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When the VEGA and GIOTTO spacecrafts flew by comet p/Halley in 1986 the mass-spectrometers Puma and PIA measured the composition of cometary dust particles impacting at speeds of well above 65 km/s. Ion formation upon impact lead to mostly atomic ions. However, a small fraction of the ions measured could be related to molecules. A sophisticated analysis allowed for the first time to point to the chemical nature of cometary organics based on actual mass spectra. With the instrument CoMA for the NASA-BMFT mission CRAF much higher mass-resolution and molecule masses become accessible for in situ measurement, and will yield complementary information to the gas chromatograph CIDEX also onboard CRAF.  相似文献   
An optimized ambiguity search method is described in this paper focusing on speed and reliability. The method has incorporated several existing fast ambiguity search concepts and the ambiguity search speed can be further improved. In addition to the improvement of the ambiguity search speed, special attention has been paid to the improvement of the reliability of the ambiguity search process. Several theoretical and practical aspects involved in an ambiguity search algorithm are also addressed which have not been explored in previous literatures  相似文献   
It has been known for some time that adequate assessment of spacecraft shield requirements and concomitant estimates of astronauts radiation exposures from galactic cosmic radiation requires accurate, quantitative methods for characterizing these radiation fields as they pass through thick absorbers. The main nuclear interaction processes involved are (1) nuclear elastic and inelastic collisions, and (2) nuclear breakup (fragmentation) and electromagnetic dissociation (EMD). Nuclear fragmentation and EMD are important because they alter the elemental and isotopic composition of the transported radiation fields. At present, there is no suitably accurate theory for predicting nuclear fragmentation cross sections for all collision pairs and energies of interest in space radiation protection. Typical cross-section differences between theory and experiment range from about 25 percent to a factor of two. The resulting errors in transported flux, for high linear energy transfer (LET) particles, are comparble to these cross-section errors. In this overview, theoretical models of heavy ion fragmentation currently used to generate input data bases for cosmic-ray transport and shielding codes are reviewed. Their shortcomings are discussed. Further actions needed to improve their accuracy and generality are presented.  相似文献   
After more than two years of successful in-orbit operations, the γ-ray coded aperture SIGMA telescope has accumulated 800 hours of live-time observations of the Galactic Center region, including the remarkable hard source identified with the X-ray source 1E 1740.7–2942. The long-term behavior of the soft γ-ray emission of 1E 1740.7–2942, as determined from the SIGMA survey, supplemented with previously available soft γ-ray data, leads to its identification with a singular radio source, which consists of a double sided radio jet emanating from a compact variable core whose variability is correlated with that of the soft γ-ray source. The compact radio core, which lies well inside the improved soft γ-ray (40–150 keV) error circle (27″ radius) derived from the high-resolution SIGMA survey, is also inside the ROSAT and TTM error circle derived respectively in the soft and hard X-ray bands.  相似文献   
SYMBIOSE is an ESA supported research and development program which aims at establishing a first pilot model of a closed ecological system, compatible with operation in weightlessness conditions, and dedicated to scientific investigations in the microgravity environment. It integrates microalgal photosynthesis within an artificial ecosystem featuring a symbiotic strain of Chlorella (241 .80, Gottingen), which synthesizes and excretes substantial amounts of maltose, and is further looped on a consumer compartment. A technological concept has been developed. It is presently being integrated in order to gain knowledge on the system dynamics, and ultimately demonstrate the feasibility of such a biotechnology. Preliminary work on the photosynthetic metabolism of this microalga is being undertaken in order 1) to support later a mathematical formalisation of the dynamics of this artificial ecosystem, and, on this basis, 2) to compensate for its lack of stability with model-based external control. The most recent results are presented, along with a new design of the photobioreactor which integrates efficient light energy capture, microgravity compatible gas transfer and reduced shear stress.  相似文献   
Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ultraviolet Spectrometer (PVOUVS) HI 1216Å data from six (6) orbits are analyzed. Analysis of subsolar region periapsis data show that for an exobase temperature of 305K, the exobase density is 5 ± 2(4) @cm?3 and the column abundance of atomic hydrogen between 110 and 200 km is 2.4 ± 0.8(13) cm?2. The upward flux through the exobase is determined to be 7.5 ± 2.5(7)/cm2s. Apoapsis data were analyzed for both evening and morning geometries. We conclude: (1) the observed limb profiles show a diurnal variation consistent with Brinton et al.; (2) the model temperature field provides a good fit to the morning data, but the morning temperature field must be used to match the evening data; and (3) the theoretical Ly α limb intensity profiles are sensitive to small changes in the shape and magnitude of the variation of exobase hydrogen with solar zenith angle. The solar Ly α flux at line center required to fit the magnitude of the data is 8(11) photons/cm2s Å at Venus.  相似文献   
The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is a model of the ionosphere, based on experimental data, which has been proposed as a standard ionospheric model. As such, it should be tested extensively to determine its range of validity. One of the ways in which the electron denisty profile given by the IRI, especially above the peak of the F layer, can be tested is to compare calculated and observed values of total electron content (TEC). We have therefore studied the discrepancies between calculated and observed values of TEC recorded at 15 stations covering a wide range of longitudes and latitudes, mainly in the northern hemisphere, and mainly for high levels of solar activity. W have found that the IRI produces reasonably accurate values of TEC at mid and high latitudes, but that it greatly underestimates the daytime values of TEC at low latitudes. We conclude therefore that the daytime electron density profile given by the IRI is reasonably accurate at mid and high latitudes, at least above the peak of the F2 layer. The situation at low latitudes clearly requires more work, and we have suggested two possible lines of study. The generally low discrepancies at night indicate that the night-time electron density profiles given by the IRI correspond fairly closely to the actual profiles.  相似文献   
Using HXIS data, we have studied further development of the coronal arch extending towards SE above the active region (AR) No.17255 in November 1980. The disappearance of that arch was followed by the appearance of another arch-like structure towards SW. We have studied the development of the new structure and classified it as an arch interconnecting AR 17255 with AR 17251, which was ~30° to the west. We estimate physical characteristics of this interconnection and compare them with Skylab data and the earlier arches.  相似文献   
Intensities and profiles of ion emission lines between 1170 A and 1700 A from an active region on the Sun are measured from spectra obtained with the Naval Research Laboratory's High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph - HRTS. The measurements provide simultaneous determination of line intensities, wavelength shifts and Doppler widths at 50 separate positions in the active region, with spatial resolution of 1 arc second and spectral resolution 0.07 A. Fine structure variation of intensities and gas flow velocities in the temperature range 20,000–200,000 K are determined. The density sensitive line pair I(1486 N IV)/I(1548 C IV) has been used to measure electron pressures. Derived emission measures imply filling factors of 0.05–0.1 to balance the divergence of conductive flux width radiative losses above 60,000 K.  相似文献   
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