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Lithium ion battery technology is being introduced into power supplies used by our armed forces for a variety of applications. In many cases, the same cells and design parameters that support commercial battery packs are being used in military battery packs. This approach is expected to result in a major decrease in the total life cycle cost of the equipment these batteries support. On June 13, 1991, NAVSEA issued INST9310.1B1, which states that all lithium battery powered equipment must undergo safety evaluation and approval prior to fleet use. This safety program governs a process whereby approvals are issued for lithium batteries to be used in specific equipment on ground facilities, surface combatants, air combatants, and/or submarines. The Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity (NOSSA) manages the program. The chief technical advisors are Code 644 at NSWC Carderock Division and Code 609A at NSWC Crane Division. This paper describes three battery designs that incorporate lithium ion technology, and the results of battery safety tests conducted in accordance with navy requirements.  相似文献   
Severe low-altitude wind shear is a threat to aviation safety. Newly developed airborne sensors measure the radial component of wind along a line directly in front of an aircraft. The authors use optimal estimation theory to define a detection algorithm to warn of hazardous wind shear from these sensors. To achieve robustness, a wind shear detection algorithm must distinguish threatening wind shear from less hazardous gustiness, despite variations in wind shear structure. Statistical analysis methods to refine wind shear detection algorithm robustness are presented. Computational methods predict the ability to warn of severe wind shear and avoid false warning. Comparative capability of the detection algorithm as a function of its design parameters is determined, identifying designs that provide robust detection of severe wind shear  相似文献   
Intersecting spheres are useful in the design of pressure vessels for weight limited situations as in the case of space or ocean applications. This paper treats the general problem of N intersecting spheres demonstrating that mass reduction can be achieved in relation to the single sphere that encloses the same internal volume. It is shown that this reduction approaches asymptotically the value of 39.5%.  相似文献   
Role of BIT in support system maintenance and availability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of built in test (BIT) in electronic systems has grown in prominence with the advances in system complexity and concern over maintenance lifecycle costs of large systems. In an environment where standards drive system designs (and provide an avenue for focused advancement in technology), standards for BIT are very much in an evolutionary state. The reasons for advancing the effectiveness of BIT include reduced support overhead, greater, confidence in operation, and increased system availability. The cost of supporting military electronic systems (avionics, communications, and weapons systems) has driven much of the development in BIT technology. But what about the systems that support these end items that contain test and measurement instrumentation - such as automatic test equipment (ATE), simulators and avionics development suites? There has also been a beneficial effect on the maintenance and availability of these systems due to the infusion of BIT into their component assemblies. But the effect has been much more sporadic and fragmented. This paper looks at the state of BIT in test and measurement instruments, explain its affect on system readiness, and present ideas on how to improve BIT technologies and standards. This will not provide definitive answers to BIT development questions, since the factors that affect it are specific to the instrument itself. The topics covered in this paper are: definitions of built-in test, instrument BIT history, importance of BIT fault coverage and isolation in support systems, overview of BIT development process issues that limit the effectiveness of BIT Standards related to instrument BIT, making BIT more effective in support system maintenance and availability and conclusions.  相似文献   
The induction of HPRT-mutations and survival of Chinese hamster cells (line B11ii-FAF28, clone 431) were studied after irradiation by 4He and 12C-ions of various LET (20-360 keV/micrometers), produced by the U-200 heavy ion accelerator. The RBE increases with LET up to the maximum at 100-200 keV/micrometers and then decreases. Cytogenetic analysis was performed on the HPRT-mutant subclones selected from unirradiated Chinese hamster V-79 cells and from HPRT-mutant subclones that arose after exposure to gamma-rays, 1 GeV protons and 14N-ions (LET-77 keV/micrometers), produced by the synchrophasotron and the U-400M heavy ion accelerator. Slow growing mutant subclones were observed. The cytogenetic properties of individual clones were highly heterogeneous and chromosome instability was observed in both spontaneous and radiation-induced mutants. Chromosome instability was highest among spontaneous mutants and decreased with increasing LET.  相似文献   
The force exerted by the solar radiation, though very small in magnitude, produces significant effects, especially in the case of high altitude satellites. The solar radiation pressure represents one freely available environmental force that may be put to use for various purposes. This may lead to enhancement of the life of the satellite since it consumes a very nominal amount of on-board energy. The advantages offered by the solar radiation pressure have drawn the attention of several researchers. Various controllers were proposed for many space missions, particularly for attitude control and stabilization of satellites. A controller for achieving large angle pitch attitude maneuver is described. The proposed control law is very simple in its form and requires a minimum number of on-board computations. Varieties of cases are tried and the effect of various parameters is studied  相似文献   
The SOHO Solar EUV Monitor has been in operation since December 1995 onboard the SOHO spacecraft. This instrument is a highly stable transmission grating solar extreme ultraviolet spectrometer. It has made nearly continuous full disk solar irradiance measurements both within an 8 nm bandpass centered at 30.4 nm and throughout the 0.1 to 50 nm solar flux region since launch. The 30.4 nm flux, the 0.1 to 50 nm flux and the extracted soft X-ray (0.1 to 5 nm) flux are presented and compared with the behavior of solar proxies.  相似文献   
The solar particle events (SPE) will contain a primary alpha particle component, representing a possible increase in the potential risk to astronauts during an SPE over the often studied proton component. We discuss the physical interactions of alpha particles important in describing the transport of these particles through spacecraft and body shielding. Models of light ion reactions are presented and their effects on energy and linear energy transfer (LET) spectra in shielding discussed. We present predictions of particle spectra, dose, and dose equivalent in organs of interest for SPE spectra typical of those occurring in recent solar cycles. The large events of solar cycle 19 are found to have substantial increase in biological risk from alpha particles, including a large increase in secondary neutron production from alpha particle breakup.  相似文献   
An electric vehicle (EV) energy management system (EMS) developed to accurately predict and extend the usable driving range and the life of the battery pack is discussed. The EMS monitors and records battery state of charge, vehicle performance, power consumption of key components, and driver's actions. Convenient drive inputs in conjunction with memorized energy consumption profiles allow accurate prediction of driving range and selection of appropriate recharging profiles. EV range extension is accomplished by identifying inefficient use of energy, resulting in EMS modification of energy usage by offending subsystems or EMS suggestion to the driver of improved driving habits or vehicle use. Factors affecting the accuracy of range prediction and the amount of range extension are described  相似文献   
Parties to the Registration Convention are committed to providing the United Nations with certain information about objects they launch into space. This report describes the categories of information required, outlines the inadequacies of the present Register and suggests modifications.  相似文献   
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