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The Sun provides unique opportunities to study particle acceleration mechanisms using data from detectors placed on the Earth’s surface and on board spacecrafts. Particles may gain high energies by several physical mechanisms. Differentiating between these possibilities is a fundamental problem of cosmic ray physics. Energetic neutrons provide us with information that keeps the signatures of the acceleration site. A summary of some representative solar neutron events observed on the Earth’s surface, including associated X and γ-ray observations from spacecrafts is presented. We discuss evidence of acceleration of particles by the Sun to energies up to several tens of GeV. In addition, a recent solar neutron event that occurred on September 7th 2005 and detected by several observatories at Earth is analyzed in detail.  相似文献   
Trial of hands-on education of rocket technology for university students using water rocket, which consists of structural study, propulsion system study, aerodynamic study, stability study, and flight trajectory study, has been performed. Integrating each subject into a group of tasks, a hands-on education system of aerospace technology will become feasible. Advantage of the system is that students can verify the theory by hands-on practice. Development of recovery mechanism for water rocket will be a good subject of hands-on innovative design. Although the system has been developed mostly for university students, it can easily be converted to hands-on education system for school children and high school students.  相似文献   
Two rocket experiments were carried out just before and after the polar night at Andoya (69°N), Norway to investigate transport of nitric oxide produced by auroral processes into the middle atmosphere and its influence on the ozone chemistry. Nitric oxide densities of (2–5) × 108cm−3 found in the 70–90 km region are one to two orders of magnitude larger than those at middle latitudes. The influence on ozone densities in the 70–90 km region due to such enhanced nitric oxide abundance is found to be insignificant as compared to that due to transport in the middle of February. The larger ozone densities found in February (in spite of longer sunlit duration) than in November in the 40–60 km region again support predominance of transport over photochemical loss.  相似文献   
Transient ionospheric disturbances in the total electron content (TEC) are examined before and after the M9.0 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake to find ionospheric responses to the radiation caused by Fukushima I nuclear power plant accident, which was damaged by the earthquake and tsunamis. The TEC is derived from records of a ground-based receiving network of GPS Earth Observation Network (GEONET) in Japan. Both small enhancement and disturbance of TEC were detected over the nuclear power plant after the radiation was suddenly enhanced on March 14 of 2011, while similar signatures were not detected in the other sudden radiation enhancements. Further, no continuous enhancement and disturbance lasting for more than an hour were observed over the nuclear power plant. Therefore, the results indicate that radioactive materials may not cause the ionospheric disturbance or disturb the ionosphere in highly specific circumstance even if such effects exist.  相似文献   
Concerning with the relation of vection induced by the optokinetic stimulation and the body movement, especially we attended to the neck joint movement, which counteracted to the shoulder movement. Then, we analyzed the mechanisms of the sitting postural control by using the seesaw board. By the optokinetic stimulation through the head mounted display (H.M.D.), the vection was leaded, and it affected to the sway of the body on the seesaw board. In this experiment, we found that the movement of upper part of body except for the head was the same direction to the seesaw board but the head moved out of phase to the seesaw board. This phenomenon will be suggested that the unstable condition of sway is balanced by the counter swing of head and the neck muscle tonus is controlled by acting of the vestibulo-collic reflex.  相似文献   
Using the observational data of Bragg crystal spectromater on Yohkoh for the period from October, 1991 to the end of 1995, we have made a statistical study for the flares which show to be in a single loop or a single loop dominated in the SXT images. It is found that although the blue asymmetry is very common during the impulsive phase, the number of events with great total blueshift is very small. It is also found that the blueshift for most flares appears at the early impulsive phase and is temporally correlated with the broadening of the line.  相似文献   
It gets into difficult to explain the mechanism of caloric nystagmus only by convection theory from results of microgravity experiments. One of the other theories is an occurrence of a relative volume change due to a temperature change. Since the volume change must lead to a pressure change after caloric stimulation, we tried to measure the ampulla pressure of the horizontal semicircular canal in pigeons (Columba livia) using an improved servo micropipette system. The main result was that the ampulla pressure increased by cooling and decreased by heating. The changes of the ampulla pressure depended on the temperature change but were not influenced by the pigeon's head position.  相似文献   
The F3C Cold Plasma Analyzer (CPA) instrument on theFreja spacecraft is designed to measure the energy per unit charge (E/Q) of ions oe electrons in the range 0<E/Q<200 V and complements the observations made by the F3H Hot Plasma Experiment. The CPA sensor, which is deployed on a boom, is an electrostatic analyzer which produces angle/energy images of particles incident on the sensor in a plane perpendicular to the boom axis. Charged particles incident normal to the CPA sensor housing axis of symmetry, which coincides with the boom axis, pass through collimators and enter a semi-spherical electrostatic analyzer which disperses particles in energy and azimuthal angle of arrival onto an imaging MCP detector thus producing images of the particle distributions in a plane perpendicular to the boom axis. Measurements are transmitted either as discrete 16×16 (angle/energy) images or as parameters related to the incident particle distribution function. Pixels in the discrete images are separated approximately equally in azimuthal angle while the 16 energy bins are separated approximately geometrically in energy. The ratio of the maximum to minimum energy imaged is programmable up to a maximum of more than a factor of ten, and the energy range itself is also under the control of the processor and can be varied by more than an order of magnitude. The density dynamic range of the sensor is increased by the introduction of an electrostatic gating system between the entrance aperture and the analyzer which can be used to duty-cycle low-energy electrons into the sensor thus keeping the count rate within appropriate levels. To reduce the effects of spacecraft induced perturbations on the lower-energy particle distributions, the sensor portion of the instrument is deployed on a 2 m long boom, perpendicular to the spacecraft spin axis. Spacecraft rotation is used to recover complete (4) angle/energy distributions every half spin period. In addition, the sensor skin may be biased with respect to the spacecraft ground to offset effects due to spacecraft charging. Current to the skin is monitored, making the exterior of the sensor equivalent to a large cylindrical Langmuir probe. Two separate processing paths for signals from the MCP anode may be chosen; slow and rast. The slow pulse processing path provides discrete angle/energy images at a nominal rate of 10 images per second and a peak burst mode rate of 100 images per second. The fast analog or current mode path provides crude parameterized estimates of densities, temperatures and drift velocities at nominal rates of up to 1000 parameters per second with a burst rate near 6000 parameters per second. Observations of cold ions and electrons in an unperturbed ionospheric plasma are presented which demonstrate the functionality of the instrument. Suprathermal ion observations in a transverse ion energization or acceleration region are also shown which demonstrate many of the small-scale features of these events.The Canadian Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledge.  相似文献   
Relativistic neutrons were observed by the neutron monitors at Mt. Chacaltaya and Mexico City and by the solar neutron telescopes at Chacaltaya and Mt. Sierra Negra in association with an X17.0 flare on 2005 September 7. The neutron signal continued for more than 20 min with high statistical significance. Intense emissions of γ-rays were also registered by INTEGRAL, and during the decay phase by RHESSI. We analyzed these data using the solar-flare magnetic-loop transport and interaction model of Hua et al. [Hua, X.-M., Kozlovsky, B., Lingenfelter, R.E. et al. Angular and energy-dependent neutron emission from solar flare magnetic loops, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 140, 563–579, 2002], and found that the model could successfully fit the data with intermediate values of loop magnetic convergence and pitch-angle scattering parameters. These results indicate that solar neutrons were produced at the same time as the γ-ray line emission and that ions were continuously accelerated at the emission site.  相似文献   
Tardigrades are tiny (less than 1?mm in length) invertebrate animals that have the potential to survive travel to other planets because of their tolerance to extreme environmental conditions by means of a dry ametabolic state called anhydrobiosis. While the tolerance of adult tardigrades to extreme environments has been reported, there are few reports on the tolerance of their eggs. We examined the ability of hydrated and anhydrobiotic eggs of the tardigrade Ramazzottius varieornatus to hatch after exposure to ionizing irradiation (helium ions), extremely low and high temperatures, and high vacuum. We previously reported that there was a similar pattern of tolerance against ionizing radiation between hydrated and anhydrobiotic adults. In contrast, anhydrobiotic eggs (50% lethal dose; 1690 Gy) were substantially more radioresistant than hydrated ones (50% lethal dose; 509 Gy). Anhydrobiotic eggs also have a broader temperature resistance compared with hydrated ones. Over 70% of the anhydrobiotic eggs treated at either -196°C or +50°C hatched successfully, but all the hydrated eggs failed to hatch. After exposure to high-vacuum conditions (5.3×10(-4) Pa to 6.2×10(-5) Pa), the hatchability of the anhydrobiotic eggs was comparable to that of untreated control eggs.  相似文献   
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