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The problem of a continuous single coverage of the Earth by systems of satellites in circular orbits of equal radii is considered. The results of calculating the characteristics of kinematically regular systems consisting of 6 to 60 satellites and possessing symmetry groups of the second type are presented. It is shown that, when the number of satellites varies from 20 to 38 inclusive, the best systems of this class surpass all currently known systems with respect to their characteristics.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 215–223.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Mozhaev.  相似文献   
A technique is presented for design analyzing a regenerative plate heat exchanger with complanar channels. Also derived is the formula for optimum relationship of flow areas for gas and air branching channels.  相似文献   
Data from the particle experiment aboard the AUREOL-3 polar satellite show that about 30% of the summer cusp crossings are characterised by a clear latitudinal energy dispersion of the solar wind ions. This energy-latitude correlation is observed at very high latitudes, 80° – 85°, near the polar boundary of the cusp, as an increase of the ion average energy with latitude. These structures have a typical latitude extent of 1° – 2° at ionospheric heights and correspond to a northward-directed IMF. These observations are consistent with a sunward convection of the foot of the magnetic flux tubes recently merged with a northward directed interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   
Measurements of the electric field in the ionosphere and the equatorial plane during the pre-onset and actives phases of a substorm (March 4, 1979) are compared. Correlations and disagrements between the measurements are considered. The preliminary conclusion is reached that the model of electrojet polarisation proposed by CORONITI and KENNEL (1972) could possibly explain part of our observations.  相似文献   
Face recognition is one of the most successful ways for biometric recognition. One of its advantages is the high social acceptance by users, because it does not have the criminal stigma associated to other biometric traits, such as fingerprints. In addition, the cost of a webcam can be below 20 USD, which is certainly lower than other biometric acquisition devices. For this reason, the authors have developed a low-cost door-opening system, which is installed in our university premises for lab control access.  相似文献   
This paper reports on DNA DSB induction in human fibroblasts by iron ions of different energies, namely 5, 1 GeV/u, 414 and 115 MeV/u, in absence or presence of different shields (PMMA, Al and Pb). Measure of DNA DSB was performed by calibrated Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis using the fragment counting method. The RBE-LET relationships for unshielded and shielded beams were obtained both in terms of dose average LET and of track average LET. Weak dependence on these parameters was observed for DSB induction. The shielding efficiency, evaluated by the ratio between the cross sections for unshielded and shielded beams, depends not only on the shield type and thickness, but also on the beam energy. Protection is only observed at high iron ions energy, especially at 5 GeV/u, where PMMA shield gives higher protection compared to Al or Pb shields of the same thickness expressed in g/cm2.  相似文献   
The processes resulting from the introduction of the tranagenic microorganism (TM) E. coli Z905/pPHL7 into aquatic microcosms have been modeled experimentally. It has been shown that the TM E. coli is able to adapt to a long co-existence with indigenous heterotrophic microflora in variously structured microcosms. In more complex microcosms the numerical dynamics of the introduced E. coli Z905/pPHL7 population is more stable. In the TM populations staying in the microcosms for a prolonged time, changes are recorded in the phenotypic expression of plasmid genes (ampicillin resistance and the luminescence level) and chromosome genes (morphological and physiological traits). However, in our study microcosms, the recombinant plasmid persisted in the TM cells for 6 years after the introduction, and as the population adapts to the conditions of the microcosms, the efficiency of the cloned gene expression in the cells is restored. In the microcosms with high microalgal counts (10(7) cells/ml), cells with a high threshold of sensitivity to ampicillin dominate in the population of the TM E. coli Z905/pPHL7.  相似文献   
Phototropism as well as gravitropism plays a role in the oriented growth of roots in flowering plants. In blue or white light, roots exhibit negative phototropism, but red light induces positive phototropism in Arabidopsis roots. Phytochrome A (phyA) and phyB mediate the positive red-light-based photoresponse in roots since single mutants (and the double phyAB mutant) were severely impaired in this response. In blue-light-based negative phototropism, phyA and phyAB (but not phyB) were inhibited in the response relative to the WT. In root gravitropism, phyB and phyAB (but not phyA) were inhibited in the response compared to the WT. The differences observed in tropistic responses were not due to growth limitations since the growth rates among all the mutants tested were not significantly different from that of the WT. Thus, our study shows that the blue-light and red-light systems interact in roots and that phytochrome plays a key role in plant development by integrating multiple environmental stimuli.  相似文献   
This article represents the research results of the television space surveillance system, or, in other words, the optical surveillance system. The purpose of the work is the design of a specialized optical surveillance system, stabilization and surveillance equipment, and a television unit. The system's simplified structural and functional scheme is described, as well as its justification and operation principle. The application prospects are estimated.  相似文献   
Once introduced in the organism, the radioprotectors are fastly degraded and that increases their toxicity, shortens their duration of action and renders them inactive after oral delivery. So, it was tried to protect them by their incorporation in vectors. When a cysteamine-liposomal suspension was orally delivered, it showed a radioprotective activity for about 4 hours. By using 35S cysteamine, it was noted that its plasmatic concentration was increased. Freeze-drying of these preparations was a good mean of conservation if the samples were stored at 4 degrees C. A good and sustained activity was also obtained after oral delivery of WR-2721 entrapped in microspheres. Otherwise, it was shown that after interacting with the polar heads of phospholipids, under determined conditions of pH and in fluid phase, aminothiols can penetrate inside the membrane and be entrapped in the internal medium of liposomes and as they penetrate, they can lessen the diffusion of oxygen in the lipidic bilayers.  相似文献   
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