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Asteroid 4 Vesta is the only preserved intact example of a large, differentiated protoplanet like those believed to be the building blocks of terrestrial planet accretion. Vesta accreted rapidly from the solar nebula in the inner asteroid belt and likely melted due to heat released due to the decay of 26Al. Analyses of meteorites from the howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) suite, which have been both spectroscopically and dynamically linked to Vesta, lead to a model of the asteroid with a basaltic crust that overlies a depleted peridotitic mantle and an iron core. Vesta??s crust may become more mafic with depth and might have been intruded by plutons arising from mantle melting. Constraints on the asteroid??s moments of inertia from the long-wavelength gravity field, pole position and rotation, informed by bulk composition estimates, allow tradeoffs between mantle density and core size; cores of up to half the planetary radius can be consistent with plausible mantle compositions. The asteroid??s present surface is expected to consist of widespread volcanic terrain, modified extensively by impacts that exposed the underlying crust or possibly the mantle. Hemispheric heterogeneity has been observed by poorly resolved imaging of the surface that suggests the possibility of a physiographic dichotomy as occurs on other terrestrial planets. Vesta might have had an early magma ocean but details of the early thermal structure are far from clear owing to model uncertainties and paradoxical observations from the HEDs. Petrological analysis of the eucrites coupled with thermal evolution modeling recognizes two possible mechanisms of silicate-metal differentiation leading to the formation of the basaltic achondrites: equilibrium partial melting or crystallization of residual liquid from the cooling magma ocean. A firmer understanding the plethora of complex physical and chemical processes that contribute to melting and crystallization will ultimately be required to distinguish among these possibilities. The most prominent physiographic feature on Vesta is the massive south polar basin, whose formation likely re-oriented the body axis of the asteroid??s rotation. The large impact represents the likely major mechanism of ejection of fragments that became the HEDs. Observations from the Dawn mission hold the promise of revolutionizing our understanding of 4 Vesta, and by extension, the nature of collisional, melting and differentiation processes in the nascent solar system.  相似文献   
Coronal mass ejections provide a gateway to understanding the physics of energy release and conversion in the solar corona. While it is generally accepted that the energy required to power a CME is contained in the pre-eruption coronal magnetic field, the pre-CME state of that field and the conditions leading up to the release of the magnetic energy are still not entirely clear. Recent studies point to various phenomena which are common to many, if not all, CME events, suggesting that there may be identifiable characteristics of the pre-CME corona which signal the impending eruption. However, determining whether these phenomena are necessary or even sufficient has yet to be achieved. In this paper we attempt to summarize the state of the solar corona and its evolution in the build up to a CME.  相似文献   
着重于寻找月核证据并将月核模型引入月球天平动理论中,探讨如何将多种空间探测技术应用于毫角秒精度的月球天平动观测,进而测定液态和固态月核参量。通过讨论多层月球的月球物理参数、流体核的几何与动力学椭率、松散黏滞的月幔,可获得月球相关详细信息与参量,这些参量对评估多层结构的月球自由天平动很重要。物理天平动的解析理论还可应用于未来多种月球工作中,期望在近代月球科学研究基础上能有进一步发展。  相似文献   
Innovative processing of satellite radar altimetry over solid Earth has been successfully applied for observing geodynamic process of glacial isostatic adjustment over the former Laurentide Ice Sheet in the present-day Hudson Bay land region. In this contribution, a simulation is conducted to study the prospects of the applications of space-/airborne and land-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) reflectometry to synoptically observe global-scale geodynamic processes with a vertical accuracy of ∼2 mm/yr.  相似文献   
The Plasma Experiment for Planetary Exploration (PEPE) flown on Deep Space 1 combines an ion mass spectrometer and an electron spectrometer in a single, low-resource instrument. Among its novel features PEPE incorporates an electrostatically swept field-of-view and a linear electric field time-of-flight mass spectrometer. A significant amount of effort went into developing six novel technologies that helped reduce instrument mass to 5.5 kg and average power to 9.6 W. PEPE’s performance was demonstrated successfully by extensive measurements made in the solar wind and during the DS1 encounter with Comet 19P/Borrelly in September 2001. P. Barker is deceased.  相似文献   
The top priority in America's manned space flight program is the assurance of crew and vehicle safety. This priority gained greater focus during and after the Space Shuttle return-to-flight mission (STS-26). One of the interesting challenges has been to assure crew safety and adequate protection of the Space Shuttle, as a national resource, from increasingly diverse cargoes and operations. The control of hazards associated with the deployment of complex payloads and cargoes has involved many international participants. These challenges are examined in some detail along with examples of how crew safety has evolved in the manned space program and how the international partners have addressed various scenarios involving control and mitigation of potential hazards to crew and vehicle safety.  相似文献   
We present here a brief summary of the rich heritage of observational and theoretical research leading to the development of our current understanding of the initiation, structure, and evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections.  相似文献   
There are different methods for finding exoplanets such as radial spectral shifts, astrometrical measurements, transits, timing etc. Gravitational microlensing (including pixel-lensing) is among the most promising techniques with the potentiality of detecting Earth-like planets at distances about a few astronomical units from their host star or near the so-called snow line with a temperature in the range 0–100 °C on a solid surface of an exoplanet. We emphasize the importance of polarization measurements which can help to resolve degeneracies in theoretical models. In particular, the polarization angle could give additional information about the relative position of the lens with respect to the source.  相似文献   
外骨骼机器人作为新提出的改善、提高人类生活能力的智能设备,同样需要高效智能的人机交互系统,而人机交互的第一步,则是精准预测人的行为意图。从外骨骼机器人的顶层控制角度出发,介绍了人体运动意图识别和外骨骼机器人智能交互能力的研究现状,并对人体运动方向识别进行了研究。提出了一种结合眼动信息、位姿信息及场景视频信息的多信息融合的人体运动意图识别网络架构,并进行了采集设备的穿戴实验。利用实验数据,对提出的网络方法进行了实验验证。结果表明:所提出的人体运动方向的识别系统,可以预测出人体运动过程中的运动方向。   相似文献   
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