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本文介绍硝酸酯增塑的聚醚聚氨酯推进剂在低温贮存中,解决失去应变能力(脆化)问题的研究结果。这种高度增塑的推进剂在低温下短期贮存,几乎完全失去了应变能力。研究这种脆化的原因表明,交联密度以及粘合剂配方是起作用的因素。湿度曾被考虑是因素之一,但实验证明并非如此。实验表明增塑剂结晶是脆变的主要原因但不一定与增塑剂的凝固点有关。重新测定某些增塑剂的凝固点是研究工作的一部份。放入增塑剂晶体增加了推进剂脆变速度。单独采用丁三醇三硝酸酯(BTTN)或是混合增塑剂可以解决这个问题。采用混合增塑剂可以得到最好的低温性能。  相似文献   
A.  Meta  J.  J.  M.  de  Wit  P.  Hoogeboom  刘建忠 《空载雷达》2007,(3):12-16,24
紧凑的FM—CW(调频-连续波)雷达技术和高分辨力SAR(合成孔径雷达)处理技术的结合将为体积小、重量轻且性价比高的成像雷达的发展铺平道路。然而,在空中观察地球表面这一领域中,将SAR用于FM—CW雷达是比较新颖的。通信传输和雷达国际研究中心(IRCTR)启动了一项关于FM—CW SAR的可行性研究。在该研究项目框架中,开发并测试了一种完全运转的机载FM—CW SAR验证系统。文中综述了地面测试的情况。此外,2004年6月在柏林附近的Strausberg机场进行了一次非常成功的空中试验。本文将介绍这些机载试验的初步结果。  相似文献   
Bubble Technology Industries Inc. (BTI), with the support of the Canadian Space Agency, has finished the construction of the Canadian High-Energy Neutron Spectrometry System (CHENSS). This spectrometer is intended to measure the high energy neutron spectrum (approximately 1-100 MeV) encountered in spacecraft in low earth orbit. CHENSS is designed to fly aboard a US space shuttle and its scientific results should facilitate the prediction of neutron dose to astronauts in space from readings of different types of radiation dosimeters that are being used in various missions.  相似文献   
Experimental observations of adaptation processes of the motor control system to altered gravity conditions can provide useful elements to the investigations on the mechanisms underlying motor control of human subject. The microgravity environment obtained on orbital flights represents a unique experimental condition for the monitoring of motor adaptation. The research in motor control exploits the changes caused by microgravity on the overall sensorimotor process, due to the impairment of the sensory systems whose function depends upon the presence of the gravity vector. Motor control in microgravity has been investigated during parabolic flights and short-term space missions, in particular for analysis of movement-posture co-ordination when equilibrium is no longer a constraint. Analysis of long-term adaptation would also be very interesting, calling for long-term body motion observations during the process of complete motor adaptation to the weightlessness environment. ELITE-S2 is an innovative facility for quantitative human movement analysis in weightless conditions onboard the International Space Station (ISS). ELITE-S2 is being developed by the Italian Space Agency, ASI is to be delivering the flight models to NASA to be included in an expressed rack in US Lab Module in February 2004. First mission is currently planned for summer 2004 (increment 10 ULF 2 ISS).  相似文献   
Sleep in space     
Manned space flights have shown it is possible to sleep in microgravity. However, some sleep disturbances have been reported which influence performance of the crew and safety of space flight. This paper reviews the main studies of in-flight sleep in animal and man. Most disturbances are related to phase lags due to operational requirements. Factors which can disturb in-flight sleep are analysed: environmental factors. Some of them are secondary to space flight ergonomics. Conversely, effects of microgravity on light-dark alternance are less known and lead to interesting problems of fundamental research, psychological factors, especially during long duration flights.  相似文献   
本文报导了凯夫拉-49纤维缠绕的直径为5.75英寸各种压力容器的环向纤维应力特性,在这些容器制作中,分别采用了不同的环氧树脂系统,一种松粘剂预处理的纤维/环氧系统,一种环向纤维材料上不加树脂的系统以及一种未经预处理的系统。树脂系统以三类常用的环氧树脂为代表:刚性环氧树脂、半柔性环氧树脂、及橡胶增韧的粘性环氧树脂。曾通过压力容器试验温度的变化来导致纤维/基体界面的变化。由于纤维/基体的高度偶联,引起了压力容器中纤维拉伸性能的降低,其值为凯夫拉-49浸胶纱带公称拉伸强度的51-77%。本文并提出了解释这些现象的机理。  相似文献   
去年几乎被美国国会撤消的多国XIM-116A旋转弹体导弹(RAM)计划,由于最近试验获得成功而又有了转机.RAM导弹计划是美国/欧洲武器发展和生产“双边制”中的一项童要项目,该计划如能得以恢复,将成为美国和欧洲合作与竞争的典范.美国国会明确表示,要尽量避免中断RAM计划.至于RAM导弹的进一步定型,还有待美国防部长和联邦德国国防部长今年6、7月间在RAM导弹生产谅解备忘录上签字后才确定.  相似文献   
Coupled radiative-convective/photochemical modeling was performed for Earth-like planets orbiting different types of stars (the Sun as a G2V, an F2V, and a K2V star). O(2) concentrations between 1 and 10(-5) times the present atmospheric level (PAL) were simulated. The results were used to calculate visible/near-IR and thermal-IR spectra, along with surface UV fluxes and relative dose rates for erythema and DNA damage. For the spectral resolution and sensitivity currently planned for the first generation of terrestrial planet detection and characterization missions, we find that O(2) should be observable remotely in the visible for atmospheres containing at least 10(-2) PAL of O(2). O(3) should be visible in the thermal-IR for atmospheres containing at least 10(-3) PAL of O(2). CH(4) is not expected to be observable in 1 PAL O(2) atmospheres like that of modern Earth, but it might be observable at thermal-IR wavelengths in "mid-Proterozoic-type" atmospheres containing approximately 10(-1) PAL of O(2). Thus, the simultaneous detection of both O(3) and CH(4) - considered to be a reliable indication of life - is within the realm of possibility. High-O(2) planets orbiting K2V and F2V stars are both better protected from surface UV radiation than is modern Earth. For the F2V case the high intrinsic UV luminosity of the star is more than offset by the much thicker ozone layer. At O(2) levels below approximately 10(-2) PAL, planets around all three types of stars are subject to high surface UV fluxes, with the F2V planet exhibiting the most biologically dangerous radiation environment. Thus, while advanced life is theoretically possible on high-O(2) planets around F stars, it is not obvious that it would evolve as it did on Earth.  相似文献   
根据苏联目前的 GLASMPST 政策,苏联对其军用卫星导航系统GLONASS 持较为开放的态度,苏联通信部于1988年5月发表文章正式公布了 GLONASS C/A 码的详细技术数据。在1989年9月美国导航学会会议上又发表了一篇有关 GLONASS P 码的文章。该文研究了 GLONASS 伪随机数(PRN)序列码(C/A 码和 P 码)的一些特性,粗略地解释了所选PRN 码的合理性。鉴于 GLONASS 和 GPS 在形式及构成上的相似性,本文在一定程度上对两者的 C/A 码和 P 码进行了比较,对它们各自的 PRN 码作了初步评估。由于民航用 GPS/GLONASS 组合接收机即将变为现实,本文亦讨论了用商用编码器实现 C/A 码和 P 码的有关问题。  相似文献   
自从60年代初期以来,6Al—4V钛合金就被广泛地用于航天发动机壳体。本文描述了钛合金火箭发动机壳体(其最小极限抗拉强度的设计值达到175,000磅/英寸~2。)从锻件到加工成产品的工艺制造过程。对设计经验和该产品独特的工艺控制过程,如热处理和金相检验,也给予评论。本文对钛合金压力容器的优点,如多次使用、推力向量校准以及附加法兰和部件易于组合等,都作了介绍。  相似文献   
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