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在把阵列机用于科学计算环境时,要讨论的因素很多。本文的目的是通过对(?)客性设计思想、主机管理软件工作开销和实例系统的详细讨论阐明上述因素及其关系。  相似文献   
本文研究了使用这样一种GPS测量值——双差分GPS射频多普勒确定低轨地球卫星的轨道。该测量值很容易获得,而且不受时钟误差的影响,还可对用户卫星连续定轨。分析表明:使用18颗GPS卫星的星座和13个地面站,在两小时跟踪后,可使1300km高度用户星(TOPEX)的定轨精度达5cm。考察了使用少于13个地面站的影响,不同求解方法的影响以及引入虚假推力参数以减小重力模型误差(主要误差源之一)的影响。  相似文献   
该文给出了利用到达时间和速度(多卜勒)估算目标弹道的方法。也就是不通过求导而直接得到弹道估值——位置和速度。选取相应的权值可以调整弹道的平滑性。对测量误差造成的弹道统计误差进行了分析。还给出了一种用FORTRAN77编制的程序。  相似文献   
Actuator Disks(AD) can provide characterizations of rotor wakes while reducing computational expense associated with modeling the fully resolved blades. This work presents an unsteady actuator disk method based on surface circulation distribution combined with empirical data, blade element theory and rotor momentum theory. The nonuniform circulation distribution accounts for 3 D blade load effects, and in particular, tip loses. Numerical simulations were conducted for the isolated pressure sensi...  相似文献   
Samel A  Gander P 《Acta Astronautica》1995,36(8-12):669-683
Work-rest schedules during long duration space missions involve several factors which could disrupt sleep and circadian temporal organisation: (1) displacement of sleep due to two-shift operations; (2) planned or unplanned schedule changes due to operational requirements; (3) social and light Zeitgebers different from those on earth; (4) changes in the gravitational exposure. Timed bright light treatment has the potential to accelerating adaptation to schedule changes. Four male subjects were exposed to two sessions of 11 d of simulated microgravity (6 ° head down tilt bedrest) with 6-h extensions of the wake period on 2 days (12-h phase delay). In a blind crossover design, subjects were exposed to bright light (> 3500 lux) for 5 h on each of the 2 shift days and the following day, at times either expected to accelerate the adjustment to the phase delay (experimental condition) or to have no phase shifting effect (control condition). Sleep was recorded polygraphically, the circadian system was monitored by recordings of heart rate and body temperature, and by collection of urine (electrolyte and hormone excretion). Only the rhythms of 6-hydroxymelatoninsulphate and potassium excretions showed significantly enhanced adjustment under the experimental condition. Different rhythms Actapted to the 12-h delay at different rates, comparable to those observed after time zone shifts. Sleep was shorter in simulated weightlessness than in normal ambulatory age-matched subjects, consistent with the shorter sleep durations characteristic of space flight. These results confirm the disruptive effects of wake-rest schedule shifts on sleep and circadian rhythms. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, 5-h exposures to bright light finishing at the time of the circadian temperature minimum were not more effective at accelerating adjustment to a 12-h schedule delay than exposures coinciding with the temperature maximum. We conclude that, while bright light may accelerate adjustment to work-rest schedule delays, any such effect seems to be largely independent from the timing of the light exposure.  相似文献   
One year after the achievemant of the 2 weeks ANTARES french-russian mission in the MIR station in July 1992, a 22 days ALTAÏR mission with a french cosmonaut has been performed in July 1993, making use of the scientific payload remaining on board. Taking benefit of the analysis of the previous mission, the experimental protocols were adapted to refine scientific objectives and gave to the scientists the opportunity to enhance quantitatively and qualitatively their results. The french biomedical program, conducted in close scientific cooperation with IMBP and associated laboratories, was composed of 8 experiments out of which 2 were new with regards to the ANTARES program. In the field of cardio-vascular physiology and fluid regulation, the experiments: ORTHOSTATISME, DIURESE have been renewed and complemented by the TISSU experiment (proposed by a german scientist) and a real-time tele-assistance program using US echography technic and ground support from the french CADMOS support control center located in Toulouse. With respect to neurosciences objectives, to the experiments VIMINAL (cognitive processes) and ILLUSIONS (study of proprioceptives cues), was added the SYNERGIES experiment to analyse the postural adjustements during movement. The IMMUNOLOGIE experiment carried on and the radiobiological experiment BIODOSE ended.

Adding the results of the 2 missions ANTARES and ALTAÏR, and the data obtained in between onboard with russian cosmonauts, the scientists have received a wealth of physiological data and gained reproducibility and confidence in their results.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular Actaptation was evaluated on 2 astronauts: one wearing thigh cuffs from flight day 1 to 8 (14d flight), the second without cuffs (21d flight). Ultrasound investigations were performed at rest and during LBNP. Results: Without thigh cuffs the cardiovascular Actaptation consists in (1) the development of a hypovolemia with an increase of the heart rate and the cardiac output, (2) the decrease of the vascular tone in the deep (mesenteric and splanchnic) and peripheral (Lower limbs) vascular areas. The use of thigh cuffs maintains the volemia and the cardiac output at the preflight level (without heart rate increase) and prevents the loss of vascular tone in the deep and peripheral areas. Moreover the adaptative process changes since the cuffs are removed and even the volemia seems to be unaffected at this stage the vascular tone decreases to a comparable extend as during the flight without cuffs. Nevertheless during the flight without cuffs or 3 days after removing the cuffs hemodynamic signs of decreased orthostatic tolerance are present during the inflight and the 3 days post flight LBNP. Presently the possible contribution of the thigh cuffs to the reduction of the vascular deconditioning has not been tested yet.  相似文献   
The control of the body orientation and the center of mass position with respect to the feet was investigated under normo- and microgravity (space flight Altair), during erect posture and at the end of a forward or backward upper trunk movement.

It was observed that during erect posture, the trunk orientation with respect to the vertical was inclined some 6 ° forward in both subjects under microgravity, whereas it was vertical or slightly backward oriented under normogravity. Under microgravity, on the contrary, the initial position CM changed either backwards or forwards. This result suggests that the inclined trunk posture might be due to misevaluating the vertically under microgravity and that different control mechanisms are involved in orienting the trunk and placing the CM.

It was also noted that the final position of the CM at the end of the movement did not differ markedly between microgravity and normogravity. This result suggests that the kinematic synergies which stabilize the CM during uppertrunk movements may result from an automatic central control which is independent from the gravity constraints.  相似文献   

This paper describes a technical device, INCUBATOR 1M, which enables incubation of Japanese quail eggs aboard the piloted orbital station.  相似文献   
During extravehicular activities (EVA) outside the spacecraft, astronauts have to work under reduced pressure in a space suit. This pressure reduction induces the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) by the formation of gas bubbles from excess nitrogen dissolved in the organism by breathing air at normal pressure. Under laboratory conditions the gas bubbles moving in the blood stream can be detected by the non-invasive ultrasonic Doppler method. By early detection of excessive bubble formation the development of DCS symptoms may be prevented by early application of preventative measures. The method could also be useful when applied in the space suit in order to compare the results of laboratory tests with operational results, because there is a discrepancy according to the DCS risk of laboratory experiments and actual EVA missions, where no symptoms have been reported yet. A prototype Doppler sensor has been developed and implemented in the Russian Orlan suit. To investigate the feasibility of this method under simulated space conditions, the equipment has been used in a series of 12 thermovacuum chamber tests with suited subjects, where intravenous bubble formation was compared to unsuited control experiments. In more than 50% of the suited tests good Doppler recordings could be achieved. In some cases with unsatisfying results the signal could be improved by breathholding. Although the results do not yet allow any conclusion about a possible difference between suited and unsuited subjects due to the small number of tests performed, the method proved its feasibility for use in EVA suits and should be further developed to enhance the safety of EVA procedures.  相似文献   
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