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The output of a realizable balanced frequency discriminator is calculated for an input consisting of a sine wave plus Gaussian noise. Explicit autocorrelation and power spectra are found for one practical embodiment of the discriminator for various input carrier-to-noise ratios, with the carrier tuned to center frequency and also off-center. The formulas also permit the calculation of the output for the case of a spectrum of noise slowly swept through the discriminator. Although qualitatively similar to results previously obtained with an ideal discriminator, substantial differences are also found. Measurements are made that closely verified the theoretical results. No limiting is assumed.  相似文献   
This paper considers the problem arising from the design of an autopilot for a large booster. The motion-controlling actuators of the booster have both position and rate limits. The problem is formulated as a bounded phase-coordinate problem and analyzed by the ``backing out of the target' procedure. A method of constructing the optimal control is presented. An example of an oscillatory system with two control inputs is given, and the optimal control is expressed as an explicit time function.  相似文献   
Increased sensitivity and dynamic range of the instrumental techniques used in conjunction with experiments on ballistic ranges have brought to the fore many problems arising from contamination in the ranges themselves. This is seldom discussed when experimental results are presented but is frequently the controlling limitation on the accuracy of the measurements. The authors discuss contamination due to dirt and debris resultant from gun operation, gaseous impurities, and projectile-borne impurities as they have occurred at the Re-entry Simulating Range of Lincoln Laboratory. The effects of these contaminants on measurements are discussed and illustrated, and measures for controlling them are outlined. Finally, a particular range operation is described from the standpoint of impurity control.  相似文献   
Physical properties of the Venus ionosphere obtained by experiments on the US Pioneer Venus and the Soviet Venera missions are presented in the form of models suitable for inclusion in the Venus International Reference Atmosphere. The models comprise electron density (from 120 km), electron and ion temperatures, and relative ion abundance in the altitude range from 150 km to 1000 km for solar zenith angles from 0° to 180°. In addition, information on ion transport velocities, ionopause altitudes, and magnetic field characteristics of the Venus ionosphere, are presented in tabular or graphical form. Also discussed is the solar control of the physical properties of the Venus ionosphere.  相似文献   
The plasma diagnostic experiments on the AUREOL-3 satellite have revealed flows of low energy 0+ ions deep inside the night plasmasphere during a large substorm. Flux gradients of the 0+ ions were accompanied by enhancements of ELF electric field noise. The appearance of suprathermal ions at L ? 2.5 – 3 is interpreted within the framework of electrostatic ion-cyclotron acceleration of ionospheric ions in the diffuse auroral zone /12/ followed by a radial displacement of these ions inside the plasmasphere driven by azimuthal electric fields during substorm activity. Electrostatic oscillations observed inside the plasmasphere are apparently associated with gradient instability at the sharp boundaries of suprathermal ion flows.  相似文献   
Project Trinidad     
The first intercontinental satellite communication link, which involved the NASA Echo I balloon, a transmitting station on the Island of Trinidad, and a receiving station at Floyd, NY, is discussed. Rome Air Development Center (RADC) experimental stations were set up using a great deal of ingenuity and makeshift equipment and on a very small budget. Much of the equipment was salvaged from unrelated systems, while some was hand-built for this project. The implementation of the system, the testing of the system using moon bounce, the first orbital launch of the Echo I balloon, and the early difficulties encountered in the project are reviewed  相似文献   
The in vitro hippocampal brain slice is a 0.4 mm thick neural network that can be used to study brain responses to radiation and related injuries. This preparation is unique in that it responds to ionizing radiation within minutes after exposure without complications from changes in vascularity, blood flow, blood pressure, etc. Electrophysiological studies have shown that x- and gamma-rays alter synaptic transmission and spike generation, elements of normal brain activity. To evaluate the role of hydroxyl free radicals (OH) in these changes, slices were exposed to dilute H2O2 solutions. EPR spin trapping experiments verified that OH is produced. Neural responses, while similar, were not identical to those due to radiation, possibly because of a different distribution of OH. Although H2O2 is freely diffusible, it produces OH at specific sites where, e.g. iron reduces it. In contrast, x- and gamma-rays produce OH more uniformly throughout the tissue. H2O2 may provide a better model for high-LET radiation where yields of radical products of water radiolysis are decreased and peroxide reactions predominate.  相似文献   
An anaerobic reactor seeded with organisms from an anaerobic lagoon was used to study the degradation of inedible crop residues from potato and wheat crops grown in a closed environment. Conversion of this biomass into other products was also evaluated. Degradation of wheat volatile solids was about 25% where that of potato was about 50%. The main product of the anaerobic fermentation of both crops was acetic acid with smaller quantities of propionate and butyrate produced. Nitrate, known to be high in concentration in inedible potato and wheat biomass grown hydroponically, was converted to ammonia in the anaerobic reactor. Both volatile fatty acid and ammonia production may have implications in a crop production system.  相似文献   
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