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马特拉公司现正在为法国海军研制一种新的超音速发射后不管冲压式发动机导弹.  相似文献   
在研制战术导弹系统过程中,在一段时间内需要进行导弹发射试验,并对导弹性能进行鉴定.实际上,为了获得鉴定系统所需要的全部信息,往往要进行多次发射试验.对攻击高性能飞机的导弹来说,自然会产生如下的问题,即用何种靶机才足以同导弹抗争?有人驾驶飞机显然是不行的,用高性能军用飞机改制成遥控靶机则成本过高.在大多数研制试验中都是用缩比飞行器来作专用靶机.  相似文献   
法国汤姆逊-CSF公司声称,VT-1已成功地进行了几次飞行试验,这表明该导弹的广泛试验计划已告结束.自1986年以来,美国的LTV公司根据同汤姆逊公司签订的合同进行VT-1导弹的研制,据称导弹能在10s内飞行8km,飞行速度为M=2.3.同现有的导弹相比,VT-1导弹在技术和经济上具有很大的优点.据汤姆逊-CSF  相似文献   
为了评估94GHz雷达在全杂波背景中自动检测目标的作用,本文阐述了进行了硬件和系统研制情况,已研制了几种用于野外试验的地基和机载测量雷达。这些系统的复杂性从简单,固态的碰撞雪崩渡越时间(IMPATT)发射机/耿氏组件向具有扫描天线,双接收机和频率捷变的高功率脉冲雷达变化。人们感兴趣的雷达是由低空(30~60米)飞行的高速军事飞行器所运载的,且能高概率探测和辨别3公里处活动武装目标群的那种雷达。  相似文献   
本文叙述了 MTV(Magnesium-Teflon-Viton)烟火药的研究,其目的是为了研制和试验适用于火箭发动机点火器的配方。大量的热化学计算表明,组分比例和燃烧压力对 MTV 燃烧产物的热力学性能和组分有影响。用三种配方进行了热量、热分析、工艺和内弹道研究。配方中含有维通 A 4%及两种粒度的特氟隆。此配方满足密实要求。用压力范围在0.8~4.2MPa 的小型试验发动机进行管状药柱的点火试验。用含有镁58%MTV 的组分获得了非常良好的结果,其计算的燃烧产物中50%以上处于凝聚状态。在220 MPa 压力下这种密实的点火药的燃速定律为:γ(cm/sec)=1.69 P(MPa)~(0.22)在100 MPa 压力下密实,其燃速升高15%。用上述 MTV 烟火药制成的药柱进行了一系列的环境试验,并成功地用来点燃小型研究发动机及推进剂鉴定发动机。  相似文献   
One of the Skylab experiments dealt with motion sickness, comparing susceptibility in the workshop aloft with susceptibility preflight and postflight. Tests were conducted on and after mission-day 8 (MD 8) by which time the astronauts were adapted to working conditions. Stressful accelerations were generated by requiring the astronauts, with eyes covered, to execute standardized head movements (front, back, left, and right) while in a chair that could be rotated at angular velocities up to 30 rpm. The selected endpoint was either 150 discrete head movements or a very mild level of motion sickness. In all rotation experiments aloft, the five astronauts tested (astronaut 1 did not participate) were virtually symptom free, thus demonstrating lower susceptibility aloft than in preflight and postflight tests on the ground when symptoms were always elicited. Inasmuch as the eyes were covered and the canalicular stimuli were the same aloft as on the ground, it would appear that lifting the stimulus to the otolith organs due to gravity was an important factor in reducing susceptibility to motion sickness even though the transient stimuli generated under the test conditions were substantial and abnormal in pattern. Some of the astronauts experienced motion sickness under operational conditions aloft or after splashdown, but attention is centered chiefly on symptoms manifested in zero gravity. None of the Skylab-II crew (astronauts 1 to 3) was motion sick aloft. Astronaut 6 of the Skylab-III crew (astronauts 4 to 6) experienced motion sickness within an hour after transition into orbit; this constitutes the earliest such diagnosis on record under orbital flight conditions. The eliciting stimuli were associated with head and body movements, and astronaut 6 obtained relief by avoiding such movements and by one dose of the drug combination 1-scopolamine 0.35 mg + d-amphetamine 5.0 mg. All three astronauts of Skylab-III experienced motion sickness in the workshop where astronaut 6 was most susceptible and astronaut 4, least susceptible. The higher susceptibility of SL-III crewmen in the workshop, as compared with SL-II crewmen, may be attributable to the fact that they were based in the command module less than one-third as long as SL-II crewmen. The unnatural movements, often resembling acrobatics, permitted in the open spaces of the workshop revealed the great potentialities in weightlessness for generating complex interactions of abnormal or unusual vestibular and visual stimuli. Symptoms were controlled by body restraint and by drugs, but high susceptibility to motion sickness persisted for 3 days and probably much longer; restoration was complete on MD 7. From the foregoing statements it is clear that on and after MD 8 the susceptibility of SL-II and SL-III crewmen to motion sickness under experimental conditions was indistinguishable. The role played by the acquisition of adaptation effects prior to MD 8 is less clear and is a subject to be discussed.  相似文献   
本文是评论MX导弹喷管先进材料的三篇文章中的第二篇。第一篇文章于1977年4月在SAMPE季刊中发表(译文见“固体火箭技术”1978年第二期第99—105页),综述了MX导弹喷管对材料的要求,叙述了石墨材料的结构、性质和性能之间的关系。本文继续对MX的第一级和第二级发动机喷管所用先进材料进一步进行评价。  相似文献   
尽管马特拉公司还在研究改进其已有的“响尾蛇”/“奥托马特”导弹和反跑道空地导弹,但它目前正在寻求美国厂商来合作研制新型中程地空导弹.  相似文献   
In order to help assess the risk to astronauts due to the long-term exposure to the natural radiation environment in space, an understanding of how the primary radiation field is changed when passing through shielding and tissue materials must be obtained. One important aspect of the change in the primary radiation field after passing through shielding materials is the production of secondary particles from the breakup of the primary. Neutrons are an important component of the secondary particle field due to their relatively high biological weighting factors, and due to their relative abundance, especially behind thick shielding scenarios. Because of the complexity of the problem, the estimation of the risk from exposure to the secondary neutron field must be handled using calculational techniques. However, those calculations will need an extensive set of neutron cross section and thicktarget neutron yield data in order to make an accurate assessment of the risk. In this paper we briefly survey the existing neutron-production data sets that are applicable to the space radiation transport problem, and we point out how neutron production from protons is different than neutron production from heavy ions. We also make comparisons of one the heavy-ion data sets with Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) calculations.  相似文献   
低成本空间运输对保证正常扩大利用空间以及维持所需的地面/空间基地后勤支援是非常重要的.介绍了如何建立空间运输决策支持系统.重点介绍如何在该系统中采用费用-效果分析技术和分析程序.其目的是要提供一种计算机化的决策支持系统,使用户能按费用、进度和技术参数等来组成和评审空间运输系统结构.这种系统和用户有很强的交互作用性,能允许用户针对相同的和在变化中的判据来评审/比较多种空间运输系统方案.  相似文献   
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