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Humans solve spatial and abstract problems more easily if these can be visualized and/or physically manipulated. We analyze the domain of geometric problem solving from a cognitive perspective and identify several levels of domain abstraction that interact in the problem solving process. We discuss the roles of physical manifestations of spatial configurations, their manipulation, and their perception for understanding problem solving processes. We propose an extension of the classical problem solving repertoire of constructive geometry to approach certain problems more directly than under the compass-and-straightedge paradigm. Specifically, we introduce strings and pins as helpful metaphors for a generalization of the constructive geometry approach. We present classical problems from spatial problem solving to illustrate the ‘strings and pins’ paradigm. Three case studies are discussed: strings-and-pins solutions to (i) the ellipse construction problem; (ii) the shortest path problem; and (iii) the angle trisection problem. Comparisons to formal solutions are drawn. Differences and similarities between the compass-and-straightedge paradigm and the strings-and-pins paradigm are analyzed. Features and limitations of constructive and depictive geometry as well as implications for computational approaches are discussed. The strings-and-pins domain is shown to be more general and less restrictive than the compass-and-straightedge domain.  相似文献   
The state-of-the-art electrostatic accelerometers (EA) used for the retrieval of non-gravitational forces acting on a satellite constitute a core component of every dedicated gravity field mission. However, due to their difficult-to-control thermal drift in the low observation frequencies, they are also one of the most limiting factors of the achievable performance of gravity recovery. Recently, a hybrid accelerometer consisting of a regular EA and a novel cold atom interferometer (CAI) that features a time-invariant observation stability and constantly recalibrates the EA has been developed in order to remedy this major drawback. In this paper we aim to assess the value of the hybrid accelerometer for gravity field retrieval in the context of GRACE-type and Bender-type missions by means of numerical closed-loop simulations where possible noise specifications of the novel instrument are considered and different components of the Earth’s gravity field signal are added subsequently. It is shown that the quality of the gravity field solutions is mainly dependent on the CAI’s measurement accuracy. While a low CAI performance (10?8 to 10?9?m/s2/Hz1/2) does not lead to any gains compared to a stand-alone EA, a sufficiently high one (10?11?m/s2/Hz1/2) may improve the retrieval performance by over one order of magnitude. We also show that improvements which are limited to low-frequency observations may even propagate into high spherical harmonic degrees. Further, the accelerometer performance seems to play a less prominent role if the overall observation geometry is improved as it is the case for a Bender-type mission. The impact of the accelerometer measurements diminishes further when temporal variations of the gravity field are introduced, pointing out the need for proper de-aliasing techniques. An additional study reveals that the hybrid accelerometer is – contrary to a stand-alone EA – widely unaffected by scale factor instabilities.  相似文献   
In the upcoming generation of satellite sensors, hyperspectral instruments will play a significant role. This payload type is considered world-wide within different future planning.Our team has now successfully finalized the Phase B study for the advanced hyperspectral mission EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Programme), Germans next optical satellite being scheduled for launch in 2012. GFZ in Potsdam has the scientific lead on EnMAP, Kayser-Threde in Munich is the industrial prime.The EnMAP instrument provides over 240 continuous spectral bands in the wavelength range between 420 and 2450 nm with a ground resolution of 30 m×30 m. Thus, the broad science and application community can draw from an extensive and highly resolved pool of information supporting the modeling and optimization process on their results. The performance of the hyperspectral instrument allows for a detailed monitoring, characterization and parameter extraction of rock/soil targets, vegetation, and inland and coastal waters on a global scale supporting a wide variety of applications in agriculture, forestry, water management and geology. The operation of an airborne system (ARES) as an element in the HGF hyperspectral network and the ongoing evolution concerning data handling and extraction procedures, will support the later inclusion process of EnMAP into the growing scientist and user communities.  相似文献   
The scanning imaging absorption spectrometer for atmospheric chartography was launched successfully onboard ENVISAT on March 1, 2002. It observes the solar radiation transmitted and backscattered from the atmosphere and reflected from the ground in nadir, limb and occultation viewing modes. Chlorine dioxide (OClO), an important indicator for stratospheric chlorine activation, can be measured in the UV spectral range by differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS).

First results of the DOAS retrieval of OClO slant column densities from the SCIAMACHY nadir measurements are presented and compared to measurements of the global ozone monitoring experiment (GOME), which has successfully measured OClO since 1995. While SCIAMACHY operates in the same orbit, it measures ≈30 min earlier than GOME and has an increased spatial resolution (30 × 60 km2 compared to 40 × 320 km2 for GOME).  相似文献   

We compared quantitatively vinculin-related adhesion parameters in osteoblastic cells submitted to opposite mechanical stresses, i.e., low deformation and frequency strain regimens (stretch condition) and microgravity exposure (relaxed condition). Cyclic deformation induced a biphasic response comprising new focal contacts formation followed by their clustering in ROS cells. Microgravity exposure induced a reduction in focal contact number and clustering in ROS cells. We previously demonstrated that 1% cyclic deformations at 0.05 Hz during a daily 10 min episode over 7 days stimulated ROS 17/2.8 growth as compared to static culture whereas relaxed ROS proliferated similarly to static culture (BC). To evaluate whether the proliferation (stretch) or the survival (relaxed) status of ROS cells influences focal contact organization, we inhibited ERKs proliferative-dependent pathway. Inhibition of proliferation by PD98059 was overcome although not fully restored by stretch. Furthermore stretch-induced clustering of vinculin-positive contacts still occurs in the presence of ERKs inhibitor, whereas the increase in focal contact number is abolished. In conclusion, we showed that focal contacts are mechanoeffectors and that hyper-mechanical stimulation could up regulate focal contacts size as compared to hypo-mechanical that down regulate clusterization.  相似文献   
An automated Configuration Management System (CMS) was developed at General Electric and is in use on a DOD Satellite Ground System maintenance contract. CMS improves and enhances the manual techniques for project tracking and change control and allows for reliable management of large projects. Because CMS works with any file, it can perform Configuration Management on all items in a configuration. The CMS Bookkeeping and Status Accounting forms are displayed on a terminal, and the user is guided into filling them out correctly. New configuration items or changes can be entered into the system only after approval has been supplied by the proper authority. Since a common project data base is built by CMS, visibility of current system status is available to those who are permitted project access. Standard report forms as well as user defined report forms are used when viewing the current or historic system information. CMS not only controls the configuration, but also the paperwork, change approval cycle, and the quality of the product.  相似文献   
The paper deals with the mission analysis and conceptual design of an interplanetary 6U CubeSats system to be implemented in the L1 Earth–Sun Lagrangian Point mission for solar observation and in-situ space weather measurements.  相似文献   
This paper presents an overview of experimental investigations on a 65 deg swept delta wing as part of the International Vortex Flow Experiment 2 (VFE-2). Results obtained in low-speed wind tunnel facilities include oil flow and laser light sheet flow visualization, mean and unsteady surface pressure distributions as well as mean and turbulent velocity components of the flow field and close to the wing surface. Thus, field and near wall distributions of all components of the Reynolds stress tensor are available. Details of the delta wing vortex structure and breakdown phenomenon are discussed and analyzed. Vortex bursting leads to specific spectral densities of velocity and surface pressure fluctuations characterized by narrow band distributions associated with the helical mode instability of the vortex breakdown flowfield. Further, special emphasis is on the occurrence of an inner vortex detected for the low Reynolds number and Mach number regime. This inboard vortex results from a laminar separation close to the apex due to the spanwise pressure gradient in the area of relatively large thickness while the classical leading-edge vortex progressing from the rear part to the apex is fed from the turbulent shear layers shed at the wing upper and lower side.  相似文献   
LISA Pathfinder is an ESA mission due to be launched in the next two years. The gravity gradiometer onboard has the sensitivity required to test predictions by gravitational theories proposed as alternatives to Dark Matter such as TeVeS. Within the Solar System measurable effects are predicted only in the vicinity of gravitational saddle points (SP). For this reason it has been proposed to fly LPF by the Earth–Sun SP, at some 259,000 km from Earth. This could be done in an extension to the nominal mission which uses a Lissajous orbit about the Earth–Sun L1 point. The responsibility for LPF mission design lies with ESA/ESOC, who have designed the transfer trajectories, orbits about L1, and station keeping strategies. This article describes an analysis performed by Astrium to support a suggestion for a possible mission extension to a saddle point crossing. With only very limited fuel availability, reaching the saddle point is a significant challenge. In this article, we present recent advances in the work on trajectory design. It is demonstrated that reaching the SP is feasible once the LPF mission is completed. Furthermore, in a significant enhancement, it is demonstrated that trajectories including more than one SP flyby are possible, thus improving the science return for this proposed mission extension.  相似文献   
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