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Although the Mars Express (MEX) does not carry a magnetometer, it is in principle possible to derive the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation from the three dimensional velocity distribution of pick-up ions measured by the Ion Mass Analyser (IMA) on board MEX because pick-up ions' orbits, in velocity phase space, are expected to gyrate around the IMF when the IMF is relatively uniform on a scale larger than the proton gyroradius. During bow shock outbound crossings, MEX often observed cycloid distributions (two dimensional partial ring distributions in velocity phase space) of protons in a narrow channel of the IMA detector (only one azimuth for many polar angles). We show two such examples. Three different methods are used to derive the IMF orientation from the observed cycloid distributions. One method is intuitive (intuitive method), while the others derive the minimum variance direction of the velocity vectors for the observed ring ions. These velocity vectors are selected either manually (manual method) or automatically using simple filters (automatic method). While the intuitive method and the manual method provide similar IMF orientations by which the observed cycloid distribution is well arranged into a partial circle (representing gyration) and constant parallel velocity, the automatic method failed to arrange the data to the degree of the manual method, yielding about a 30° offset in the estimated IMF direction. The uncertainty of the derived IMF orientation is strongly affected by the instrument resolution. The source population for these ring distributions is most likely newly ionized hydrogen atoms, which are picked up by the solar wind.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe a three-dimensional, multicellular tissue-equivalent model, produced in NASA-designed, rotating wall bioreactors using mammalian cells engineered for genomic containment of multiple copies of defined target genes for genotoxic assessment. Rat 2 lambda fibroblasts, genetically engineered to contain high-density target genes for mutagenesis (Stratagene, Inc., Austin, TX), were cocultured with human epithelial cells on Cytodex beads in the High Aspect Ratio Bioreactor (Synthecon, Inc, Houston, TX). Multi-bead aggregates were formed by day 5 following the complete covering of the beads by fibroblasts. Cellular retraction occurred 8-14 days after coculture initiation culminating in spheroids retaining few or no beads. Analysis of the resulting tissue assemblies revealed: multicellular spheroids, fibroblasts synthesized collagen, and cell viability was retained for the 30-day test period after removal from the bioreactor. Quantification of mutation at the LacI gene in Rat 2 lambda fibroblasts in spheroids exposed to 0-2 Gy neon using the Big Blue color assay (Stratagene, Inc.), revealed a linear dose-response for mutation induction. Limited sequencing analysis of mutant clones from 0.25 or 1 Gy exposures revealed a higher frequency of deletions and multiple base sequencing changes with increasing dose. These results suggest that the three-dimensional, multicellular tissue assembly model produced in NASA bioreactors are applicable to a wide variety of studies involving the quantification and identification of genotoxicity including measurement of the inherent damage incurred in Space.  相似文献   
The Scanning Sky Monitor (SSM) on ASTROSAT is a position-sensitive gas-filled proportional counter with a wide field of view. The scientific objective of SSM is to scan the sky within few hours to detect and locate transient X-ray sources in the outburst phase. Once detected, this information will be provided for studies in all energy bands. The energy range of operation of SSM is 2–10 keV. The optimisation of the parameters of the proportional counter such as the cell size, the gas mixture and the gas pressure for the SSM are discussed here.  相似文献   
Testing of hardware packages of sensors, actuators, and control electronics in the control loop for the IRS and SROSS satellites using motion simulators is reported. Simulation exercises and test results are described. Both air-bearing platforms and servo tables were used. The problems observed varied from interface incompatibilities and logic-level mistakes to onboard software malfunctions. unit-to-unit differences, and controller gain parameters. The importance of testing with hardware in a dynamic environment, is demonstrated  相似文献   
One of the main guidelines for future X-ray astronomy projects like, e.g., XEUS (ESA) and Generation-X (NASA) is to utilize grazing-incidence focusing optics with extremely large telescopes (several tens of m2 at 1 keV), with a dramatic increase in collecting area of about two order of magnitude compared to the current X-ray telescopes. In order to avoid the problem of the source's confusion limit at low fluxes, the angular resolution required for these optics should be superb (a few arcsec at most). The enormous mirror dimensions together with the high imaging performances give rise to a number of manufacturing problems. It is basically impossible to realize so large mirrors from closed Wolter I shells which benefit from high mechanical stiffness. Instead the mirrors need to be formed as rectangular segments and a series of them will be assembled in a petal. Taking into account the realistic load capabilities of space launchers, to be able to put in orbit so large mirror modules the mass/geometric-area ratio of the optics should be very small. Finally, with a so large optics mass it would be very difficult to provide the electric power for an optics thermal active control, able to maintain the mirrors at the usual temperature of 20 °C. Therefore, very likely, the optics will instead operate in extreme thermal conditions, with the mirror temperature oscillating between −30 and −40 °C, that tends to exclude the epoxy replication approach (the mismatch between the CTE of the substrate and that of the resin would cause prohibitively large deformations of the mirror surface profiles). From these considerations light weight materials with high thermal–mechanical properties such as glass or ceramics become attractive to realize the mirrors of future Xray telescopes. In this paper, we will discuss a segments manufacturing method based on BorofloatTM glass. A series of finite element analysis concerning different aspects of the production, testing and integration of the optics are also presented as well.  相似文献   
Presently, the french governmental bodies and space industry are joining their efforts and investments in a large technological programme named STENTOR; this programme is aiming to improve competitiveness of french space telecom industry by lowering costs and getting quickly vital technologies for the future.

First of all, this paper outlines main components of this programme and its major stages since 1994 up to 2009. Most innovating technologies of STENTOR satellite are described in terms of technical performances, development status and very promising impacts on cost and overall performances of future commercial telecom satellites; here is a preliminary list: plasma propulsion, thermal control using fluid loops and a deployable radiator, Li-Ion batteries, orbit determination with GPS receiver. Ku band regenerative payload with active antennas, etc.

Finally, some examples of service demonstrations foreseen for the in-orbit operating phase are given as illustrations.  相似文献   

Two algorithms are derived for the problem of tracking a manoeuvring target based on a sequence of noisy measurements of the state. Manoeuvres are modeled as unknown input (acceleration) terms entering linearly into the state equation and chosen from a discrete set. The expectation maximization (EM) algorithm is first applied, resulting in a multi-pass estimator of the MAP sequence of inputs. The expectation step for each pass involves computation of state estimates in a bank of Kalman smoothers tuned to the possible manoeuvre sequences. The maximization computation is efficiently implemented using the Viterbi algorithm. A second, recursive estimator is then derived using a modified EM-type cost function. To obtain a dynamic programming recursion, the target state is assumed to satisfy a Markov property with respect to the manoeuvre sequence. This results in a recursive but suboptimal estimator implementable on a Viterbi trellis. The transition costs of the latter algorithm, which depend on filtered estimates of the state, are compared with the costs arising in a Viterbi-based manoeuvre estimator due to Averbuch, et al. (1991). It is shown that the two criteria differ only in the weighting matrix of the quadratic part of the cost function. Simulations are provided to demonstrate the performance of both the batch and recursive estimators compared with Averbuch's method and the interacting multiple model filter  相似文献   
Optical chemical sensors have been developed for monitoring several parameters relevant to plant growth systems. These sensors utilize porous polymer and porous glass as the sensing element, and optical fiber input/output lines connected to a custom optoelectronic interface. Present in the sensing element are immobilized colorimetric indicators, which react with the analyte to be sensed. This reaction results in a change in the optical properties of the sensor. These sensors are particularly suited to in-situ monitoring of nutrient solution parameters and atmospheric trace contaminants in life support and plant growth systems. Sensors for monitoring pH, ammonia, and ethylene will be discussed.  相似文献   
Techniques and algorithms to detect and diagnose disorders in plants grown in a controlled environment have been developed. A video camera senses features of plants which are indicative of disorders. Images are calibrated for size and color variations by using calibration templates. Different image segmentation techniques for separating object from background, have been implemented. Plant size and color properties have been investigated, temporal, spectral and spatial variation of leaves were extracted from the segmented images. Neural network and statistical classifiers were used to determine plant condition.  相似文献   
The dosimetric experiments Dose-M and Liulin as part of the more complex French-German-Bulgarian-Russian experiments for the investigation of the radiation environment for Mars-96 mission are described. The experiments will be realized with dosemeter-radiometer instruments, measuring absorbed dose in semiconductor detectors and the particle flux. Two detectors will be mounted on board the Mars-96 orbiter. Another detector will be on the guiderope of the Mars-96 Aerostate station. The scientific aims of Dose-M and Liulin experiments are: Analysis of the absorbed dose and the flux on the path and around Mars behind different shielding. Study of the shielding characteristics of the Martian atmosphere from galactic and solar cosmic rays including solar proton events. Together with the French gamma-spectrometer and the German neutron detectors the investigation of the radiation environment on the surface of Mars and in the atmosphere up to 4000 m altitude will be conducted.  相似文献   
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