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Results of a numerical (CFD) study of the influence of the forebody shape on local flow parameters at a bottom-mounted inlet entrance are presented. The free-stream Mach number is assumed to be 3.5–7.0. Some recommendations on forebody shape optimization are provided. Main characteristics of the air inlet are evaluated.  相似文献   
A cause of the instability of equilibrium of plasma ion composition is discussed and exemplified by the data on a burst of amplitudes of small-scale plasma irregularities in the plasmaspheric transition region during an evening launch of the Vertikal'-10 rocket. This burst is accompanied by a simultaneous decrease in the average plasma density at altitudes of 700–1100 km. Specific features of the observed events are compared to postsunset incoherent scatter radar observations of the ion diffusion flux density. It is demonstrated that the instability is caused by peculiarities of the protonosphere–ionosphere interaction associated with a sharp difference between thermal conditions of the ionospheric and protonospheric air shortly after sunset. The induced nonuniformity of postsunset cooling of the protonospheric–ionospheric plasma causes density irregularities in ion diffusion fluxes and generates local bunches of heavy ions, which are usually only a minor impurity to lighter ions. As a result, conditions are created that are favorable for the nondissipative accumulation of potential energy for the mutual opposition of two or more groups of ions with different masses and for the subsequent release of this energy by a threshold excitation of impurity-driven plasma instabilities.  相似文献   
Physical modeling of the Doppler centroid (DC) can be used to predict synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Doppler ambiguity when antenna attitude is controlled or measured precisely enough. It is shown that the same model proves useful even in the cases of higher attitude uncertainty, if it is combined with suitable adaptive techniques. In this paper, Doppler ambiguity resolution is formulated as a hypothesis testing problem over a domain of integer values that are directly related to the attitude uncertainty. A test statistic is derived from the entire SAR scene using data adaptive processing. A broad class of such adaptive algorithms is analyzed in a unified way, starting from the range-azimuth coupling in the frequency domain and multilook techniques. The analysis includes two well-known and two new multilook methods for Doppler ambiguity resolution. A suitable test statistic is proposed for each of these methods and its dependency on the scene spatial correlation is discussed. Experimental results confirm the robustness of the combined scheme.  相似文献   
This paper provides a brief summary on the current knowledge of the properties of the Circum-Heliospheric Interstellar Medium (CHISM). It discusses what can be learnt on the parameters of CHISM’s components from analysis of measurements performed inside the heliosphere. The analysis is based on the kinetic-gasdynamic models of the solar wind/interstellar medium interaction. We focus the analysis on three types of diagnostics: 1) interstellar H atom number density at the heliospheric termination shock inferred from pickup ion measurements, 2) the location and time of the Voyager 1 and 2 termination shock crossings, 3) the deflection of the interstellar H atom flow inside the heliosphere as been measured by SOHO/SWAN. From these results estimations of the unknown local interstellar parameters are deduced. The parameters are the number densities of interstellar H+ and H and the magnitude and direction of the interstellar magnetic field in the vicinity of the solar system.  相似文献   
Metallic resonator Q-factor is very sensitive to the resonator's material, its thermal and chemical treatment, design, and environment; i.e., pressure and temperature. In order to obtain higher accuracy for CVG it is necessary to use resonator evacuation. Resonator mass plays a very important role in sensitivity to angle rate, in stability of vibration, in response to environmental condition changes, and also to external vibration and shock resistance. tnnalabs Holding Inc. uses a cylindrical resonator with increased rim thickness of up to 2 mmn and more. This concerns resonator material and design parameters selection, material thermal treatment to increase resonator Q-factor, and improved control algorithms in order to increase metallic CVG accuracy. As a result, CVG bias instability of 0.025 degth and random walk of 0.008 degvh for the resonator diameter 43 mmn, and 0.2 deg/h for the resonator diameter 25 mm were obtained. Future opportunities for Innalabs CVG is also discussed herein. Test results are presented for CVG43 and CVG25. Three-axis CVG unit under control of one DSP Sharc and IMU parameters are forecasted.  相似文献   
Network management is one of the key technologies needed to fulfill the requirements. In other words, a new paradigm for network management is also needed, in order to address the requirements arising both from the ATN side and the telecommunication side of the new telecommunication infrastructure. In particular, the new network management paradigm will incorporate the ATN management framework consisting of related standards, along with the telecommunication management framework, notably Telecommunication Management Network (TMN) standards from ITU-T.  相似文献   
The problem considered in this paper is the investigation of the properties of a mass-meter, i.e. the device for determining the mass of cosmonaut's body under zero-gravity conditions. The estimates of accuracy of mass measurement by this device are given, and the results of measuring the masses of cosmonauts' bodies on the Salyut 5 and 6 orbital stations are presented.  相似文献   
We present an algorithm for calculating the shells of revolution with the branching meridian using the triangular finite elements, the rigidity matrices of which are formed based on the vector method of displacement interpolation [1]. The correct kinematic and static conditions of shell conjugation on the line of their coupling have been developed. The shell structure consisting of a cylinder and adjacent shells is calculated under various conditions of support.  相似文献   
The algorithmic support of a small-sized navigation system on the basis of the magnetoinertial course transmitter is considered; the support makes it possible to significantly reduce accumulating errors that are due to incomplete data on wind parameters and decrease requirements for random errors of initial data sensors.  相似文献   
There are a lot of objects in space associated with dusty plasma inclusions. Such inclusions may bear a prolonged shape and behave as waveguides for ion-sound waves. In the case of space plasmas, the dust particles can possess both negative charge, due to electron attachment, and positive one, due to photoionization. In this paper the propagation of linear and non-linear ion-sound wave pulses in the dusty plasma waveguides, possessing positive charge, is studied. It has been demonstrated that non-linear dynamics of baseband pulse propagation in plasma waveguide possesses essentially non-solitonic behavior. Namely, propagation of a long ion-sound pulse leads to an excitation of a shock-like wave but not a stable localized nonlinear pulse. Also, when a Korteveg–de Vries (KdV) soliton is incident onto the dusty plasma waveguide, some part of the soliton energy is captured by the waveguide and transformed into a multi-pulse structure. Additionally, an interaction of dusty plasma inclusions with KdV soliton can lead to the occurrence of transverse instabilities of the soliton and its eventual destruction.  相似文献   
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