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Current precise point positioning (PPP) techniques are mainly based on GPS which has been extensively investigated. With the increase of available GLONASS satellites during its revitalization, GLONASS observations were increasingly integrated into GPS-based PPP. Now that GLONASS has reached its full constellation, there will be a wide interest in PPP systems based on only GLONASS since it provides a PPP implementation independent of GPS. An investigation of GLONASS-based PPP will also help the development of GPS and GLONASS combined PPP techniques for improved precision and reliability. This paper presents an observation model for GLONASS-based PPP in which the GLONASS hardware delay biases are addressed. In view of frequently changed frequency channel number (FCN) for GLONASS satellites, an algorithm has been developed to compute the FCN for GLONASS satellites using code and phase observations, which avoids the need to provide the GLONASS frequency channel information during data processing. The observation residuals from GLONASS-based PPP are analyzed and compared to those from GPS-based PPP. The performance of GLONASS-based PPP is assessed using data from 15 globally distributed stations.  相似文献   
Satellite gravity gradiometry has been applied in GOCE mission to obtain higher harmonics of the Earth’s gravity mapping. In-orbit results showed that the precision of GOCE gradiometry achieved a level of 10–20 mE/Hz1/2 in the bandwidth of 38–100 mHz, and the major error source came from the intrinsic noise of the core sensor electrostatic accelerometer. Two schemes for improving sensitivity of such accelerometer are presented by optimizing the parameters to reduce the dynamic range and choosing the heavier proof mass to suppress the thermal noise limited by the discharging gold wire. As a result, an accelerometer with a better resolution of 6.6×6.6×10−13 m/s2/Hz1/2 could be developed, and then a precision of 3 mE/Hz1/2, corresponding to a spatial resolution of about 78 km half wavelength, is achievable for the future satellite gradiometric mission.  相似文献   
With the rapid development of the COMPASS system, it is currently capable of providing regional navigation services. In order to test its data quality and performance for single point positioning (SPP), experiments have been conducted under different observing conditions including open sky, under trees, nearby a glass wall, nearby a large area of water, under high-voltage lines and under a signal transmitting tower. To assess the COMPASS data quality, the code multipath, cycle slip occurrence rate and data availability were analyzed and compared to GPS data. The datasets obtained from the experiments have also been utilized to perform combined GPS/COMPASS SPP on an epoch-by-epoch basis using unsmoothed single-frequency code observations. The investigation on the regional navigation performance aims at low-accuracy applications and all tests are made in Changsha, China, using the “SOUTH S82-C” GPS/COMPASS receivers. The results show that adding COMPASS observations can significantly improve the positioning accuracy of single-frequency GPS-only SPP in environments with limited satellite visibility. Since the COMPASS system is still in an initial operational stage, all results are obtained based on a fairly limited amount of data.  相似文献   
针对无人机操作手在执行任务时不能有效地识别与处置特情的难题,提出了一种基于故障树遍历分析和快照技术的无人机特情模拟训练方法,并以样例无人机为研究案例进行了关键技术解析、通用化特情训练系统设计实现和试验.利用故障树理论,建立完备的无人机故障树模型,分析了需重点模拟训练的特情.利用快照技术,实现了不同飞行阶段训练的解耦;结合RTW(Real-Time Workshop)技术、数据库技术和视景仿真技术,完成了通用化无人机特情训练系统的开发,并成功应用于某型无人机的特情训练.给出了样例无人机操作手在不同方法下的训练结果,通过统计数据对比,表明该方法与常规的方法相比,训练效率更高,训练的完备度更好.  相似文献   
NS-DSMC(Navier Stokes-Direct Simulation Monte Carlo)耦合方法是计算连续-稀薄跨流域流动的主要方法,应用过程中如何确定连续流域和稀薄流域的界面是此方法的关键问题之一,界面位置通常通过连续失效参数来判定.为合理选择连续失效参数,对目前广泛使用的两种连续失效参数KnQ和B参数进行了理论上的分析和比较,表明虽然他们建立的出发点不同,但在数学形式上具有一定相似性.通过圆柱绕流问题的数值试验进一步验证了两种连续失效参数具有一定对应关系.KnQ和B两种连续失效参数在NS-DSMC耦合方法中应用效果相差不大,但KnQ 的阈值0.05适用范围较广,而B参数的阈值对不同流动问题会有变化.   相似文献   
应用重离子加速器和皮秒脉冲激光器开展Virtex-Ⅱ FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)单粒子效应加固方法有效性研究.实验结果表明,同时应用三模冗余和动态刷新加固方法能够完全纠正单粒子效应产生的功能错误.实验获得数据加密算法在不同单粒子效应加固方法下功能错误截面,发现少量的存储位翻转就可以导致程序功能错误;程序功能对存储位翻转较敏感.分析Virtex-Ⅱ FPGA不同加固方法在不同卫星轨道的有效性,同时应用动态刷新和三模冗余加固方法,可以完全校正由于存储位翻转造成的功能错误.重离子加速器和脉冲激光器实验结果同时表明,脉冲激光可以模拟重离子加速器研究单粒子效应加固方法有效性.  相似文献   
利用一维非定常气流理论,建立了管道中气体传播的分布式参数模型,采用迎风差分的方法进行数值计算,并通过实验结果与模型仿真结果的比较,验证了该模型的正确性.通过改变管道直径、气源速度、入口压强和仿真空间步长等初始条件,模拟不同特性的管道,对仿真结果进行比较分析,得到不同波形的压力波在不同管道中传播的特性.结果表明:利用压力波测流量时,应采用下弦波或矩形波.   相似文献   
电动VTOL飞行器双目立体视觉导航方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了在未知的、动态的室内走廊环境中,采用双目立体视觉引导电动VTOL(Vertical Take-Off and Landing)飞行器安全飞行的方法.使用安装在飞机上的两个微型摄像头从不同的位置获取图像,由双目立体视觉理论恢复其周围环境特征点的三维坐标.采用角点匹配方法计算视差,实现无人机在走廊中的横向坐标定位.采用区域灰度相关算法进行立体匹配获取视差图,从视差图上检测出障碍物,并给出避障导航点.初步实验验证表明,该方法可行性较高,可以作为进一步研究的基础.   相似文献   
四旋翼飞行器的非线性PID姿态控制   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
针对四旋翼飞行器的非线性姿态运动动力学模型,设计了一种新的几乎全局稳定的非线性PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) 姿态控制器.该控制器由一个线性PID的控制部分和一个惯性力矩补偿部分组成,可以抑制常值干扰和幅值有界且能量有界的干扰.数字仿真验证了该控制器对干扰的抑制作用.在搭建的姿态控制实验平台上进行了定点姿态跟踪控制实验.实验结果显示俯仰角和滚转角的误差均小于1°,验证了该控制器对小角度控制的有效性和对未建模动态的鲁棒性.   相似文献   
气气喷嘴推进剂入口温度对燃烧和壁温的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以同轴双剪切气气单喷嘴为对象,对气气燃烧流场进行了数值模拟,并进行了研究,分析了喷嘴推进剂入口温度对燃烧性能和室壁温的影响,结果表明:推进剂温度变化引起的燃氧动量比变化对燃烧和壁温起主要影响;富氢燃气状态变化对燃烧和壁温的影响大于富氧燃气状态变化.试验验证了数值模拟结果.   相似文献   
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