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地球同步三轴稳定卫星在南北保持控制过程中,存在较大的东西方向耦舍量。实践中,在南北控制结束后,直接进行东西向轨道修正。给出了卫星寿命初期和中期东西修正量的计算模型,并在实际控制中取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
讨论了双曲型守恒律的一类无振荡中心差分格式。H.Nesyahu和E.Tadmor研究了以交错型LaxFriedrich格式(LxF)为模块的无振荡中心格式的构造与熵不等式。此类格式利用高阶的MUSCL型插值替代一阶分片常数逼近,减少了LaxFriedrich格式的过多数值粘性,建立了一维标量非线性双曲型守恒律的一类高分辨格式。讨论以非交错LaxFriedrich格式为模块建立起的差分格式。证明了此格式具有二阶精度、TVD性质并在一定条件下满足熵条件。  相似文献   
遥测计算机字的自动判读   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以导弹模拟飞行原理为基础 ,建立了简化弹道模型 ,分析了导弹遥测计算机字各参数的大小范围、变化规律 ,根据确定的范围和变化规律编制了遥测计算机字自动判读软件 ,并用曲线图的形式直观地显示了遥测计算机字的变化。  相似文献   
针对国内无人机操控人才培养过程中,在选拔对象、飞行经历、培养模式等方面存在的诸多疑问,文章通过分析有人机飞行员与无人机操控员在操控方式、操控感觉、态势感知、信息获取与处理以及交流沟通等方面的异同,探讨了两者间的区别与联系,对有人机飞行员改任无人机操控员的做法进行了深入探讨。研究成果可为我国无人机操控员的培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Multi-sensor precipitation datasets including two products from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) and estimates from Climate Prediction Center Morphing Technique (CMORPH) product were quantitatively evaluated to study the monsoon variability over Pakistan. Several statistical and graphical techniques are applied to illustrate the nonconformity of the three satellite products from the gauge observations. During the monsoon season (JAS), the three satellite precipitation products captures the intense precipitation well, all showing high correlation for high rain rates (>30 mm/day). The spatial and temporal satellite rainfall error variability shows a significant geo-topography dependent distribution, as all the three products overestimate over mountain ranges in the north and coastal region in the south parts of Indus basin. The TMPA-RT product tends to overestimate light rain rates (approximately 100%) and the bias is low for high rain rates (about ±20%). In general, daily comparisons from 2005 to 2010 show the best agreement between the TMPA-V7 research product and gauge observations with correlation coefficient values ranging from moderate (0.4) to high (0.8) over the spatial domain of Pakistan. The seasonal variation of rainfall frequency has large biases (100–140%) over high latitudes (36N) with complex terrain for daily, monsoon, and pre-monsoon comparisons. Relatively low uncertainties and errors (Bias ±25% and MAE 1–10 mm) were associated with the TMPA-RT product during the monsoon-dominated region (32–35N), thus demonstrating their potential use for developing an operational hydrological application of the satellite-based near real-time products in Pakistan for flood monitoring.  相似文献   
PMAC-based Tracking Control System for 8-axis Automated Tape-laying Machine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article introduces a computer numerical control (CNC)-based open hardware architecture system to realize the special functions of automated tape-laying (ATL) in a numerical control system. It associates a programmable multi-axis controller (PMAC) as the motion control unit with programmable numerical controllers (PCL-725, PCL-730) for on-off control. To bring about synchronized movements of the main 5-axis tape-laying head system and the 3-axis ultrasonic tape-cutting sub-system, the tracking-control method associated with time-based mode attributed to PMAC is applied in different cases. In addition, with the goal of realizing real-time tasks in the software system such as synchronizing motion control and on-off control, the real-time Win 2000 system is adopted. As a device driver for PMAC and PCL, a user graphical interface and a numerical control program interpretation module are also designed. This system is helpful to solve complicated problems in designing numerical controls for ATL such as ensuring high requirements for precise machine control and synchronization of motion control and on-off control.  相似文献   
在研究分析了竹板基材外形特点、表面缺陷特征的基础上,设计了竹板基材缺陷视觉检测及公差测量系统;根据双目视觉原理,经曲线曲率特征匹配方法,可计算得到光条上曲率绝对值最大值点的空间位置和深度;结合基材尺寸的公差测量方法,可实现基材宽度与厚度的测量;针对竹板基材纹理表面的复杂性,提出了基于小波分解与聚类思想的基材缺陷检测算法,实现了对基材缺陷的视觉检测:并用实验进行了验证.  相似文献   
通过对计划和规划概念上的比较分析,对市场经济条件下规划存在的必要性进行了探讨,并给予了肯定回答.在市场经济条件下规划具有经济宪章、促进经济社会协调发展、遏制政府失灵、构建经济伦理四个方面的作用,从而为规划作为宏观管理的重要手段建立了一个有解释力的逻辑框架.  相似文献   
基于多尺度分析的图像融合技术综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统介绍了对图像融合技术的发展概况、图像融合的基本原理以及融合的层次及性能,并归纳了基于多尺度分析的图像融合算法,分析其特点及应用领域,简要阐述图像融合质量评价,最后指出当前研究的热点以及有待解决的问题.  相似文献   
基于阿尔法磁谱仪(AMS-02)发射、着陆和在轨运行三种工况,用有限元方法对AMS-02热控制系统进行了静力学分析.考虑了发射和着陆极限工况下运载工具与AMS-02的载荷耦合,AMS-02热控制系统的设计载荷系数用沿AMS-02坐标系三个坐标轴方向的重力加速度和角加速度等效表示.计算得到了AMS-02热控制系统各组件的位移和应力.数值分析结果与实际测试结果进行了比对,吻合较好,验证了该静力分析方法的有效性,为最终优化设计提供了依据.  相似文献   
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