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空间环境是影响航天器飞行的重要因素之一。文章在总结近地空间环境含义的基础上,按形成因素对近地空间环境进行分类,并详细分析了辐射环境、摄动环境、磁场环境、等离子体环境、微流星体和冷黑环境及其对近地空间航天器的效应。  相似文献   
软着月任务窗口与轨道设计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了一套应用于多约束条件下软着月任务的窗口计算以及轨道设计方法。针对经历发射 段、地月转移段、绕月段及动力下降段的月球探测器,综合考虑各个特征点的位置、光照、 测控等约束,结合轨道特性,采用着月点→近月点→入轨点→发射点倒推的方式,快速确 定探测器的发射窗口。在其中选择发射时刻后即可计算转移轨道的轨道根数初值,并搜索计 算精确轨道。该方法对于我国月球探测后期工程的发射窗口计算与轨道设计工作有较重要的 参考价值。
针对肩、肘、腕均有偏置的空间站遥操作机械臂(SSRMS)型7DOF冗余机械臂,提出了逆运动学求解的关节角参数化及臂型角参数化两种方法。前者根据机械臂的臂型特征,推导以θ1、θ2、θ6、θ7中的一个作为给定参数时其他关节角的表达式,得出8种可能解;后者首先构造与SSRMS型机械臂相对应的零偏置球关节-旋转关节-球关节(SRS)机械臂,然后以臂型角为参数求解SRS机械臂的逆运动学,再根据SSRMS与SRS机械臂的关系,得到SSRMS的8组逆解。仿真算例校验了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   
洪雷 《航天器工程》2015,24(3):125-130
为了使太阳电池阵模拟器更真实地模拟卫星太阳电池阵在轨工作请况,首先,设计了一种易于工程实现的太阳电池阵模拟器硬件系统结构,同时为实现最大功率点运行,设计了卫星负载变换电路来实现卫星负载与太阳电池阵模拟器的阻抗匹配。其次,总结了太阳电池阵模拟器与卫星负载组成的系统的3种特性、6种工作点,分析了3种特性下系统工作点的建立过程。最后,采用太阳电池阵模拟器和卫星负载模拟器(电子负载)分别对3种特性下的系统工作模式进行了试验分析,试验结果证明了系统设计与理论分析的正确性和有效性。该设计与分析方法已在多套太阳电池阵模拟器中得到应用,使太阳电池阵模拟器与卫星组成的系统性能得到了优化。  相似文献   
针对量子科学实验、时频传递实验等项目研发的先进载荷对微振动频谱积分的特殊指标需求,研究一种分离式主动隔振技术.分离式隔振技术将卫星划分为载荷模块和服务模块,考虑两模块之间柔性连接线缆和限位弹簧,首先建立两模块的动力学模型.随后,设计基于加速度反馈的六自由度隔振控制器,考虑执行机构控制和驱动电路的电气噪音,在时域和频域仿...  相似文献   
This study proposes an enhanced multipath mitigation method based on multi-resolution carrier-to-noise-ratio (CNR) model and adaptive statistical test strategy for real-time kinematic precise point positioning (PPP) applications. The multi-resolution CNR model is established with GPS observation data collected from DOY 152 to 181 of 2019 by 230 globally distributed IGS stations, which used to analyze the relevant factors affecting CNR. Statistical results indicate that the CNR is not only related to the satellite elevation, but also closely related to the receiver types and specific satellite. The maximum difference between different receivers can reach 20 dB for the same satellite at the same elevation. In addition, the performance of the CNR is also obviously different between each satellite, and the maximum difference between different satellites is about 10 dB for the same receiver at the same elevation. Hence, in terms of the method which is based on CNR information for multipath detection and mitigation, the independence of receiver types, satellite and frequency must be considered. With the above analysis, this study developed a multi-resolution CNR model based on different receiver types, different satellites and different elevation firstly. Then, combined with the adaptive statistical test strategy which is based on the difference of CNR between inter-frequency and the difference of CNR between adjacent epochs, the multipath can be detected effectively. For the epoch which affected by multipath, the down-weighted strategy based on CNR is adopted to mitigate the influence of multipath on positioning. Real-time kinematic PPP data are collected to assess the proposed method, and the results demonstrate that the proposed method can detect the multipath effectively, and the detection rate can reach 90.28%. Moreover, after adopting the mitigation strategy, the RMS bias of the east, north and up components are improved about 19.95%, 17.89% and 23.07% compared to the original results, respectively. It is worth noting that this proposed method is also suitable for other GNSS, such as GLONASS and BDS, but the corresponding CNR model must be established simultaneously.  相似文献   
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) remote sensing precipitable water vapour (PWV) data from November 2015 to March 2019 were combined with snowfall observation data and used to analyse PWV characteristics in Liaoning Province during the snow season (from November to March the following year) and their relationship with snowfall. The potential of using GNSS for PWV measurements was demonstrated using sounding data with a correlation coefficient higher than 0.9 and a mean bias error lower than 0.5 mm. According to the GNSS PWV data gathered at 30-min intervals from 68 GNSS stations in Liaoning during the snow season, the monthly PWV average was highest in November and lowest in January. Negative correlations were found between PWV and altitude. Most of the water vapour was concentrated in the low layer of the atmosphere, and the contribution of this vapour to the PWV was higher during the snow season than in summer. A total of 43 snow cases were identified using the snowfall records from 53 GNSS stations, and the characteristics of PWV during these snowfalls were analysed. An increase in PWV was observed before snowfall events. Moreover, the influence of synoptic systems and air mass origins on PWV was analysed based on National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data and the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model. The results show that the water vapour condition was better when the synoptic systems or air masses came from areas south of Liaoning.  相似文献   
护航策略一直是各军事大国的重点研究内容之一,拒止环境具有强电磁干扰、强对抗博弈等特点,进而对护航策略提出了更高的要求。提出了一种基于分布式时变编队跟踪控制方法的护航策略,该策略中由高成本长机探测到敌方来袭导弹,在进行规避的同时,释放多个低成本僚机担任“忠诚僚机”。采用时变编队跟踪的控制方法,使僚机始终处于长机与敌方来袭导弹的视线轴上,必要时牺牲僚机以保全长机。针对敌方来袭导弹的方位角是全局信息,设计了分布式观测器对其进行估计。在拒止环境下,复杂电磁干扰带来通信时断时续,导致长机与僚机及僚机与僚机之间的通信拓扑存在切换。为应对电磁干扰对通信拓扑的破坏,提高抗电磁干扰能力,考虑僚机外部扰动和长机规避机动动作同时存在的情况,基于观测器理论、自适应控制理论和滑模控制理论,构造了具体通信拓扑切换机制的分布式控制协议,并利用Lyapunov理论证明了僚机采用该协议能够实现拒止环境下基于“忠诚僚机”的护航策略。通过仿真模拟导弹来袭场景,验证了所提策略的有效性。   相似文献   
针对大面积图像修复缺失严重时,需要完整且高质量训练样本的问题,提出了一种将残缺或含噪图像样本作为训练集的双生成器深度卷积生成对抗网络(DGDCGAN)模型。构建两个生成器和一个鉴别器以解决单一生成器收敛慢的问题,用残缺图像样本作为训练集,通过交叉计算、搜索损失区域类似的图像信息作为训练生成模型的样本,收敛速度更快。鉴别器损失函数改进为输出的Wasserstein距离,使用自适应估计算法优化生成器损失函数和鉴别器损失函数的模型参数,最小化两两图像之间的总距离差,使用鉴别模型和修复图像总距离变化均方差最小化两个指标优化修复结果。在4个公开数据集上进行主客观实验,结果表明:所提方法能使用残缺图像样本作为训练集,有效实现大面积失真图像的修复,且收敛速度和修复效果优于现有图像修复方法。   相似文献   
本文利用1983年5—8月,1984年5—12月在武昌(114.4°E,30.6°N)对日本ETS-Ⅱ卫星(130.0°E)发出的136.1124MHz讯号的观测资料进行了统计分析。结果表明:(1)武昌电离层闪烁不但有日变化,而且有季变化。每年5—7月为闪烁最大活动期,在这些月份的夜间常出现法拉弟旋转角类波扰动伴随有强闪烁现象。武昌电离层闪烁是属于中纬闪烁型;(2)闪烁指数与法拉弟旋转角起伏密切相关,它们出现率之间的相关系数为0.8以上;夜间闪烁与扩展F层,白天闪烁与突发E层出现率之间的相关系数分别为0.6和0.55。  相似文献   
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