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本文介绍了激光干涉仪远程触发端口的应用方法.根据测试要求,将实际触发信号经过分频,以满足激光干涉仪所能接受的频率;同时设计了移位叠加的方法完成全行程的小间隔的自动测量,为工作台运动评估和控制性能的改善提供了依据.  相似文献   
We review recent advances in determining the elemental, charge-state, and isotopic composition of 1 to 20 MeV per nucleon ions in solar energetic particle (SEP) events and outline our current understanding of the nature of solar and interplanetary processes which may explain the observations.The composition within individual SEP events may vary both with time and energy, and will in general be different from that in other SEP events. Average values of relative abundances measured in a large number of SEP events, however, are found to be roughly energy independent in the 1 to 20 MeV per nucleon range, and show a systematic deviation from photospheric abundances which seems to be organized in terms of the first ionization potential of the ion.Direct measurements of the charge states of SEPs have revealed the surprisingly common presence of energetic He+ along with heavy ions with typically coronal ionization states. High-resolution measurements of isotopic abundance ratios in a small number of SEP events show these to be consistent with the universal composition except for the puzzling overabundance of the SEP 22Ne/20Ne relative to this isotopes ratio in the solar wind. The broad spectrum of observed elemental abundance variations, which in their extreme result in composition anomalies characteristic of 3He-rich, heavy-ion rich and carbon-poor SEP events, along with direct measurements of the ionization states of SEPs provide essential information on the physical characteristics of, and conditions in the source regions, as well as important constraints to possible models for SEP production.It is concluded that SEP acceleration is a two-step process, beginning with plasma-wave heating of the ambient plasma in the lower corona, which may include pockets of cold material, and followed by acceleration to the observed energies by either flare-generated coronal shocks or Fermi-type processes in the corona. Interplanetary propagation as well as acceleration by interplanetary propagating shock will often further modify the composition of SEP events, especially at lower energies.  相似文献   
设计了一种实用的双功能温度报警器,既可以给出环境温度低于某一值的报警,又可以给出温度高于某一值的报警,而且可以区分这两种不同的报警状态,文中给出温度高于某一值的报警状态,文中给出了详细的原理分析;传感的结构设计、依报警范围选择各参数的可靠的判据,并给出有关的误差分析。  相似文献   
军工科研院所的人力资源管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对军工科研院所人力资源管理面临问题的研究,提出了相应的对策。军工科研院所要求生态、求发展,必须把人力资源的管理工作提高到战略管理的层次,人力资源政策必须同本单位的科研发展、技术创新战略同步制定。  相似文献   
EPON的数据链路层与动态带宽分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了宽带光接入技术一EPON(Ethernet Passive Optical Network)———基于以太网的无源光纤网络技术。对EPON的基本结构、基本原理进行了简要的介绍,重点讨论了数据链路层的关键技术、动态带宽分配算法。  相似文献   
导弹翼面结构一次二阶矩法可靠性设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了导弹翼面结构可靠性预测与可靠性设计的随机有限元一次二阶矩法的运算公式;提出了翼面壁板厚度与加强肋宽度作可靠性设计的思路;编制了用于微机的计算程序。试验证明:本文的方法适用于常用导弹翼面结构的可靠性预测与可靠性设计  相似文献   
设系统A由K个独立的子系统B_1,B_2,…,B_K并(串)联而成,设第i个子系统B_i又由m_i个相互独立的成败型元件C_(i1),C_(i2),…C_(imi)串(并)联而成,设有多层试验数据: 元件C_(ij)试验N_(ij)次,成功S_(ij)次,失败F_(ij)次(i=1,2,…,K,j=1,2,…,m_i) 子系统B_i有成败型试验数据:试验N_i次,成功S_i次,失败F_i次(i=1,2,…,K) 系统A有成败型试验数据:试验N次,成功S次,失败F次。 本文给出利用此多层成败型试验数据,求系统A的可靠性置信下限的近似解的方法,本文利用一、二阶矩拟合的原则将上述数据折合为原系统A的伪成败型数据:伪试验数N~*,伪成功数S~*,然后从N~*,S~*出发利用单个成败型元件之可靠性的经典精确方法求出原系统A的可靠性置信下限的近似值。本文推导了伪试验数N~*,伪成功数S~*的计算公式,并给出了计算实例。  相似文献   
光纤氢传感器   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述目前国内外光纤氢传感器的发展现状 ,介绍四种类型光纤氢传感器的结构、工作原理、性能及特点 ,并对它的应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   
针对航天器动态特性分析过程中遇到的建模过程复杂、处理速度较慢、分析结果不易进行直观解释等问题,通过借鉴符号化近似思想,提出了一种基于时序形态的航天器动态模式提取方法。该方法首先采用分段线性化算法获取一系列分割线段以近似表示遥测序列形态,然后使用系统聚类分析技术对分割线段进行分类,最后基于分类结果将遥测时间序列数据转化为蕴含形态信息的符号序列。验证结果表明该方法简单、有效,所提取的动态模式符号序列不仅可体现遥测时序数据的显著变化,也可表征遥测序列的细微变化,可作为遥测序列识别与异常检测的依据。  相似文献   
非稳态平面热源法同时测量材料的导热系数和热扩散率   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了非稳态平面热源法的测量原理、传热数学模型及温度响应公式,建立了相应的实验装置并进行实际测量。研究结果表明,只需测量试样内某一点的温度变化就可同时得到材料的导热系数和热扩散率以及体积热容等热物性参数。  相似文献   
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