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The continued development of the symmetric measurement equation (SME) filter for track maintenance in multiple target tracking (MTT) is considered, focusing on the case in which the SMEs are generated by forming sums of products of the original position measurements. The SME filter is developed for the case of N targets whose motions consist of random perturbations about constant-velocity trajectories. It is assumed that measurements of x-coordinate positions are available, and that the number of measurements is equal to the number of targets. Various analytical properties of the SME filter are studied. It is shown that under a very weak condition, the estimation error equation is locally exponentially stable. The performance of the SME filter is investigated by comparing it with an optimal (minimum-variance) estimator and by generating a computer simulation in the six-target case  相似文献   
In radars that achieve a high subclutter visibility by coherent processing over several pulses, a serious problem appears in the form of blind Dopplers, or ?speeds,? at which target detection is impossible. Of the possible methods of eliminating these blind speeds, the most basic one that is employed when the performance requirements are high involves the use of several PRF's. These PRF's are chosen so that coverage is obtained at any Doppler with at least one PRF. The problem faced by the radar designer is to select the set of PRF's and the pulse numbers for each PRF so that the search frame time is minimized. This paper evolves a systematic method for the design of the blind-speed elimination scheme. A formalized approach is offered that shows the possible combinations of wavelength, PRF, and pulse number and the tradeoffs involved, without introducing the confusion ordinarily associated with multiparameter choices.  相似文献   
Future space missions aiming at the accurate measurement of cold plasmas and DC to very low frequency electric fields will require that the potential of their conductive surfaces be actively controlled to be near the ambient plasma potential. In the near-Earth space these spacecraft are usually solar-cell powered; consequently, parts of their surface are most of the time exposed to solar photons. Outside the plasmasphere, a positive surface potential due the dominance of surface-emitted photoelectrons over ambient plasma electrons is to be expected. Photo- and ambient electrons largely determine the potential and positive values between a few Volts up to 100 V have been observed. Active ion emission is the obvious solution of this problem. A liquid metal ion emitter and a saddle field ion emitter are nearing the stage of flight unit fabrication. We will attempt to clamp the spacecraft potential to values close to the plasma potential. We present first results from vacuum chamber tests and describe the emission behaviour and characteristics of emitters producing, respectively, In+ and N2+ beams with an energy of ≥ 5 keV.  相似文献   
The northward and southward orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is usually considered as providing the external boundary conditions in the solar wind interaction with the Earth's magnetopause but it is the magnetic field in the magnetosheath that interacts with the Earth's magnetic field. In this paper, we consider the possibility that the wave activity in the foreshock region may affect the magnetic field orientation in the magnetosheath with time scales that might be geomagnetically effective. If magnetosheath magnetic field becomes disturbed on plasma streamlines which are connected to the quasi-parallel bow shock and foreshock, the magnetic field orientation on the inner magnetosheath may differ significantly from the undisturbed IMF. We present a model of dayside reconnection which may occur when the IMF northward and illustrate its effects on the erosion of the magnetopause.  相似文献   
After initial emphasis on large-scale baseline crop tests, the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Breadboard project has begun to evaluate long-term operation of the biomass production system with increasing material closure. Our goal is to define the minimum biological processing necessary to make waste streams compatible with plant growth in hydroponic systems, thereby recycling nutrients into plant biomass and recovering water via atmospheric condensate. Initial small and intermediate-scale studies focused on the recycling of nutrients contained in inedible plant biomass. Studies conducted between 1989-1992 indicated that the majority of nutrients could be rapidly solubilized in water, but the direct use of this crop "leachate" was deleterious to plant growth due to the presence of soluble organic compounds. Subsequent studies at both the intermediate scale and in the large-scale Biomass Production Chamber (BPC) have indicated that aerobic microbiological processing of crop residue prior to incorporation into recirculating hydroponic solutions eliminated any phytotoxic effect, even when the majority of the plant nutrient demand was provided from recycled biomass during long term studies (i.e. up to 418 days). Current and future studies are focused on optimizing biological processing of both plant and human waste streams.  相似文献   
The SOHO (SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory) satellite was launched on December 2nd 1995. After arriving at the Earth-Sun (L1) Lagrangian point on February 14th 1996, it began to continuously observe the Sun. As one of the instruments onboard SOHO, the EIT (Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) images the Sun's corona in 4 EUV wavelengths. The He II filter at 304 Å images the chromosphere and the base of the transition region at a temperature of 5 − 8 × 104 K; the Fe IX–X filter at 171 Å images the corona at a temperature of 1.3 × 106 K; the Fe XII filter at 195 Å images the quiet corona outside coronal holes at a temperature of 1.6 × 106 K; and the Fe XV filter at 284 Å images active regions with a temperature of 2.0 × 106 K. About 5000 images have been obtained up to the present. In this paper, we describe also some aspects of the telescope and the detector performance for application in the observations. Images and movies of all the wavelengths allow a look at different phenomena present in the Sun's corona, and in particular, magnetic field reconnection.  相似文献   
Efforts to assess radiation risk in space have been complicated by the considerable unknowns regarding the biological effects of the heavy ion component (HZE particles) of the cosmic rays. The attention has focused primarily on the assignation of a quality factor (Q) which would take into account the greater effectiveness of heavy ions vis-a-vis other forms of ionizing radiation. If however, as the so-called "Microlesion Theory" allows, the passage of HZE particles through living tissue produces unique biological damage, the traditional use of Q becomes meaningless. Therefore, it is critical to determine if microlesions, in fact, do exist. While the concept does not necessarily require detectable morphological damage, "tunnel-lesions" or holes in ocular tissues have been cited as evidence of microlesions. These data, however, are open to reinterpretation. On-going light, scanning and transmission electron microscopic studies of the corneas, lenses and retinas of rat eyes exposed to 450 MeV/amu 56Fe ions thus far have not revealed tunnel-lesion damage. The morphological effects of the heavy ions have been found to be qualitatively similar to the changes following other kinds of ionizing radiation.  相似文献   
We have aimed to present a comprehensive review of our understanding to date of the formation of DNA strand breaks induced by high LET radiation. We have discussed data obtained from DNA in solution as well as from the formation and "repair" of strand breaks in cell DNA. There is good agreement, qualitatively, between these two systems. Results were evaluated for two parameters: (1) effectivity per particle, the cross section (sigma) in micrometers 2/particle; and (2) the strand break induction frequency as number of breaks per Gy per unit DNA (bp or dalton). A series of biological effects curves (one for each Z-number) is obtained in effectivity versus LET plots. The relationships between induction frequencies of single-strand breaks, or double-strand breaks, or the residual "irrepairable" breaks and LET-values have been evaluated and discussed for a wide spectrum of heavy ions, both for DNA in solution and for DNA in the cell. For radiation induced total breaks in cell DNA, the RBE is less than one, while the RBE for the induction of DSBs can be greater than one in the 100-200 keV/micrometers range. The level of irrepairable strand breaks is highest in this same LET range and may reach 25 percent of the initial break yield. The data presented cover results obtained for helium to uranium particles, covering a particle incident energy range of about 2 to 900 MeV/u with a corresponding LET range of near 16 to 16000 keV/micrometers.  相似文献   
The space shuttle external tank, which consists of a liquid oxygen tank, an intertank structure, and a liquid hydrogen tank, is an expendable structure used for approximately 8.5 min during each launch. A concept for outfitting the liquid oxygen tank-intertank unit for a 12-person lunar habitat is described. The concept utilizes existing structures and openings for both man and equipment access without compromising the structural integrity of the tank. Living quarters, instrumentation, environmental control and life support, thermal control, and propulsion systems are installed at Space Station Freedom. The unmanned habitat is then transported to low lunar orbit and autonomously soft landed on the lunar surface. Design studies indicate that this concept is feasible by the year 2000 with concurrent development of a space transfer vehicle and manned cargo lander for crew changeover and resupply.  相似文献   
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