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This paper proposes a real-time kinematic (RTK) model that uses one common reference satellite for the Galileo system with four frequency observations. In the proposed model, the double-differenced (DD) pseudorange and carrier phase biases among the different frequencies are estimated as unknown parameters to recover the integer features of the DD ambiguities among the different frequencies for ambiguity resolution and precise positioning. Analysis results show that the E5a, E5b, and E5 frequencies have virtually the same performance in terms of the positioning accuracy, observation residuals, and ratio values of ambiguity resolution. However, the E1 frequency performs worse than the E5a, E5b, and E5 frequencies. The RTK results for the combination of multiple frequencies are much better than those for a single-frequency observation, the coordinates’ standard deviation is improved about 20–30%, and the ambiguity fix time is improved about 10%.  相似文献   
The artificial low frequency (LF) signals recorded at topside ionosphere from DEMETER satellite were analyzed in this paper, and the typical diurnal and seasonal variations were illustrated around 162?kHz in electric field spectra. The larger power spectrum density (PSD) values in electric field at local nighttime and in winter season all demonstrate the correlation feature of lower plasma content to higher penetration of LF waves into ionosphere. Around Wenchuan earthquake, the comparison of signal-noise-ratio (SNR) values in electric field with each half month during January to May in 2008 and the same half month in May from 2005 to 2007 revealed their lowest values and small covering area around the preparation region of Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. Combined with other researches in VLF radio waves and geochemical observations from satellite, the interaction of ion accumulation and upward movement from gas-water release at surface might be a key factor to disturb the ionospheric plasma density, and then possibly leading to the decrease of low energy penetration of LF radio waves from the artificial transmitted source at ground.  相似文献   
When the wing of Oblique Wing Aircraft (OWA) is skewed, the center of gravity, inertia and aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft all significantly change, causing an undesirable flight dynamic response, affecting the flying qualities, and even endangering the flight safety. In this study, the dynamic response of an OWA in the wing skewing process is simulated, showing that the three-axis movements of the OWA are highly coupled and present nonlinear characteristics during the wing skewing. As the roll control efficiency of the aileron decreases due to the shortened control arm in an oblique configuration, the all-moving horizontal tail is used for additional roll and the control allocation is performed based on minimum control energy. Given the properties of pitch-roll-yaw coupling and control input and state coupling, and the difficulty of establishing an accurate aerodynamic model in the wing skewing process due to unsteady aerodynamic force, a multi-loop sliding mode controller is formulated by the time-scale separation method. The closed-loop simulation results show that the asymmetric aerodynamics can be balanced and that the velocity and altitude of the aircraft maintain stable, which means that a smooth transition is obtained during the OWA’s wing skewing.  相似文献   
胡海峰  刘芬  许婷  林源 《火箭推进》2020,46(4):82-89
针对液体火箭发动机协同设计工程实际需求,围绕研制数据高效流转与协同,面向产品全生命周期跨地域、跨专业特点,提出了协同设计平台框架。针对协同平台中的5项关键技术,给出了相应解决途径。基于PLM系统构建协同环境,建立统一编码,整合研制过程中的标准件、原材料等共性基础数据;通过基于MBD的三维结构设计,采用MBSE理念,以模型为载体升级发动机设计流程;采用线上IPT模式提升产品设计效率,同时实现全过程数据记录知识累积。采用BOM结构组织和展示不同设计阶段形成的数据;基于Hadoop平台分布式数据存储模式,实现结构化和非结构化数据综合管理。通过工程实践验证表明,构建的协同平台实现了基于数字化模型的设计工艺定制化协同,科研生产全过程的信息整合和多维度监控,促进了业务流程持续优化和研制效率不断提升,支撑发动机研制模式的转型升级。  相似文献   
针对空间机械臂辅助深层采样任务中的建模与控制问题,基于刚体李群SO(3)方法对机械臂进行建模。通过梯形规划对机械臂进行轨迹规划,采用阻抗控制方法控制机械臂运动。推导了李群SO(3)模型下机械臂关节空间与末端笛卡尔空间之间的雅可比矩阵,并且得到了两个空间的相互转换关系。采用锥互补方法计算采样机械臂与复杂接触面的碰撞力,并基于非光滑算法求解锥互补条件与系统动力学方程。通过对比位置控制与阻抗控制,证明了阻抗控制在实际应用过程中能够更加柔顺地控制机械臂与接触面进行接触。通过对控制参数进行调整,探究了不同控制参数对机械臂控制的影响,优化得到了合适的控制参数,从而能控制机械臂辅助完成深层采样的任务。  相似文献   
干涉相位滤波是干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)处理中的关键步骤,然而传统滤波方法难以兼顾噪声抑制和细节保持的效果,故提出了一种改进的非局部滤波器。滤波参数由Stein无偏风险估计(SURE)准则自适应地选择,在有效降低InSAR相位噪声的同时,保留干涉条纹细节和城市建筑的边缘。通过在仿真数据和TanDEM-X实测数据上分别进行实验,并与传统滤波方法对比分析,验证所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   
一体式石英振梁加速度计是一种高精度谐振式MEMS惯性传感器。针对现有石英振梁加速度计存在的体积大、全温及力学环境适应性不足等问题,提出一种基于三层石英结构的一体式石英振梁加速度计的设计方案。通过突破高精度薄梁腐蚀及晶圆级键合两项关键技术,成功研制出加速度计样机。经测试,产品全温稳定性优于0.5mg,振动整流误差优于200μg/g^2(@15.68g rms),可以满足中高精度惯性导航应用需求。后续期望通过原位温度补偿及直接键合等技术进一步提升一体式石英振梁加速度计的全温精度及长期稳定性。  相似文献   
用于深层月壤采样返回的软质取心袋的设计与测试验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月壤钻探采样技术尤其无人自主采样返回技术是我国探月工程的关键技术之一。文章提出了一种适于深层月壤钻探采样的取心机构,能够实现对月壤样品的原位包裹,以保持样品的层理特性信息。该机构选用Kevlar作为包裹样品用的软质取心袋材料,采用满足要求的编织工艺织造出致密薄壁的软袋,并对软袋进行了翻转抽拉力、力学性能及涂层测试分析等测试试验,验证其可满足深层月壤钻探采样任务的需求。  相似文献   
基于高斯伪光谱的星际小推力转移轨道快速优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尚海滨  崔平远  徐瑞  乔栋 《宇航学报》2010,31(4):1005-1011
针对星际小推力转移轨道优化问题,给出了一种基于高斯伪光谱配点的快速优化 算法。首先,基于归一化的改进春分点根数建立了星际小推力转移轨道的优化模型;然后, 采用高斯伪光谱配点策略对优化模型进行离散化处理,推力方向限制和天体星历分别作为路 径约束和事件约束,将轨道优化问题转化为一个大规模多约束参数优化问题;在此基础上, 基于高斯伪光谱的配点特性,推导出性能指标和约束方程的解析雅可比矩阵,保证了雅可比 矩阵计算的准确性和效率;最后,以利用太阳能电推进探测火星和水星为例,对所给算法进 行了数值验证。数值结果表明:高斯伪光谱方法可有效用于星际小推力轨道的优化问题,并 且与数值差分相比,解析的雅可比矩阵算法可提高计算效率67.78%。
喷雾冷却被认为是一种潜在的航天器热排散技术。文章提出了一种紧凑式喷雾冷却系统,并分别对该喷雾冷却系统中的发热壁面、蒸汽冷凝器及液体冷却器三个主要部件建立传热模型,编制喷雾冷却系统传热特性仿真程序。利用该仿真软件,研究了壁面加热升温过程的系统运行特性及蒸汽冷凝器冷凝水流量对喷雾冷却系统运行特性的影响。该工作对理解喷雾冷却的系统运行特性及下一步的工程应用奠定了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   
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