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Time period from October 1996 until January 1998 was checked on high energy resolution DOK2 energetic particle instrument measurements on Interball-1 and Interball-2 for the ion (> 20 keV) dispersive events (EDIS) with the exclusion of Interball-1 orbit parts in the tail. A variety of energy dispersive events, both in ion and electron spectra with different duration is found in the auroral regions, in the outer magnetosphere and near the cusp. While EDIS were observed in all sectors of MLT, the best conditions for their observation were in the afternoon local time. The characteristics of dispersive events observed by DOK2 are consistent with their explanation by the gradient-curvature drift of particles from the injection point(s) in the night local time sector given in Lutsenko at al., 2000a, b.  相似文献   
The paper summarizes the data on proliferation and gravity-related gene expression of osteoblasts that were obtained from an experiment conducted under simulated and real microgravity conditions. Simulated microgravity conditions obtained in a clinostat depress proliferation of both osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 and HeLa carcinoma cells. This depression of proliferation occurs in a collagen gel culture in which the flow of culture medium by rotation may be reduced. Interestingly, MC3T3-E1 cells which are probably one of target cells to microgravity are more sensitive than the HeLa cells. Simulated microgravity inhibited the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced c-fos gene expression in the MC3T3-El cells. To examine in detail the effect of real microgravity on the EGF signal transduction cascade in osteoblasts, MC3T3-E1 cells were cultured in the Cell Culture Experiment Module of the sounding rocket TR-1A6. The EGF-induced c-fos expression in cells was depressed under short-term microgravity conditions in the sounding rocket, while the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) was not affected compared with the controls grown on the ground. These results suggest that an action site of microgravity in the signal transduction pathway may be downstream of MAPK.  相似文献   
Nikolaev VP 《Acta Astronautica》1998,42(1-8):139-158
Formation and subsequent evolution of gas bubbles in blood and tissues of subjects exposed to decompression are casual processes in their nature. Such character of bubbling processes in a body predetermines probabilistic character of decompression sickness (DCS) incidence in divers, aviators and astronauts. Our original probabilistic theory of decompression safety is based on stochastic models of these processes and on the concept of critical volume of a free gas phase in body tissues. From positions of this theory, the probability of DCS incidence during single-stage decompressions and during hypobaric decompressions under EVA in particular, is defined by the distribution of possible values of nucleation efficiency in "pain" tissues and by its critical significance depended on the parameters of a concrete decompression. In the present study the following is shown: 1) the dimensionless index of critical nucleation efficiency for "pain" body tissues is a more adequate index of decompression stress in comparison with Tissue Ratio, TR; 2) a priory the decompression under EVA performed according to the Russian protocol is more safe than decompression under EVA performed in accordance with the U.S. protocol; 3) the Russian space suit operated at a higher pressure and having a higher "rigidity" induces a stronger inhibition of mechanisms of cavitation and gas bubbles formation in tissues of a subject located in it, and by that provides a more considerable reduction of the DCS risk during real EVA performance.  相似文献   
An automatic data processing system for the evaluation of statistically occurring Doppler-difference bursts is described. In addition to the higher accuracy compared with the data acquisition procedures known so far, this technique allows the Doppler-difference method to be used as an operational instrument for investigations into turbulent flows, especially in the case of low particle density and extremely small turbulence degrees.  相似文献   
Russell  C. T.  Hoppe  M. M. 《Space Science Reviews》1983,36(2):155-159
A brief analysis is made of the interrelation of the intensity of cosmic-ray particles, the column density of gas and the intensity of cosmic γ-rays. It is shown that, locally, γ-ray data enable the calibration of H2 densities to be inferred from CO data and elsewhere the variation of cosmic-ray intensity with position to be assessed. Finally, the importance of cosmic-ray irradiated molecular clouds in simulating γ-ray ‘sources’ is reiterated.  相似文献   
A one-dimensional tracking filter based on the Kalman filtering techniques for tracking of a dynamic target such as an aircraft is discussed. The target is assumed to be moving with constant acceleration and is acted upon by a plant noise which perturbs its constant acceleration motion. The plant noise accounts for maneuvers and/or other random factors. Analytical results for estimating optimum steady state position, velocity, and acceleration of the target are obtained.  相似文献   
We analyze the effect of injection both of uniformly distributed over the entire cylinder surface and of the optimal one on the velocity distribution at the outer border of the boundary layer and, as a result, on friction.  相似文献   
Problems arising in introduction of gasodynamic seals in aircraft engines are considered. The operation of a face gasodynamic seal as part of a natural gas pump is analyzed and its efficiency in the presence of oil is shown.  相似文献   
The test results of a conventional combustion chamber with the improved structure are presented. The concentration of toxic substance emissions is reduced as compared with combustion chambers of the similar type.  相似文献   
The paper describes a device and a technique of forming the information processing algorithms used in the integrated acoustic monitoring system for jet fuel tanks, intended for monitoring the level, density and mass of liquid products.  相似文献   
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