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The five main types of antisunward propagating energetic fluxes (particles and emission) may be thought of as well established to date, the effects of which lead to a particilar character of disturbance in the near-terrestrial environment (the Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere). The strongest global restructuring of the magnetosphere and ionosphere is caused by fluxes of relatively dense n of 1-70 cm-3 at the Earth's orbit) Solar Wind (SW) quasi-neutral, low-energy (E < 10 keV) plasma which cause magnetospheric and ionospheric storms lasting 24 hours or longer. For that reason, main attention is given to their study at the initial stage of research. The physical essence of the method of predicting disturbances in the near-terrestrial space environment, the amplitude of which can be expressed in, for example, the Kp index units, involves:(1) identifying all the most geo-effective SW streams of type, (2) determing their sources on the solar disk,and (3) quantifying the correlations between the characteristics of their solar sources with a maximum value of the Kp-index that is caused by the concerned type of SW stream. Semi-phenomenological relations have been obtained, which relate parameters of type SW stream sources to characteristics of geomagnetic storms:storm commencement, the time at which the storm intensity reaches its maximum values, the storm duration,as well as to the storm amplitude expressed in terms of geomagnetic indeces.  相似文献   
SIGMA - 3 gas chromatograph on board VEGA 1 and 2 landing probes has been operated successfully in the 60 - 50 km altitude range, providing several in - situ chemical analysis of the gas and the aerosols of Venus cloud layers. Post flight calibration required to derive atmospheric abundancies from gas chromatograms were carried out using the SIGMA - 3 spare model. A Venus atmospheric aerosol simulation chamber was used in which sulfuric acid droplets were generated. Preliminary results of these calibration experiments indicate that the concentration of sulfuric acid in the upper part of the clouds ( 60 to 55 km) is about 1 mg/m3 and suggest that an additional constituant must be present in noticeable amount in the aerosols. From these experiments the mixing ratio upper limits of SO2 is 100 ppmV and of H2S and COS is few 10 ppmV.  相似文献   
Coronal loops, which trace closed magnetic field lines, are the primary structural elements of the solar atmosphere. Complex dynamics of solar coronal magnetic loops, together with action of possible subphotospheric dynamo mechanisms, turn the majority of the coronal loops into current-carrying structures. In that connection none of the loops can be considered as isolated from the surroundings. The current-carrying loops moving relative to each other interact via the magnetic field and currents. One of the ways to take into account this interaction consists in application of the equivalent electric circuit models of coronal loops. According to these models, each loop is considered as an equivalent electric LCR-circuit with variable inductive coefficients L, capacitance C, and resistance R, which depend on shape, scale, position of the loop with respect to neighbouring loops, as well as on the plasma parameters in the magnetic tube. Such an approach enables to describe the process of electric current dynamics in the groups of coronal loops, as well as the related dynamical, energy release and radiation processes. In the present paper we describe the major principles of LCR-circuit models of coronal magnetic loops, and show their application for interpretation of the observed oscillatory phenomena in the loops and in the related radiation.  相似文献   
A model of the main support of the aircraft landing gear is presented and its dynamics is studied using the equations for the distributed motion of a wheel equipped with a brake. Stability of the support wheel rolling motion is analyzed and the brake parameter values which may cause stability loss are found. The results of numerical experiments are presented.  相似文献   
We consider the function, the problems being solved and the construction principles for a starting system of warning the critical regimes for a single-rotor helicopter at parking, taxiing and maneuvering on the ground, takeoff and landing as well as at descending and hovering regimes. The structural-functional scheme and the algorithms of system channel warning are presented.  相似文献   
We present an investigation of the influence of the 27-day solar flux variations, caused by solar rotation, on the ionosphere parameters such as the F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) and the total electron content (TEC). Our observational data were obtained with the Irkutsk Digisonde (DPS-4) located at 52.3 North and 104.3 East during the period from 2003 to 2005. In addition, we use TEC data from the Global Ionosphere Maps (GIM) based on Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. The solar radiation flux at a wavelength of 10.7 cm (F10.7 index) is used as an index characterizing the solar activity level. A good correlation between observed ionosphere parameters and solar activity variations is found especially in autumn-to-winter season. We estimate the impact of the 27-day solar flux variations on the day-to-day variability and determine the time delay of the ionosphere response.  相似文献   
The ionosphere/plasmasphere electron content (PEC) variations during strong geomagnetic storms in November 2004 were estimated by combining of mid-latitude Kharkov incoherent scatter radar observations and GPS TEC data derived from global TEC maps. The comparison between two independent measurements was performed by analysis of the height-temporal distribution for specific location corresponding to the mid-latitudes of Europe. The percentage contribution of PEC to GPS TEC indicated the clear dependence from the time with maximal values (more than 70%) during night-time. During day-time the lesser values (30–45%) were observed for quiet geomagnetic conditions and rather high values of the PEC contribution to GPS TEC (up to 90%) were observed during strong negative storm. These changes can be explained by the competing effects of electric fields and winds, which tend to raise the layer to the region with lower loss rate and movement of the ionospheric plasma to the plasmasphere.  相似文献   
The separation of motions into slow (precession) and fast (nutation) components in the problem of the entry of a spacecraft (SC) with a small asymmetry into the atmosphere is considered. For the separation of the slow and fast motions the method of integral manifolds is used together with the asymptotic method for singularly perturbed systems. The separation of motions allows one to isolate the frequencies that are functions of the slow variables of a system, and further on, after determining the integer relations between them, to construct the resonant curves (surfaces). This method gives the possibility to analyze the conditions of the emergence of resonances for a SC at angles of attack that are not small and when aerodynamic characteristics are nonlinear. Examples of the construction of resonant curves for a SC with typical aerodynamic characteristics are considered.  相似文献   
It is widely accepted that diffusive shock acceleration is an important process in the heliosphere, in particular in producing the energetic particles associated with interplanetary shocks driven by coronal mass ejections. In its simplest formulation shock acceleration is expected to accelerate ions with higher mass to charge ratios less efficiently than those with lower mass to charge. Thus it is anticipated that the Fe/O ratio in shock-accelerated ion populations will decrease with increasing energy above some energy. We examine the circumstances of five interplanetary shocks that have been reported to have associated populations in which Fe/O increases with increasing energy. In each event, the situation is complex, with particle contributions from other sources in addition to the shock. Furthermore, we show that the Fe/O ratio in shock-accelerated ions can decrease even when the shock is traveling through an Fe-rich ambient ion population. Thus, although shock acceleration of an Fe-rich suprathermal population has been proposed to explain large Fe-rich solar particle events, we find no support for this proposal in these observations.  相似文献   
The results of research in a process of a probe rocket berthing to an asteroid are presented. Control laws were obtained as solutions of three problems, namely berthing considering transient processes in a rocket engine, fastest berthing with regard to fuel consumption and berthing in a scheduled time considering fuel consumption. A program trajectory obtained at solving of the first problem is suitable for mathematical modeling of berthing with the feedback control law and stabilization of angular motion. The solutions of the problems are reduced to simple formulas for controlling parameters calculation in the corresponding structures of control laws. The results can be applied in designing promising space vehicles intended for berthing to other space objects.  相似文献   
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