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基于正交设计的3-RPS并联机构精度分析与综合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了分析3-RPS并联机构在整个工作空间内各个位姿参数对位姿误差的影响程度,并且使该机构在整个工作空间内都满足精度要求,利用正交设计的思想对该机构进行了精度分析与精度综合.根据正交设计的思想,把该机构的3个位姿参数看成对位姿误差有影响的3个因素,用位姿误差的极差值作为敏感系数,通过极差分析得到了位姿参数对位姿误差的影响程度.以敏感系数的比值为依据合理划分各个因素的水平数,使排列的正交表为精度综合提供更加合理的位姿,对表中的各个位姿进行精度综合,得到了给定精度要求下的21项几何原始误差的公差值.结果表明:用正交设计的思想可以分析清楚位姿参数对位姿误差的影响程度,精度综合结果使机构在整个工作空间内满足精度要求,为物理样机的研制提供了参考.   相似文献   
基于广义应力 广义强度分布干涉理论和单一失效模式下扭簧可靠性计算模型,建立了多失效模式下扭簧可靠度优化数学模型,采用规格化加权法进行各失效模式影响相同(等失效效应)和有差异(非等失效效应)两种情况下的扭簧可靠度计算。在给定扭簧结构和工况约束条件下,应用提出的计算模型和技术进行了失效模式影响相同和有差异的基于可靠度最大的扭簧结构优化,与非优化结构的扭簧可靠度的比较,以及这两种情况下的扭簧可靠度比较。结果表明,提出的可靠度优化模型和方法是可靠和有效的,对于航天工程中零部件的可靠性优化分析具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
为解决高热流密度电子器件的散热问题,设计了一套负压式铜 甲醇环路热管,其蒸发器设计成平板型。研究表明,该平板型环路热管具有较高的散热能力,能够在无重力姿态和重力姿态下顺利启动。当重力倾角分别为0°、18°和30°,热负荷为160W时,蒸发器壁面温度分别达到85.8℃、66.3℃和64.6℃。按照环路热管启动状态,其启动过程可分为3个阶段:加热阶段、预启动阶段和后启动阶段。在低热负荷区域,环路热管会出现温度波动现象。增大重力倾角,有利于降低蒸发器壁面温度和热阻。当重力倾角为30°,热负荷从10W递增到160W时,环路热管的热阻从4.97℃/W降低到0.39℃/W。  相似文献   
针对工艺故障模式影响分析(PFMEA,Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)中风险优先数(RPN,Risk Priority Number)分析方法存在的缺陷,在分析导致这些缺陷的原因的基础上,提出了一种基于费用及发生概率的定性与定量相结合的RPN分析方法.该方法中定性分析部分以传统RPN分析方法中的严酷度等级评价为基础,对工艺故障模式的严酷度等级进行评价;定量分析部分以故障模式发生后导致的费用损失的期望值作为RPN值.改进后的RPN分析方法中,定量化的数据使得风险排序更为客观、准确.最后,使用改进后的RPN分析方法对相控阵雷达中某组件的滤波器装配工艺进行了PFMEA分析,取得了良好的效果.   相似文献   
To investigate the effects of low-dose carbon ion irradiation on reproductive system of mice, the testes of outbred Kunming strain mice were whole-body irradiated with 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 1 Gy, respectively. We measured DNA double-strand breaks (DNA DSBs) and oxidative stress parameters including malondialdehyde (MDA) content, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and testis weight and sperm count at 12 h, 21 d and 35 d after irradiation in mouse testis. At 12 h postirradiation, a significant increase in DNA DSB level but no pronounced alterations in MDA content or SOD activity were observed in 0.5 and 1 Gy groups compared with the control group. At 21 d postirradiation, there was a significant reduction in sperm count and distinct enhancements of DSB level and MDA content in 0.5 and 1 Gy groups in comparison with control. At 35 d postirradiation, the levels of DNA DSBs and MDA, and SOD activity returned to the baseline except for the MDA content in 1 Gy (P < 0.05), while extreme falls of sperm count were still observed in 0.5 (P < 0.01) and 1 Gy (P < 0.01) groups. For the 0.05 or 0.1 Gy group, no differences were found in DNA DSB level and MDA content between control and at 12 h, 21 d and 35 d after irradiation, indicating that lower doses of carbon ion irradiation have no significant influence on spermatogenesis processes. In this study, male germ cells irradiated with over 0.5 Gy of carbon ions are difficult to repair completely marked by the sperm count. Furthermore, these data suggest that the deleterious effects may be chronic or delayed in reproductive system after whole-body exposure to acute high-dose carbon ions.  相似文献   
航天器扫描镜成像位置误差补偿技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究地球静止轨道航天器两自由度扫描镜成像位置误差补偿问题,即通过对扫描角的补偿,使光轴在地球表面的成像点位置与标称位置相同,消除探测区域的位置偏差.在考虑扫描镜法线偏移、姿态偏差以及轨道误差条件下,推导了光轴成像点的地心经纬度计算公式.给出了上述3类误差的具体描述方式,并分析了各种误差对光轴成像点位置的影响关系.基于角度误差的小量假设条件,给出了扫描镜的步进角/扫描角补偿量的显式算法.针对法线偏移信息一般难以准确测量的问题,提出了一种利用扫描镜在特定工作模式下的光轴惯性空间定向能力和法线偏移的长周期特性对其进行估计的方法.仿真结果表明,所提出的补偿方案和算法能够显著提高成像点位置精度.  相似文献   
满足多约束的主动段能量管理制导方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高超音速飞行器运载任务需要满足多项约束条件,针对耗尽关机型固体运载火箭需要在主动段进行能量管理.基于控制推力和速度之间夹角来实现主动段能量管理的思路,综合交变姿态控制能量管理(AEM,Alternate Attitude Control Energy Management)和一般能量管理(GEM,General Energy Management),提出了样条能量管理(SEM,Spline Energy Management)制导方法,并针对分离前定轴飞行约束条件进行了修正.以三级运载火箭为例,通过AEM,GEM和SEM对比,验证了样条能量管理制导方法的可行性.  相似文献   
介绍了具有三维位置检测功能的三自由度永磁球形电机工作原理及其运动控制方法.结合球电机结构特性,基于XYZ 欧拉角和拉格朗日方程建立了球电机运动学及动力学模型.为了解决动力学模型建模误差、摩擦力和外界干扰等对球电机工作性能的影响,设计了神经网络逼近模型,并将其应用于球电机的控制之中.仿真结果表明这种控制方法与传统方法相比可以有效提高球电机的抗干扰能力,在建模误差比较大的情况下仍可以保证球电机的运动精度,其结果可以为进一步的球电机精密运动控制理论研究和实验方案设计提供借鉴和参考.   相似文献   
针对应用于飞行器增压系统的双级气体减压器,从单级气体减压器的有限体积瞬变仿真模型出发建立了其数值模型,并搭建了双级减压器特性研究系统的模块化仿真模型.通过大量的时域仿真研究了某两型具有细微设计差异的减压器各结构参数对其工作稳定性的影响规律,并比较了两者间的异同,随后根据工程需要,选取减压器二级阀芯运动速度的样本方差作为稳定性指标,重点研究了某减压器二级阀芯质量、低压腔体积、反馈腔体积及膜片刚度变化对稳定性的影响程度.仿真结果表明,设计人员可以优先减小该减压器的二级阀芯质量或增大膜片刚度从而更快地改善其稳定性,该分析方法可以帮助相关设计人员以最小的代价获得满足工程要求的结果.  相似文献   
With 4 GPS receivers located in the equatorial anomaly region in southeast China, this paper proposes a grid-based algorithm to determine the GPS satellites and receivers biases, and at the same time to derive the total electron content (TEC) with time resolution of 15 min and spatial resolution of 1° by 3.5° in latitude and longitude. By assuming that the TEC is identical at any point within a given grid block and the biases do not vary within a day, the algorithm arranges unknown biases and TECs with slant path TEC from the 4 receivers’ observations into a set of equations. Then the instrumental biases and the TECs are determined by using the least squares fitting technique. The performance of the method is examined by applying it to the GPS receiver chain observations selected from 16 geomagnetically quiet days in four seasons of 2006. It is found that the fitting agrees with the data very well, with goodness of fit ranging from 0.452 TECU to 1.914 TECU. Having a mean of 0.9 ns, the standard deviations for most of the GPS satellite biases are less than 1.0 ns for the 16 days. The GPS receiver biases are more stable than that of the GPS satellites. The standard deviation in the 4 receiver bias is from 0.370 ns to 0.855 ns, with a mean of 0.5 ns. Moreover, the instrumental biases are highly correlated with those derived from CODE and JPL with independent methods. The typical precision of the derived TEC is 5 TECU by a conservative estimation. These results indicate that the proposed algorithm is valid and qualified for small scale GPS network.  相似文献   
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