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For high-efficiency grinding of difficult-to-cut materials such as titanium and nickel alloys, a high porosity is expected and also a sufficient mechanical strength to satisfy the function.However, the porosity increase is a disadvantage to the mechanical strength. As a promising pore forming agent, alumina bubbles are firstly induced into the abrasive layer to fabricate porous cubic boron nitride(CBN) wheels. When the wheel porosity reaches 45%, the bending strength is still high up to 50 MPa with modified orderly pore distribution. A porous CBN wheel was fabricated with a total porosity around 30%. The grinding performance of the porous composite-bonded CBN wheel was evaluated in terms of specific force, specific grinding energy, and grinding temperature, which were better than those of the vitrified one under the same grinding conditions. Compared to the vitrified CBN wheel, clear straight cutting grooves and less chip adhesion are observed on the ground surface and there is also no extensive loading on the wheel surface after grinding.  相似文献   
The application of surface textures has been employed to improve the tribological performance of various mechanical components. Various techniques have been used for the application of surface textures such as micro-dimple arrays, but the fabrication of such arrays on cylindrical inner surfaces remains a challenge. In this study, a dry-film photoresist is used as a mask during through-mask electrochemical micromachining to successfully prepare micro-dimple arrays with dimples 94 lm in diameter and 22.7 lm deep on cylindrical inner surfaces, with a machining time of 9 s and an applied voltage of 8 V. The versatility of this method is demonstrated, as are its potential low cost and high efficiency. It is also shown that for a fixed dimple depth, a smaller dimple diameter can be obtained using a combination of lower current density and longer machining time in a passivating sodium nitrate electrolyte.  相似文献   
Kanerva的稀疏分布存贮模型由于对寻址地址采用了稀疏编码,对数据采用了分布式存贮,从而解决了大维数向量的输入问题,SDM实际上是一个由输入层,中间层和输出层组成的三层前向网络,其中神经元间的互迦权值在输入层与中间层是预置的(用矩阵A表示),中间层与输出层的连接权阵C由外积法得到,文中假定在相同的学习规则下,就信噪比意义而言,A的均匀预置能使SDM获得最优性能,从而为A的预置提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
讨论了用光弹性嵌片法(一种新的模型试验方法)进行飞机主起落架的实验应力分析。采用该方法解决了传统光弹性贴片法中的贴片增强效应问题,避免了在贴片边界,因泊松比不匹配引起的误差,从而提高了测试灵敏度。实验应力分析选用了与实物尺寸相同的模型试件,克服了模型制作过程中遇到的许多困难。该方法在一套试验模型上能够直观地进行多种载荷状态下主起落架表面应力场的分析比较,为主起落架结构优化设计方案提供了试验依据,故具有广泛的应用前景.测试数据的计算校核表明,试验结果是可信的,可作为主起落架结构减重修型的重要试验依据。关键词  相似文献   
Drag reducing and increasing mechanism on riblet surface has been studied through computational fluid dynamics(CFD).Drag reduction is achieved through the optimization of riblet geometry which would affect flow structure inside riblet grooves.Force and flow structure on riblet surface are analyzed and compared with those of smooth surface based on the k-εturbulence model.Drag reducing and increasing mechanism is proved to be related to microvortexes induced inside riblets which lead to Reynolds shear stress reduction significantly and is considered to be the dominant factor resulting in wall friction reduction.Simulation results also show that the pressure drag generating from the deviation of static pressure on the front and rear ends of riblets occurs and grows exponentially with Mach number,which can cause drag increasing.Furthermore,near-wall vortical structures,Reynolds shear stress and static pressure on riblet surfaces are also analyzed in detail.  相似文献   
单向层合结构的高强度碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料已逐渐发展成为航空承力结构件的主要材料,相关的切削加工需求也越来越多。由于显著的各向异性,单向层合结构的碳纤维复合材料易在切削加工中形成缺陷,难切削加工性明显。采用直角自由切削试验的方法,得到了T700航空高强度碳纤维单向层合结构复合材料在不同纤维方向角下的切削力、切削比能、切削温度、切削加工表面。基于试验结果讨论了碳纤维单向层合材料在切削过程中力热行为的各向异性,得到了不同切削参数条件下的切削比能图谱以及碳纤维复合材料的切削热源和传导模型。通过扫描电子显微镜(Scanning electron microscope,SEM)分析了典型切削加工表面的特征,得到了不同纤维方向下的表面形成规律。  相似文献   
倾转旋翼飞行器的操纵策略和配平方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据倾转旋翼飞行器的构型特点,建立了倾转旋翼飞行器旋翼、机翼、短舱、机身、平尾(含升降舵)和垂尾(含方向舵)的气动力模型,研究了倾转旋翼飞行器的操纵策略以满足直升机模式的悬停/小速度飞行、直升机模式向固定翼飞机模式转换的过渡飞行和固定翼飞机模式的高速飞行,并运用最优方法研究倾转旋翼飞行器在不同飞行速度下作稳定对称飞行时的配平方法.最后以XV-15倾转旋翼飞行器为例,进行各种飞行模式的配平.结果表明:本文所述方法能合理地给出倾转旋翼飞行器在整个稳定飞行速度范围内的操纵量和姿态.  相似文献   
针对多航站楼机场停机位实时指派问题,提出了基于协同决策并考虑航空公司时隙交换公平性的机位实时指派算法。该算法将多航站楼资源的可共享性考虑到指派算法中,以最小延误费用原则为约束,采用混合集合规划进行指派模型的建立与求解。该算法在保证多航站楼停机位资源有效共享的前提下,充分实现了航空公司时隙交换的公平性,并且使延误引起的多方成本最小化。算例说明:本文提出的算法可以有效解决多航站楼的机位实时分配问题。  相似文献   
长沙航空职业技术学院在实施”工学结合”的人才培养模式中,通过与行业企业的深度合作,遵循行动导向的教学模式,树立”对准职业设课程”的职教改革理念,立足于职业岗位分析,针对行动领域和职业岗位(群)的任职要求,构建了基于职业导向的课程体系,实现了课程体系承载人才培养目标的要求,促进了”工学结合”人才培养模式的有效运行。  相似文献   
采用节点热网络法,建立了目标飞行器尾部组合系统(发动机组和对接机构)温度场数值模拟的物理、数学模型,明确了关键参数的计算方法,应用隐式R-K法,耦合求解非线性温度微分方程组.着重研究变轨期间对接锁系受高温变轨发动机的热影响.分析表明,发动机高温热辐射对邻近对接锁系的热影响很大,发动机热影响范围大致在θ±Δθ=(90±30)°和θ±Δθ=(270±30)°区间,发动机相对安装距离R、变轨起始时刻和工作时间是影响对接锁系温度的重要因素,而发动机安装倾角对对接锁系温度的影响非常小.  相似文献   
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