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This paper presents results of a preliminary study of feasibility for the application of electroactive polymer (EAP) based actuators to a robotic locomotion system, intended by the European Space Agency (ESA) to operate on the surface of Mars. The system is conceived as an elastic spherical rover, exploiting wind propulsion for surface motion, while adopting an active mechanism for vertical jumping over obstacles. The use of polymeric electromechanical devices is envisaged in order to provide actuation to such a jumping mechanism. Among the available EAP technologies, new contractile linear actuators based on dielectric elastomers arc proposed in this study as suitable devices and two potential solutions concerning their use are designed, modeled, and evaluated via numerical simulations. The best solution reveals interesting simulated performances, enabling jumping of obstacle heights corresponding to more than 7% of the diameter of the rover  相似文献   
This paper examines the concept of a Sun-pointing elliptical Earth ring comprised of dust grains to offset global warming. A new family of non-Keplerian periodic orbits, under the effects of solar radiation pressure and the Earth’s J2 oblateness perturbation, is used to increase the lifetime of the passive cloud of particles and, thus, increase the efficiency of this geoengineering strategy. An analytical model is used to predict the orbit evolution of the dust ring due to solar-radiation pressure and the J2 effect. The attenuation of the solar radiation can then be calculated from the ring model. In comparison to circular orbits, eccentric orbits yield a more stable environment for small grain sizes and therefore achieve higher efficiencies when the orbit decay of the material is considered. Moreover, the novel orbital dynamics experienced by high area-to-mass ratio objects, influenced by solar radiation pressure and the J2 effect, ensure the ring will maintain a permanent heliotropic shape, with dust spending the largest portion of time on the Sun facing side of the orbit. It is envisaged that small dust grains can be released from a circular generator orbit with an initial impulse to enter an eccentric orbit with Sun-facing apogee. Finally, a lowest estimate of 1 × 1012 kg of material is computed as the total mass required to offset the effects of global warming.  相似文献   
An adaptive threshold detector to test for the presence of a weak signal in additive non-Gaussian noise of unknown level is discussed. The detector consists of a locally optimum detector, a noise level estimator, and a decision device. The detection threshold is made adaptive according to the information provided by the noise level estimator in order to keep a fixed false-alarm probability. Asymptotic performance characteristics are obtained indicating relationships among the basic system parameters such as the reference noise sample size and the underlying noise statistics. It is shown that, as the reference noise sample size is made sufficiently large, the adaptive threshold detector attains the performance of a corresponding locally optimum detector for detecting the weak signal were the noise level known.  相似文献   
Collinear Earth–Moon libration points have emerged as locations with immediate applications. These libration point orbits are inherently unstable and must be maintained regularly which constrains operations and maneuver locations. Stationkeeping is challenging due to relatively short time scales for divergence, effects of large orbital eccentricity of the secondary body, and third-body perturbations. Using the Acceleration Reconnection and Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun (ARTEMIS) mission orbit as a platform, the fundamental behavior of the trajectories is explored using Poincaré maps in the circular restricted three-body problem. Operational stationkeeping results obtained using the Optimal Continuation Strategy are presented and compared to orbit stability information generated from mode analysis based in dynamical systems theory.  相似文献   
The work is devoted to observations of sharp growths of magnetospheric electron fluxes in the vicinity of the polar boundary of the outer radiation belt of the Earth according to the data of measurements on the Vernov and Lomonosov satellites. This precipitation was observed at the high-latitude boundary of the outer radiation belt toward the equator from the isotropization boundary, and can be caused by scattering waves of various physical natures, including electromagnetic and electrostatic waves.  相似文献   
Solar pulsations     
Recent observational evidence on solar oscillations is reviewed; this evidence strongly favors the global interpretation for much of the observed spectrum. Implications of these observations for the study of the solar interior and atmosphere are discussed.This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.  相似文献   
We present the materials, which substantiate the application of a rather simple approximate method of accounting for disturbances of the airflow around the helicopter main rotor blades; in this case, the disturbances are caused by vortices that come down from the blade ends. It is shown that these disturbances influence significantly the varying blade loads.  相似文献   
Krymskii  A.M.  Breus  T.K.  Ness  N. F  AcuÑa  M.H. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,92(3-4):535-564
The Mars Global Surveyor mission has revealed that localized crustal paleomagnetic anomalies are a common feature of the Southern Hemisphere of Mars. The magnetometer measured small-scale magnetic fields associated with many individual magnetic anomalies have magnitudes ranging from hundreds to thousands nT at altitude above 120 km. That makes Mars globally different from both Venus and Earth. The data collected by Lunar Prospector near the Moon were interpreted as evidence that above regions of inferred strong surface magnetic fields on the Moon the SW flow is deflected, and a small-scale mini-magnetosphere exists under some circumstances. With a factor of 100 stronger magnetic fields at Mars and a lower SW dynamic pressure, those conditions offer the opportunity for a larger size of small `magnetospheres' which can be formed by the crustal magnetic fields. Outside the regions of the magnetic anomalies, the SW/Mars interaction is Venus-like. Thus, at Mars the distinguishing feature of the magnetic field pile-up boundary most likely varies from Venus-like to Earth-like above the crustal magnetic field regions. The observational data regarding the IMF pile-up regions near Venus and the Earth are initially reviewed. As long as the SW/Mars interaction remains like that at Venus, the IMF penetrates deep into the Martian ionosphere under the `overpressure' conditions. Results of numerical simulations and theoretical expectations regarding the temporal evolution of the IMF inside the Venus ionosphere and appearance of superthermal electrons are also reviewed and assessed.  相似文献   
Recent space observations of waves, both electromagnetic and electrostatic, are reviewed and the role which they can play in the dynamics of magnetospheric particles is stressed. Wave particle interactions (WPI) in the exo- and intra-plasmaspheric media depend on the exact process of particle injection under the influence of magnetospheric electric fields, and on the spatial distribution of the cold plasma particles; these two aspects of the problem are studied to some extent. The concepts of optimum cold plasma density, critical energy, limiting flux, marginal stability, steady-state equilibrium are critically discussed. The non-linear aspects — both experimental and theoretical — of WPI's are reviewed and a special section is devoted to active experiments in space. An attempt is made to outline which kind of experiments could be made at high-latitudes, in conjunction with IMS spacecrafts, in order to arrive at a better understanding of magnetospheric processes involving waves and particles.Paper presented at the Esro Symposium on European Sounding Rocket and Scientific Balloon Activity at High Latitudes with Emphasis on the International Magnetospheric Study (Örenäs Slott, Sweden, 1974).  相似文献   
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