are discussed.A long-term acceleration of the absorption component in the P Cygni profile is found; it can be interpreted as monotonous acceleration of the stellar wind.  相似文献   
Attitude estimation algorithms for the Thrusted Vector Mission which determine attitude based on Sun sensor and very coarse albedo sensor measurements are presented. On the basis of these measurements, it has been demonstrated by comparison with more accurate gyro-based attitude that it is possible to estimate three-axis attitude with an average error per axis of 11 deg. Most of this error is about the Sun direction. Both deterministic quick-look and optimal estimates are examined  相似文献   
航空发动机润滑系统通用分析软件开发   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
发展了一种全新的航空发动机润滑系统通用分析软件.采用流动换热的网络算法, 将发动机润滑系统分解成由相应的典型元件和节点组成的网络, 用有限的元件和流动介质类型就可描述通用的发动机润滑系统.元件分为简单元件和组合元件, 并和润滑系统结构一一对应, 方便了元件的初始化.软件前台采用图形建模方式生成计算网络, 后台采用了网络自动识别技术, 方便了复杂网络的建立.可视化界面及支撑数据库, 提高了软件的易用性.   相似文献   
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