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Bacterial spores are proper test organisms for studying problems of space biology and exobiology. During the Spacelab 1 mission, studies on the limiting factors for survival of Bacillus subtilis spores in free space have been performed. An exposure tray on the pallet of Spacelab 1 accomodated 316 samples of dry spores for treatment with space vacuum and/or the following selected wavelengths of solar UV: > 170 nm, 220 nm, 240nm, 260nm and 280 nm. After recovery, inactivation, mutation induction, reparability, and photochemical damages in DNA and protein have been studied. The results contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of increased UV sensitivity of bacterial spores in vacuo and to a better assessment of the chance of survival of resistant forms in space and of interplanetary transfer of life.  相似文献   
The electron and ion beams which have been detected on many rockets and satellites are of particular interest because beam particles carry information about both the ionosphere and the magnetosphere out to the distant tail. Stability analyses have shown that even the most dramatic beams have evolved until the particle distribution functions are only weakly unstable. The shortest plasma wave growth lengths in the auroral region are usually comparable to the size of an arc. The resulting clearest electron beams generally are relatively minor features of distribution functions which are dominated by plateaus, loss cones, broad or stretched out field aligned features, and hot or cold isotropic components. The true electron beams therefore represent a small fraction of the total electron number density. Ion beams carry a much larger fraction of all ions, but also are only weakly unstable. The electron beams seen at low altitudes can drive whistlers (both electromagnetic and electrostatic, including lower hybrid waves) and upper hybrid waves, which may be particularly intense near electron gyroharmonics. Ion beams can drive low frequency electromagnetic waves that are related to gyrofrequencies of several ion species as well as ion acoustic and electrostatic ion cyclotron waves. These latter waves can be driven both by the drift of ion beams relative to cold stationary ions and by the drift of electrons relative to either stationary or drifting ions. Abrupt changes or boundaries in the electron and ion velocity space distribution functions (e.g. beams and loss cones) have been analyzed to provide information about the plasma source, acceleration process, and regions of strong wave-particle interactions. Fluid analyses have shown that upgoing ion beams carry a great deal of momentum flux from the ionosphere. This aspect of ion beams is analyzed by treating the entire acceleration region as a black box, and determining the forces that must be applied to support the upgoing beams. This force could be provided by moderate energy (10's of eV) electrons which are heated near the lower border of the acceleration region. It is difficult to use standard particle detectors to measure the particles which carry electric current in much of the magnetosphere. Such measurements may be relatively easy within upgoing ion beams because there is some evidence that few of the hard-to-measure cold plasma particles are present. Therefore, ion beam regions may be good places to study fluid or MHD properties of magnetospheric plasmas, including the identification of current carriers, a study of current continuity, and some aspects of the substorm and particle energization processes. Finally, some of the experimental results which would be helpful in an analysis of several magnetospheric problems are summarized.  相似文献   
This paper examines the criteria for selecting the orbital and attitude prediction accuracy requirements for communications satellites. The accuracy requirements have been analyzed in terms of the various space operations involved, e.g., satellite acquisition, guidance and control, communications, telemetry, and command. It is hoped that the findings of this investigation will prove useful in satellite mission planning and design, thereby facilitating a judicious choice of the various satellite and ground components of the related subsystems.  相似文献   
ISEE-3 observations of a long-lasting low-energy proton intensity increase during the 25 September 1978 shock event are presented as an example for interplanetary particle acceleration in association with shock waves. The observations are discussed in the light of current models for particle acceleration. The particular shape of the time intensity behaviour of the particle intensity increase, the existence of a shock spike and the observed particle distributions indicate that the particles are accelerated at the shock by the induced electric field E = ?1cV × B.  相似文献   
The airborne synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) system developed for the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) is described. It consists of two radars, at C-band and X-band. Each radar incorporates the following features: dual-channel receivers and dual-polarized antennas; a high quality, 7-look, real-time processor; a sensitivity time control for range-dependent gain control; a motion-compensation system for antenna steering in azimuth and elevation; and baseband I and Q signal phase rotation. The system also uses a high-power transmitter with a low-power back-up. The SAR maps to either side of the aircraft, at high or low resolution, at incidence angles which in high resolution span 0° to 80°. Radar operating parameters, data products, key specifications and the motion compensation scheme used are presented. Properties of the real-time imagery are discussed and examples of C-band SAR data in the three operating modes are given  相似文献   
Contemporary gamma-ray spectroscopy instruments and their results are reviewed. Sensitivities of 10?4 to 10?3 ph/cm2-sec have been achieved for steady sources and 10?2 to 1 ph/cm2-sec for transient sources. This has led to the detection of gamma-ray lines from more than 40 objects representing 6 classes of astrophysical phenomena. The lines carry model-independent information and are of fundamental importance to theoretical modeling and our understanding of the objects. These results indicate that gamma-ray spectroscopy is relevant to a wide range of astrophysical problems and is becoming a major part of astronomy. The objectives and anticipated results of future instruments are discussed. Several instruments in development will have a factor of ~ 10 sensitivity improvement to certain phenomena over contemporary instruments. A factor of ~ 100 improvement in sensitivity will allow the full potential of gamma-ray spectroscopy to be realized. Instrument concepts which would achieve this with both present and advanced techniques are discussed.  相似文献   
The Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU) is part of the TOVS (TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder) on NOAA operational meteorological satellites. SSU measurements can be validated by comparison with temperature measurements from colocated rocket sondes. Systematic differences are found which vary with rocket station and sonde and are a function of height. However, these measurements are not adequate to define the performance of individual SSUs to a precision which would allow the observations from different SSUs to be combined in the study of diurnal and semidiurnal tides and of long term trends in stratospheric temperature. Instead this is achieved by detailed radiometric and spectroscopic investigation of each individual SSU, both prior to launch and during its operational life. Using the techniques descirbed, it is demonstrated that measurements from different SSUs can be combined with a relative error of less than 0.2K in equivalent brightness temperature.  相似文献   
Aircraft vertical profile simulation is realized using a demand-driven minimal-calculation directed graph structure to reduce calculation time and to force synchronization of the performance measurement functions with the system state variables. Performance-directed model adaptation makes dynamic vertical profile path corrections, in the presence of fixed drag variations, possible. Drag variations ranging from +10% to -10% yielded fuel consumption improvements of less than 1% in the majority of the cases. Calculation time improvement for path simulation ranges from a factor of 1.19 in the worst case to 1.5 in the best case  相似文献   
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