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振子框架式微机械陀螺的优化设计及电学模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
车录锋  熊斌  王跃林 《航空学报》2002,23(3):211-214
 根据驱动模态频率和检测模态的频率相互匹配,用有限元法优化了振子框架式微机械陀螺的结构尺寸;根据建立的陀螺振动的等效电路模型,对检测振动的性能进行了模拟分析,该模型为传感器与接口电路的整体模拟打下了基础。  相似文献   
介绍了结构/功能一体化铝基复合材料与传统材料相比所具有的优势,及基于无压浸渗的近净形制备加工技术的应用和产品的性能;预测并探讨了此种材料的应用前景.  相似文献   
The samples having {0001} parallel to extruding direction(ED) present a typical true stress–true strain curve with concave-down shape under tension at low strain rate. Ultra-rapid tensile tests were conducted at room temperature on a textured AZ31 B magnesium alloy. The dynamic tensile behavior was investigated. The results show that at ultra-high strain rates of 1.93 · 102 s 1and 1.70 · 103 s 1, the alloy behaves with a linear stress–strain response in most strain range and exhibits a brittle fracture. In this case, {10-12} 10-11 extension twinning is basic deformation mode. The brittleness is due to the macroscopic viscosity at ultra-high strain rate, for which the external critical shear stress rapidly gets high to result in a cleavage fracture before large amounts of dislocations are activated. Because {10-12} tension twinning, {10-11} compressive twinning,basal a slip, prismatic a slip and pyramidal c + a slip have different critical shear stresses(CRSS), their contributions to the degree of deformation are very differential. In addition,Schmid factor plays an important role in the activity of various deformation modes and it is the key factor for the samples with different strain rates exhibit various mechanical behavior under dynamic tensile loading.  相似文献   
王昆  白俊强  夏露  李鑫  马献伟 《航空动力学报》2014,29(11):2694-2703
基于流固耦合传热的思想建立了一套飞机热气防冰系统的的数值模拟方法,并将其与积冰热力学模型结合起来,实现了热气防冰系统开启时的机翼积冰预测.采用格心格式有限体积法求解N-S方程获得防冰腔与外流场;通过欧拉法在外流场的基础上获得过冷水滴撞击特性;求解三维热传导偏微分方程获得蒙皮的传热特性;采用交接面插值的方法实现防冰腔到外流场的热量传递;建立了考虑三维溢流效应的积冰热力学模型并在此基础上开展了机翼冰脊的数值预测.数值模拟结果表明:热气防冰系统开启时加热机翼表面温度最高可达308K,加热区后的上下机翼表面均有冰脊形成,通过对结果的分析表明该方法是合理可行的.   相似文献   
基于AFDX网络的SNMP协议实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航空全双工交换式以太网(AFDX/ARINC664)是适用于航电系统信息传输的确定性飞机数据网路总线系统,目前广泛应用于各个机型的航电系统中。由于AFDX网络的确定性,需要对该网络的消息传输、故障检查等项目进行实时的监控管理,以维护该网络系统的正常运行。本文阐述了在某型直升机综合任务处理系统的开发过程中,使用简单网络管理协议(SNMP)对AFDX网络中各个设备的数据信息进行网络管理的设计与实现。  相似文献   
A fuzzy robust nonlinear controller for hydraulic rotary actuators in flight motion simulators is proposed. Compared with other three-order models of hydraulic rotary actuators, the proposed controller based on first-order nonlinear model is more easily applied in practice, whose control law is relatively simple. It not only does not need high-order derivative of desired command,but also does not require the feedback signals of velocity, acceleration and jerk of hydraulic rotary actuators. Another advantage is that it does not rely on any information of friction, inertia force and external disturbing force/torque, which are always difficult to resolve in flight motion simulators. Due to the special composite vane seals of rectangular cross-section and goalpost shape used in hydraulic rotary actuators, the leakage model is more complicated than that of traditional linear hydraulic cylinders. Adaptive multi-input single-output(MISO) fuzzy compensators are introduced to estimate nonlinear uncertain functions about leakage and bulk modulus. Meanwhile, the decomposition of the uncertainties is used to reduce the total number of fuzzy rules. Different from other adaptive fuzzy compensators, a discontinuous projection mapping is employed to guarantee the estimation process to be bounded. Furthermore, with a sufficient number of fuzzy rules, the controller theoretically can guarantee asymptotic tracking performance in the presence of the above uncertainties, which is very important for high-accuracy tracking control of flight motion simulators.Comparative experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, which can guarantee transient performance and better final accurate tracking in the presence of uncertain nonlinearities and parametric uncertainties.  相似文献   
多源组合定位系统可有效提高定位精度及定位鲁棒性。但更多的信息源提高了引入低质量信号的可能性,从而影响组合系统的定位性能。针对该问题,提出了一种多源组合定位系统中信息质量评估方法。在单系统信息质量评估的基础上,分析了其虚警率与漏警率,发现了二者的影响因素,利用多系统拥有更多冗余信息的特点,通过一致性检验,实现了多源组合导航系统的信息质量评估。仿真实验结果表明,该方法可以同时降低信息质量评估的虚警率与漏警率,且随着组合定位系统数量的增大,虚警率与漏警率呈持续下降趋势,拥有较好的信息质量评估效果。  相似文献   
增材制造技术通过材料逐层打印制备结构,为复杂构件制造提供了新的成形方式。拓扑优化因不依赖于初始构型的选择,可设计出传统理念难以获得的创新构型,已成为航空航天和高端装备领域高性能、轻量化结构设计的重要手段。拓扑优化与增材制造有机融合,充分发挥各自优势和潜力,在现代制造业中展现出广阔应用前景。回顾了近年来关于增材制造与拓扑优化技术融合研究的主要内容和应用成果,包括以材料结构一体化为核心的多尺度/多层级结构优化设计、以设计制造一体化为核心的考虑增材制造工艺约束的优化方法等。同时,也分析了未来研究工作中存在的问题与挑战,如点阵结构性能表征及其尺度关联效应、增材制造材料成形各向异性、功能梯度材料与结构、增材制造材料与结构疲劳特性等对设计方法和成形工艺带来的挑战,为未来相关研究工作和航空航天应用提供参考。  相似文献   
刘鲁  赵聪  冯小川  王黎钦 《航空动力学报》2021,36(11):2430-2436
通过研究角接触球轴承断油故障的故障复现现象,发现断油耐受能力不足的初期故障模式为滚动体与内圈之间发生三点接触。使用三点接触分析法对轴承断油耐受能力进行计算,结合相似轴承的计算分析,结果表明:垫片角越大,轴承抗断油能力越差,垫片角为25°的情况下轴承抗断油能力较差。通过断油后轴承的瞬态温度场分析,结合三点接触分析法,确定原设计状态的轴承断油耐受时间为25 s,不具备耐受断油30 s的能力。根据分析的结论,将该轴承的垫片角减小到19°,落实改进措施后的轴承通过了试验器验证和发动机试车验证。   相似文献   
为得到直升机机载蒸发循环制冷系统性能动态变化过程,校核是否满足设计要求,文章以国内某直升机为例,基于AMESim仿真平台搭建了制冷系统及座舱的热模型,并通过试验验证了系统的可靠性。在地面初始温度分别为30℃、35℃、40℃、45℃、50℃时,计算得到地面与飞行两种状态下,舱内空气的温、湿度,以及系统制冷量及性能系数随时间的动态变化关系。结果表明:地面状态时,制冷系统在开机20 min后性能达到稳定,且座舱最终温、湿度分别为27℃、60%,满足舒适性指标;在飞行状态下,系统系能受飞行高度影响较大,且海拔越高,系统性能系数越大。建立的仿真模型可以很好地预测在任务剖面下,直升机制冷系统动态变化,为系统的校核及优化提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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