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The full dynamics of spacecraft around an asteroid, in which the spacecraft is considered as a rigid body and the gravitational orbit–attitude coupling is taken into account, is of great value and interest in the precise theories of the motion. The spectral stability of the classical relative equilibria of the full spacecraft dynamics around an asteroid is studied with the method of geometric mechanics. The stability conditions are given explicitly based on the characteristic equation of the linear system matrix. It is found that the linearized system decouples into two entirely independent subsystems, which correspond to the motions within and outside the equatorial plane of the asteroid respectively. The system parameters are divided into three groups that describe the traditional stationary orbit stability, the significance of the orbit–attitude coupling and the mass distribution of the spacecraft respectively. The spectral stability of the relative equilibria is investigated numerically with respect to the three groups of system parameters. The relations between the full spacecraft dynamics and the traditional spacecraft dynamics, as well as the effect of the orbit–attitude coupling, are assessed. We find that when the orbit–attitude coupling is strong, the mass distribution of the spacecraft dominates the stability of the relative equilibria; whereas when the orbit–attitude coupling is weak, both the mass distribution and the traditional stationary orbit stability have significant effects on the stability. We also give a criterion to determine whether the orbit–attitude coupling needs to be considered.  相似文献   
Influence of lunar topography on simulated surface temperature   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The surface temperature of the Moon is one of the essential parameters for the lunar exploration, especially to evaluate the Moon thermophysical features. The distribution of the temperature is heavily influenced by the Moon topography, which, however, is rarely studied in the state-of-art surface temperature models. Therefore, this paper takes the Moon topography into account to improve the surface temperature model, Racca model. The main parameters, such as slopes along the longitude and latitude directions, are estimated with the topography data from Chang’E-1 satellite and the Horn algorithm. Then the effective solar illumination model is then constructed with the slopes and the relative position to the subsolar point. Finally, the temperature distribution over the Moon surface is obtained with the effective illumination model and the improved Racca model. The results indicate that the distribution of the temperature is very sensitive to the fluctuation of the Moon surface. The change of the surface temperature is up to 150 K in some places compared to the result without considering the topography. In addition, the variation of the surface temperature increases with the distance from the subsolar point and the elevation, along both latitude and longitude directions. Furthermore, the simulated surface temperature coincides well with the brightness temperature in 37 GHz observed by the microwave sounder onboard Chang’E-2 satellite. The corresponded emissivity map not only eliminates the influence of the topography, but also hints the inherent properties of the lunar regolith just below the surface. Last but not the least, the distribution of the permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) in the lunar pole area is also evaluated with the simulated surface temperature result.  相似文献   
在摄像机标定过程中,球形靶标对图像数量、拍摄角度要求小,能够适应遮挡环境,在使用中具有明显优势.在分析球投影模型几何性质的基础上,提出一种利用球靶标分步标定摄像机内部参数的方法.该方法通过拍摄一幅包含空间中2个不同位置球体的图像,得到图像中的2条投影二次曲线;利用2条投影二次曲线的对称轴和公切线计算球心投影点,通过投影二次曲线的对称轴确定图像主点坐标,根据球心投影点和图像主点的位置关系求解归一化焦距;利用整体优化算法得到内参标定结果.仿真数据实验分析了引入测量误差的主要因素,实物标定结果与平面方格靶标方法相比误差在5%之内,重复测量结果稳定.   相似文献   
针对高频串联替代法微波衰减测量标准装置测量过程所出现的失控现象 ,从测量标准仪器、被测仪器、测量方法、人为因素等方面分析了失控的原因 ,制定并实施了相应的解决方案 ,使测量过程恢复到统计受控状态  相似文献   
目前,电推力器中复杂电场的三维泊松方程求解仍存在速度偏慢、并行性欠佳等缺陷。通过分解三维求解区域,针对复杂电场提出一种超松弛并行迭代算法。将求解区域划分为多个子块,利用超松弛迭代格式构造出若干分组显式格式,分别给出不同迭代步数下的求解方程以进行并行计算。通过数值模拟,计算时间至少缩短一半以上,该P SOR方法较传统迭代格式在快速性方面取得较大进展,对电推进领域的数值仿真研究起到促进作用。  相似文献   
随着现代武器装备的更新换代和新型导弹的不断发展以及电子战中电子对抗的应用,对导弹制导雷达的要求越来越高.由于毫米波具有制导精确度高,抗干扰能力强、穿透性能好以及携带的信息量大等独特性能,因此被广泛应用于雷达、射频天线、通讯卫星、导弹等许多尖端领域.为了确保雷达的各项参数满足武器试验的要求,保障试验任务的顺利进行,对雷达的各项参数的计量检定是十分必要的.目前,"全自动8mm微波功率标准”已经建立,但8mm微波衰减参数的计量在军内还是一项空白,而衰减量值的准确与否直接影响到武器和装备性能的好坏,影响试验任务的成败.因此,我们提出了一种对8mm微波衰减参数的计量方法,以供广大从事微波计量工作的同行参考.  相似文献   
多维驱动微型振动平台的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一种以压电元件为驱动源,结合柔性铰链机构的微型振动平台,通过计算机设计控制电压波形,对其进行三维振动控制.通过实验证明,该机构具有良好的波形跟踪性能,易于实现复杂控制波形,适用于微型机械的动态性能测试.  相似文献   
针对应用于飞行器增压系统的双级气体减压器,从单级气体减压器的有限体积瞬变仿真模型出发建立了其数值模型,并搭建了双级减压器特性研究系统的模块化仿真模型.通过大量的时域仿真研究了某两型具有细微设计差异的减压器各结构参数对其工作稳定性的影响规律,并比较了两者间的异同,随后根据工程需要,选取减压器二级阀芯运动速度的样本方差作为稳定性指标,重点研究了某减压器二级阀芯质量、低压腔体积、反馈腔体积及膜片刚度变化对稳定性的影响程度.仿真结果表明,设计人员可以优先减小该减压器的二级阀芯质量或增大膜片刚度从而更快地改善其稳定性,该分析方法可以帮助相关设计人员以最小的代价获得满足工程要求的结果.  相似文献   
为预测飞行员视觉注意力分配,在SEEV(Salient Effort Expectancy Value)模型和多因素模型的基础上引入注意控制空间和资源分配空间的概念.前者描述了影响注意力分配因素,而后者则反应了兴趣区域所获得的注意资源.并通过空间映射建立注意力分配的预测模型,应用模糊层次分析的方法对模型进行结算.为验证预测模型效度,采用16名被试在飞行模拟器上开展基于异常信息恢复的工效学实验,通过眼动追踪装置记录注视点分布作为注意力分配指标.被试需要根据实验条件对主飞行显示器仿真界面中的目标信息状态进行监视,并通过驾驶杆的指定操作对异常信息进行响应.实验结果表明,注意力分配预测模型的理论结果与工效实验中注视点分布的实验结果显著相关且吻合较好,验证了预测模型的可用性.  相似文献   
采用红外传感器观测海面,若观测天顶角较大,则视场中会同时出现海面与天空背景.通过计算传感器每一像素单元接收的辐射强度,可以得到海天背景多谱段光学图像.为了计算假定海况条件下海面随观测方向变化的反射辐射,基于几何光学原理修正了传统海面辐射特性模型.由于路径长度随传感器垂直视场变化,此时大气对辐射传输的影响十分显著.天光及水平路径辐射采用改进的大气辐射传输模型计算.该模型具有更高的光谱分辨率,适用于多谱段成像仿真.基于给出的海面辐射特性模型和大气辐射传输模型,分别仿真了不同时刻不同观测角下可见光、中波红外和长波红外的海天背景辐射图像.仿真结果符合物理原理,与实测图像的对比验证了新模型的可靠性.  相似文献   
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