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Radio bursts with fine structures in decimetric–centimetric wave range are generally believed to manifest the primary energy release process during flare/CME events. By spectropolarimeters in 1–2 GHz, 2.6–3.8 GHz, and 5.2–7.6 GHz at NAOC/Huairou with very high temporal (1.25–8 ms) and spectral (4–20 MHz) resolutions, the zebra patterns, spikes, and new types of radio fine structures with mixed frequency drift features are observed during several significant flare/CME events. In this paper we will discuss the occurrence of radio fine structures during the impulsive phase of flares and/or CME initiations, which may be connected to the magnetic reconnection processes.  相似文献   
用阶跃响应法,在风洞中测量小不对称物体配平性能的实验原理、实验装置、数据处理及部分实验结果。 模型支承于空气静压轴承。在模型内部设有电磁机构,在一次吹风中,可以阶跃方式多次提供不对称量。由高精度、非接触的感应同步器数字测量模型俯仰角变化历程。用修正Newton-Raphson法处理数据,求出小不对称量引起的配平角δ_o、俯仰力矩C_mo和气动刚度C_ma、气动阻尼C_mq等参数。 对11°斜切锥,钝度比分别为0.06及0.16的模型进行了风洞实验。实验M数为33.5和4。实验结果表明,所采用的实验原理、设备及方法可提供较好的精度及分辨率。实验还求出了配平性能(δ_o,C_mo)以及C_ma,C_mq随M数的变化。  相似文献   
介绍电子产品设计时元器件选用对系统可靠性的影响。结合实际案例,总结并强调在电子产品设计时的元器件选用应从质量等级入手,充分进行降额设计和热设计。阐明合理选用元器件是实现电子产品系统设计高可靠性水平的基础。  相似文献   
赛博作为信息网络时代的产物,正在受到关注和重视。在阐述赛博空间和赛博战新概念的基础上,分析赛博空间和赛博战的特点。介绍了空间赛博战的概念和内涵,重点分析空间赛博战在暴露性、开放性、脆弱性和制约性等方面的特点,并对空间赛博战任务功能进行了分类描述,最后梳理空间赛博战的关键技术。  相似文献   
The conversion of Langmuir waves into electromagnetic radiations is an important mechanism of solar type III bursts. Langmuir waves can be easily excited by electron beam instability, and they can be converted into backward propagating Langmuir waves by wave–wave interaction. Generally, the backward propagating Langmuir waves are very important for the second harmonic emission of solar type III bursts. In this work, we pay particular attention to the mechanism of the backward propagating Langmuir waves by particle in cell (PIC) simulations. It is confirmed that the ions play a key role in exiting the backward propagating Langmuir waves. Moreover, the electron beam can hardly generated the backward propagating Langmuir waves directly, but may directly amplify the second harmonic Langmuir waves.  相似文献   
黄泽民 《航空学报》1990,11(11):565-569
 <正> 大后掠机翼翼尖挂导弹对外界干扰的动力响应很灵敏,这种干扰主要来自随机不稳定气流或各种突加载荷。为保证安全和防止导弹失控,摸清其响应值非常必要;除理论计算外,对可能遇到的不平稳气流和突加载荷在翼尖导弹上的动力响应进行了空测,并用频谱分析和功率谱密度分析处理了空测数据,制订了翼尖导弹振动与冲击试验谱,进行了地面试验与空中打靶试验,获得了满意结果。  相似文献   
During predation, a flying insect can form a stealth flight path. This behavior is called motion camouflage. Based on the study results of this behavior, the perception and neurology of flying insects, a novel bio-inspired guidance law is proposed for the terminal guidance for small aerial vehicle with charge-coupled device imaging seekers. The kinematics relationship between a small aerial vehicle and target is analyzed, and a two-dimensional guidance law model is established by using artificial neural networks. To compare with the proportional guidance law, the numerical simulations are carried out in the vertical plane and in the horizontal plane respectively. The simulation results show that the ballistic of the small aerial vehicle is straighter and the normal acceleration is smaller by using the bio-inspired guidance law than by using the proportional guidance law. That is to say, the bio-inspired guidance law just uses the information of the target from the imaging seeker,but the performance of it can be better than that of the proportional guidance law.  相似文献   
基于GA-ELM的飞行载荷参数识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对用复杂飞行数据识别飞行载荷时的精度低、速度慢等问题,提出一种结合遗传算法(GA)和极限学习机(ELM)的GA-ELM模型。该模型使用ELM神经网络作为计算核心,用遗传算法产生ELM网络输入层到隐含层的权值矩阵和隐含层偏移量;用GA-ELM模型对飞行数据进行识别,并与BP神经网络和原始ELM神经网络的识别结果进行对比。结果表明:GA-ELM模型是一种有效且高精度的飞行载荷参数识别方法。  相似文献   
用时域有限差分法计算目标的雷达散射截面时,一般用连接边界来引入平面入射波.理想情况下,当总场区没有散射目标时,该区域仅有入射波,散射场区电磁波为0.但在实际计算过程中,散射场区的电磁波一般不会严格等于0,这是因为在连接边界引入入射波时产生了电磁泄漏.一维情形下,用散射场区电场的平方和来衡量电磁泄漏程度.二维情形下,用等效原理将散射场区的电磁场进行远场外推,得到雷达散射截面,以此衡量电磁泄漏的大小.研究表明:时间步长、入射角度都能影响电磁泄漏大小.为使电磁泄漏较小,时间步长应接近于稳定性要求的最小步长,入射方向应避免垂直于计算区域边界.  相似文献   
太阳活动低年低纬地区VTEC 变化特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用福州台站(26.1°N, 119.3°E, 磁纬14.4°N)电离层闪烁与TEC监测仪2006-2010年的观测数据, 对该地区垂直总电子含量(VTEC)进行时间变化特性分析. 结果表明, 春秋冬三季的VTEC平均最高值出现在06:00UT, 夏季出现在08:00UT, 所有季节的平均最低值均出现在21:00UT; VTEC变化存在季节异常和弱冬季异常, 春秋季节高, 冬夏季节低, 夏季VTEC比冬季低且最大值出现时间延迟; VTEC在2006-2009年呈现下降的变化趋势, 2010年开始增强, 年际变化与太阳活动及地磁活动变化趋势具有较好的对应关系; VTEC变化与太阳活动存在很好的相关性, 相关系数达到0.5以上, 地磁活动则显示了弱相关的特性; F10.7与VTEC的相关性随着每天Kp指数总值Σkp的增大而减小.  相似文献   
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