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The paper presents a numerical analysis of Wolf sunspot numbers, with emphasis being laid on the asymmetry of the cyclic variation. To that purpose we have used the standard tables of monthly numbers and, in addition to the Fourier transform, we have done an overall analysis of the trend around each maximum. Many of these maxima present an asymmetry, and sometimes the presence of two maxima is evident. The non-linear RLC van der Pol model suggested by Polygiannakis and Moussas [Polygiannakis, J.M., Moussas, X. A nonlinear RLC solar cycle model. Solar Physics 163, 193–203, 1996] can explain many features of the observed asymmetries. Our analysis shows that a consistent deconvolution in two Gaussian curves is possible for each maximum. We may presume that the observed sunspot time series includes a hidden complex structure. This could give some hints of a behavior typical for coupled non-linear oscillators. It is a matter of further interpretations. whether such “oscillators” are just a simple approximation of a much complex phenomenon, or are a sign of another more physically based model like the dynamo model (or other models).  相似文献   
Heavy ions are a hazard in manned deep space missions. It has been theoretically postulated that when they interact with cells, localized damage in the forms of "microlesions" may occur. Purported morphological evidence of these lesions, however, has not been confirmed in the most extensively studied tissue so far, the cornea. Recent morphological evidence from rat corneas demonstrated that holes in membranes do not form as consequence of heavy ion irradiation. This does not mean, however, that some other form of damage is excluded. For example such damage may be physiological in nature, impairing the ability of cells or tissues to function properly. In order to uncover any physiological effects, we investigated the microlesion question by monitoring the electrical potential difference across the endothelium of rat corneas in vitro before, during, and after irradiation. When the corneas were exposed to 1 Gy of 56Fe ions (450 and 600 MeV/a.m.u.), we detected no effect on this parameter. These results suggest that direct physical damage to cell membranes, as predicted by the microlesion theory, does not take place.  相似文献   
Gravity may influence different aspects of plant activity. The present report deals with two questions: gravity as an ecological factor determining spatial orientation of plant growth; and second, a possible requirement for gravity in the process of normal growth, morphogenesis and generative development of plants.  相似文献   
An integral statistical procedure of determination of the attitude motion of a satellite using the data of onboard measurements of angular velocity vectors and the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field (EMF) is suggested. The procedure uses only the equations of kinematics of a solid body and is applicable to determining both controlled and uncontrollable motions of a satellite at any external mechanical moments acting upon it. When applying this procedure, the data of measurements of both types, accumulated during a certain interval of time, are processed jointly. The data of measuring the angular velocity are smoothed by discrete Fourier series, and these series are substituted into kinematical Poisson equations for elements of the matrix of transition from a satellite-fixed coordinate system to the orbital coordinate system. The equations thus obtained represent a kinematical model of the satellite motion. The solution to these equations (which approximate the actual motion of a satellite) is found from the condition of the best (in the sense of the least squares method) fit of the data of measuring the EMF strength vector to its calculated values. The results of testing the suggested procedure using the data of measurements of the angular velocity vectors onboard the Foton-12 satellite and measurements of EMF strengths are presented.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2005, pp. 295–305.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Abrashkin, Volkov, Voronov, Egorov, Kazakova, Pankratov, Sazonov, Semkin.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of investigating optical phenomena in the upper atmosphere that accompany rocket launches and are associated with specific features of the structure and dynamics of gas-dust formations in the upper atmosphere. The most intense, large-scale, and dynamic phenomena are induced by specific operation modes of rocket engines, in particular, by the staging and thrust cutoff in solid-propellant rocket engines, as well as by physical conditions in the upper atmosphere.  相似文献   
We report a Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) microwave observation of a propagating feature of non thermal emission in a solar flare. The flare had a very extended source well resolved by NoRH. In the rising phase of the microwave burst, a non-thermal gyrosynchrotron source was observed by the high-rate (10 images per second) observations to propagate from one end of the loop to the other with a speed of 9 × 104 km s−1. We interpret this non-thermal propagating source is emitted from streaming electrons.  相似文献   
A technique for calculating the two-phase flows in the pneumatic injector of the aircraft engine is developed based on solving the model problem, namely, on verification of the two-phase flow model by means of solving the problem of liquid column disintegration under the effect of an incident airflow. We determine the turbulence models that satisfactorily describe the biphase flow processes.  相似文献   
The Mi-2 helicopter was taken as an example for modeling the main and tail rotors operation with account for the interference at low speed sliding flight. Aerodynamic characteristics were calculated. The form of nonlinear vortical wake was obtained.  相似文献   
A brief review of publications on the problem of two fixed centers is given, including its generalizations and astronomical applications. A comparison of the Darboux potential with that of Eve Gredeaks is made. An account of the basic points of development of modern high-precision theories of the motion of planetary satellites, based on the Gredeaks’ intermediate orbit, is given.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 194–200.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Lukyanov, Emeljanov, Shirmin.Dedicated to the memory of Professor Evgenii Petrovich Aksenov  相似文献   
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