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为了适应装备工作发展的客观要求,适应我军装备管理体制改革的迫切需要,建设我军装备勤务新体系及完善军事装备科学理论体系,需要尽快建立和完善装备勤务理论体系.在正确的指导思想和总体目标的指引下,通过运用合理的研究方法,可以构建出具有我军特色的装备勤务理论体系.  相似文献   
GAMECO执管飞机可用率达96% 据统计:广州飞机维修工程有限公司(GAMECO)在2000年完成了年初制定的各项生产任务和财务指标,保持了较高的飞机定检出厂和飞机可靠率,飞机放行可靠度仍然保持为99.6%,GAMECO执管飞机的可用率为95.90%,比1999年的95.7%略有提高,这在世界上处于领先水平,充分证明了GAMECO有较高的维修管理水平。 截至2000年11月份,GAMECO共完成D检或相当等级的检修15架次,C检71架次,定检(A检、C检)出厂正常率为91.91%;新增飞机附件修理能力71项;新增了空客A320和A321的3C检、波音757吊架改装等飞机维修能力。 GAMECO完成的各种机型的C检的停场时同又比过去缩短了,如波音737的终结C检的停场时间从40天减少至36天,波音757的4C检从25天减至23天,空客A320的1C和2C检也比过去减少了1天。这就意味着航空公司的最重要资源--飞机的利用率提高了。(毛雄斌)  相似文献   
文章叙述了实用计算流体力学在外挂物分离方面的应用。内容包括:1.评估轨迹所使用的计算流体力学和轨迹综合方法;2.生成计算网格的方法和所需资源;3.评估挂架载荷和在计算的轨迹上的外挂物的位置和姿态、以及离机距离与时间的关系;4.评估计算流体动力学过程所使用的参数,包括收敛速率、人工-小时和网格生成所需时间、所使用的计算机资源和对复制结果所需的人员技能。  相似文献   
对于导弹的制导问题采用了最优化控制理论就会产生两点边界值问题,在使用过程中根据线性微分约束条件,最重要的特定的两点边界值问题就是关于控制与状态的二次型性能指标问题,例如在控制效果不佳的时候,在制导控制律的演算中,为了使最终脱靶量最小就会出现这些问题,解决两点边界值问题的各种方法见参考文献1,譬如射击实际上用的就是迭代方法,  相似文献   
一、前言本文认为微波器件对电子干扰技术来说需要进一步完善,为探索专门的电子战系统功能,也同样需要技术的改进。本文首先讨论为什么需要这些技术,然后讨论这些技术的进展状况。电子战系统的目的,是在与敌方相遇的环境中提高武器系统的生存能力,给机务员提供报警,并作出相应的对抗措施。电子战射频(EW RF)分系统能提供有关威胁环境的情报,人们通常称之为电子支援措施(ESM)。能提供射频对抗措施的分系统,就是通常称为电子干  相似文献   
In order to help assess the risk to astronauts due to the long-term exposure to the natural radiation environment in space, an understanding of how the primary radiation field is changed when passing through shielding and tissue materials must be obtained. One important aspect of the change in the primary radiation field after passing through shielding materials is the production of secondary particles from the breakup of the primary. Neutrons are an important component of the secondary particle field due to their relatively high biological weighting factors, and due to their relative abundance, especially behind thick shielding scenarios. Because of the complexity of the problem, the estimation of the risk from exposure to the secondary neutron field must be handled using calculational techniques. However, those calculations will need an extensive set of neutron cross section and thicktarget neutron yield data in order to make an accurate assessment of the risk. In this paper we briefly survey the existing neutron-production data sets that are applicable to the space radiation transport problem, and we point out how neutron production from protons is different than neutron production from heavy ions. We also make comparisons of one the heavy-ion data sets with Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) calculations.  相似文献   
This new multi-disciplinary medical experimentation center provides the ideal scientific, medical and technical environment required for research programs and to prepare international space station Alpha (ISSA) missions, where space and healthcare industries can share their expertise. Different models are available to simulate space flight effects (bed-rest, confinement,...). This is of particular interest for research in Human psychology, physiology, physiopathology and ergonomics, validation of biomedical materials and procedures, testing of drugs, and other healthcare related products. This clinical research facility (CRF) provides valuable services in various fields of Human research requiring healthy volunteers. CRF is widely accessible to national and international, scientific, medical and industrial organisations. Furthermore, users have at their disposal the multi-disciplinary skills of MEDES staff and all MEDES partners on a single site.  相似文献   
The problem is considered of using the PROGRESS transport spacecraft, which will deliver the payload on the ISS, as a free flying platform for realization of space experiments. For maintenance of the ISS 5-6 PROGRESS flights per year are planned. Usually after delivery of the payload the PROGRESS undocks from the ISS and burns down in the Earth atmosphere. However, the operating conditions of its onboard systems allow to prolong operation and to make free flight near to the station and repeatedly to be docked to it. It is offered to use this possibility for performing experiments on Material Science.  相似文献   
TFL开发了一种设计简单,耐用的新型铷原子频标。这个设计在传统的设计上进行了两项改进: ·采用适当的电路措施改进震动和加速度的频率灵敏度 ·进行适当的电路改进降低频标的磁场灵敏度  相似文献   
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