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The Electric Antennas for the STEREO/WAVES Experiment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The STEREO/WAVES experiment is designed to measure the electric component of radio emission from interplanetary radio bursts and in situ plasma waves and fluctuations in the solar wind. Interplanetary radio bursts are generated from electron beams at interplanetary shocks and solar flares and are observed from near the Sun to 1 AU, corresponding to frequencies of approximately 16 MHz to 10 kHz. In situ plasma waves occur in a range of wavelengths larger than the Debye length in the solar wind plasma λ D ≈10 m and appear Doppler-shifted into the frequency regime down to a fraction of a Hertz. These phenomena are measured by STEREO/WAVES with a set of three orthogonal electric monopole antennas. This paper describes the electrical and mechanical design of the antenna system and discusses efforts to model the antenna pattern and response and methods for in-flight calibration.  相似文献   
The Relativistic Proton Spectrometer (RPS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes spacecraft is a particle spectrometer designed to measure the flux, angular distribution, and energy spectrum of protons from ~60 MeV to ~2000 MeV. RPS will investigate decades-old questions about the inner Van Allen belt proton environment: a nearby region of space that is relatively unexplored because of the hazards of spacecraft operation there and the difficulties in obtaining accurate proton measurements in an intense penetrating background. RPS is designed to provide the accuracy needed to answer questions about the sources and losses of the inner belt protons and to obtain the measurements required for the next-generation models of trapped protons in the magnetosphere. In addition to detailed information for individual protons, RPS features count rates at a 1-second timescale, internal radiation dosimetry, and information about electrostatic discharge events on the RBSP spacecraft that together will provide new information about space environmental hazards in the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   
ICON Far UltraViolet (FUV) imager contributes to the ICON science objectives by providing remote sensing measurements of the daytime and nighttime atmosphere/ionosphere. During sunlit atmospheric conditions, ICON FUV images the limb altitude profile in the shortwave (SW) band at 135.6 nm and the longwave (LW) band at 157 nm perpendicular to the satellite motion to retrieve the atmospheric O/N2 ratio. In conditions of atmospheric darkness, ICON FUV measures the 135.6 nm recombination emission of \(\mathrm{O}^{+}\) ions used to compute the nighttime ionospheric altitude distribution. ICON Far UltraViolet (FUV) imager is a Czerny–Turner design Spectrographic Imager with two exit slits and corresponding back imager cameras that produce two independent images in separate wavelength bands on two detectors. All observations will be processed as limb altitude profiles. In addition, the ionospheric 135.6 nm data will be processed as longitude and latitude spatial maps to obtain images of ion distributions around regions of equatorial spread F. The ICON FUV optic axis is pointed 20 degrees below local horizontal and has a steering mirror that allows the field of view to be steered up to 30 degrees forward and aft, to keep the local magnetic meridian in the field of view. The detectors are micro channel plate (MCP) intensified FUV tubes with the phosphor fiber-optically coupled to Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs). The dual stack MCP-s amplify the photoelectron signals to overcome the CCD noise and the rapidly scanned frames are co-added to digitally create 12-second integrated images. Digital on-board signal processing is used to compensate for geometric distortion and satellite motion and to achieve data compression. The instrument was originally aligned in visible light by using a special grating and visible cameras. Final alignment, functional and environmental testing and calibration were performed in a large vacuum chamber with a UV source. The test and calibration program showed that ICON FUV meets its design requirements and is ready to be launched on the ICON spacecraft.  相似文献   
From magnetic fields and coronal heating observed in flares, active regions, quiet regions, and coronal holes, we propose that exploding sheared core magnetic fields are the drivers of most of the dynamics and heating of the solar atmosphere, ranging from the largest and most powerful coronal mass ejections and flares, to the vigorous microflaring and coronal heating in active regions, to a multitude of fine-scale explosive events in the magnetic network, driving microflares, spicules, global coronal heating, and, consequently, the solar wind. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
By combining quiet-region Fe XII coronal images from SOHO/EIT with magnetograms from NSO/Kitt Peak and from SOHO/MDI, we show that the population of network coronal bright points and the magnetic flux content of the network are both markedly greater under the bright half of the large-scale quiet corona than under the dim half. These results (1) support the view that the heating of the entire corona in quiet regions and coronal holes is driven by fine-scale magnetic activity (microflares, explosive events, spicules) seated low in the magnetic network, and (2) suggest that this large-scale modulation of the magnetic flux and coronal heating is a signature of giant convection cells. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Since no practical method is available for synthesizing radar waveforms, a sizable effort has been directed into studies of the matched-filter response, or ambiguity function, of many waveforms. In this paper, we investigate the class of FM signals whose instantaneous frequency varies in a zigzag pattern. The waveforms thus consist of linear FM segments and are relatively easy to generate and process. The paper discusses the relation between the characteristics of the waveform and the features of the associated ambiguity function. The effects studied include those of signal repetition, changes in the FM slope, phase-shift and frequency-shift coding, and staggering of frequency step and segment duration. Ambiguity functions of interesting waveforms illustrate the general results. These ambiguity functions are computer-plotted projections of the three-dimensional surface above the delay-Doppler plane.  相似文献   
The conventional ambiguity function is extended to include the Doppler distortions of the modulation function. The distinctive features of the extension are the use of the complex notation for wideband signals, and inclusion of the Doppler effect on the signal amplitude. The result is an ambiguity function from which Woodward's form can be found by inspection. It is shown that the well-known volume constraint also applies, in unchanged form, to the generalized ambiguity function. For the volume to be constant, it is not required that the distortions of the modulation function be neglected. Rather, the volume constancy is related to the sinusoidal fluctuations of a modulated carrier-type signal and thus is strictly a matter of the percentage bandwidth of the signal.  相似文献   
Recent observations of the energetic particles produced in solar flares indicate that the production of electrons, with energies up to about 100 keV, is a fairly common feature of small flares. In those flares the acceleration of protons and other nuclei does not extend beyond about 1 MeV.The X-ray emission often exhibits two distinct components of which the first one is produced by non-thermal, the second by thermal electrons through bremsstrahlung collisions with the ambient ions. Along with these X rays, radio emission, in the microwave region, is observed. This radio emission is usually interpreted as due to gyrosynchrotron radiation from the same electrons.In this review a discussion is presented of the processes occurring in solar flares with special reference to the acceleration and radiation processes.  相似文献   
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