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全固态薄膜锂电池研究进展和产业化展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全固态薄膜锂电池利用固态电解质替代传统电解液,采用多层薄膜堆垛的平面结构,属于新一代的锂离子电池,在军民两用的可穿戴设备、便携式移动电源、汽车和航空动力电池等领域应用前景广阔。该类电池因高安全性、长循环寿命、高比容量和高能量密度等优势性能受到业界广泛关注。本文概述薄膜锂电池的分类和充放电原理,总结正负极、电解质薄膜材料的发展历程和薄膜制备手段的改进,对比各类电池材料的电化学性能,引入该方向最新的研究进展:三维薄膜锂电池,可变形的柔性电池,高电压、大容量电池组。汇总国外商用电池产品、关键优势技术、电池制备设备,提出薄膜锂电池亟待解决的科学问题和国内潜在的产业化方向。  相似文献   
飞机结构弹性对起落架缓冲性能的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
研究了飞机结构弹性对起落架缓冲性能的影响。建立了计及飞机结构弹性效应的起落架缓冲系统的动力模型和分析方法。应用结果表明,飞机结构弹性效应能降低起落架缓冲系统的过载、位移等,尤其对大、中型飞机主起落架更为明显,如,某Y机主起落架过载降低6%。  相似文献   
本文用有限元方法对CTD调速电动机的涡流场进行了分析和计算。通过涡流损耗方法对CTD调速电动机的杯转子电阻进行了较准确地计算,为CTD调速电动机的研制设计提供了依据。最后通过试验电机杯转子电阻的测试和计算,得到了令人满意的结果。  相似文献   
考虑机体弹性的起落架着陆仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
首先建立机身的有限元模型,该模型的模态与全机地面共振(GVT)试验测得模态相吻合.然后分析起落架缓冲器受力,并编制程序,计算出相关的曲线,LMS仿真平台调用上述曲线对单个起落架进行仿真,在单个起落架仿真结果与落震试验结果吻合的基础上,对某型飞机进行刚性机身全机落震仿真分析.最后调用机身有限元模型进行柔性机身全机落震仿真...  相似文献   
挠性结构卫星物理仿真试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文叙述挠性结构卫星物理仿真技术及试验研究的有关问题,主要介绍单轴气浮台仿真试验系统的设计和部分仿真试验结果。  相似文献   
航空机轮及刹车装置研制进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要综述了我国研制航空机轮及刹车装置的发展过程,着重叙述了国内外航空机轮及刹车装置当前的研究动态,对其发展动向也作了一些探讨.  相似文献   
转型发展背景下,应用型本科院校人文素质教育体系的构建势在必行。文章分析了人文素质教育的基本内涵;概括了人文素质教育在应用型本科院校中面临的挑战;探讨了基于职业发展构建应用型本科院校人文素质教育体系的途径。  相似文献   
CubeSats has evolved from purely educational tools, to useful platforms for technology demonstration and many practical applications. This paper reviews a CubeSat constellation mission involving 3 CubeSats launched into orbit on Sep. 25th 2015, aiming to demonstrate the integrated application of low-cost CubeSat technologies with distributed payloads using a group of satellites, as well as to demonstrate several new technologies. The mission scenario, the satellite system design, the innovative technologies and instruments or devices used on the CubeSats and the in-orbit experimental results and the payload data analysis, as well as some experiences and lessons learned, are presented and summaried.  相似文献   
To improve the computational efficiency and hold calculation accuracy at the same time,we study the parallel computation for radiation heat transfer. In this paper, the discrete ordinates method(DOM) and the spatial domain decomposition parallelization(DDP) are combined by message passing interface(MPI) language. The DDP–DOM computation of the radiation heat transfer within the rectangular furnace is described. When the result of DDP–DOM along one-dimensional direction is compared with that along multi-dimensional directions, it is found that the result of the latter one has higher precision without considering the medium scattering. Meanwhile, an in-depth study of the convergence of DDP–DOM for radiation heat transfer is made. Analyzing the cause of the weak convergence, we relate the total number of iteration steps when the convergence is obtained to the number of sub-domains. When we decompose the spatial domain along one-,two- and three-dimensional directions, different linear relationships between the number of total iteration steps and the number of sub-domains will be possessed separately, then several equations are developed to show the relationships. Using the equations, some phenomena in DDP–DOM can be made clear easily. At the same time, the correctness of the equations is verified.  相似文献   
如黛的森林包围着绒毯一般的草地,散落其中的牛羊,随处可见的玛尼堆和褪色的五彩经幡……初看雅江,似乎与川西高原的任一处别无二致。然而细细深入,在雅砻江以东的祝桑乡地区,小木窗上绘着美丽图案的石头民居,温软动听的语言,以及悠扬雅致的锅庄……一切都体现出古老神秘的木雅文化所特有的母性亲近感;而以西160多公里的西俄洛乡却处处牧歌豪放,一派典型的康巴画卷。只要你探身而入,雅江的自然与人文之美自会让你沉醉。  相似文献   
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