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The behavior of the oscillating limiter (OL) driven by FM signals is surveyed, and its performance with signal corrupted by noise is investigated. For high values of the carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR), if the frequency deviation of the signal is small in comparison with the locking range of the OL, it is calculated, and experimentally verified, that a system OL discriminator is equivalent to a system bandpass limiter discriminator followed by a linear network whose frequency response has been specified. When the frequency deviation is not so small, the baseband noise power increases with it; a formula is given that allows the calculation of this power when the signal is such that the circuit operates in quasistationary fashion. For low values of the CNR, a mathematical analysis presents unsurmountable difficulties. However, heuristic argumentation leads to an interpretation of the operation of the OL in the threshold region, which is substantiated by an experimental investigation. The results of this paper enable a comparative evaluation of a system OL discriminator and a system bandpass limiter discriminator, to which the former reduces when the feedback path in the OL is open.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the objectives of the German space processing programme with sounding rockets and the scientific results obtained thus far.  相似文献   
We discuss the scientific objective, instrument design, and calibration of a miniaturized Jamin-Mascart interferometer which is to perform an accurate measurement of the refractive index of the Jovian atmosphere in the pressure range 2.5 to 10 bar. The instrument is to perform this measurement in December 1995 aboard the entry probe of the NASA Galileo spacecraft. From the data obtained the mole fraction of helium in the atmosphere of Jupiter is to be calculated with an estimated uncertainty of ± 0.0015. The instrument has a total mass of 1.4 kg and consumes 0.9 W of electrical power.  相似文献   
The aim of the proposed Beagle 2 small lander for ESA's 2003 Mars Express mission is to search for organic material on and below the surface of Mars and to study the inorganic chemistry and mineralogy of the landing site. The lander will have a total mass of 60kg including entry, descent, and landing system. Experiments will be deployed on the surface using a robotic arm. It will use a mechanical mole and grinder to obtain samples from below the surface, under rocks, and inside rocks. Sample analysis by a mass spectrometer will include isotopic analysis. An optical microscope, an X-ray spectrometer and a Mossbauer spectrometer will conduct in-situ rock studies.  相似文献   
It is known that a wireless sensor network uses some sort of sensors to detect a physical quantity of interest, in general. The wireless sensor network is a potential tool for exploring the difficult-to-access area on the earth and the concept may be extended to space applications in future. Recently, lunar water has been detected by a few lunar missions using remote sensing techniques. The lunar water is expected to be in the form of ice at very low temperatures of permanently dark regions on the moon. To support the remote observations and also to find out potential ice bearing sites on the moon, in-situ measurement of the lunar ice is essential. However, a rover may not be able to reach the permanently shadowed regions due to terrain irregularity. One possibility to access such areas is to use a wireless sensor network on the lunar surface.  相似文献   
The relationship between proton aurora and geomagnetic pulsations Pc1, which are an indicator of development of ion-cyclotron instability in the equatorial magnetosphere, are studied on the basis of the observations of proton aurora from the IMAGE satellite, observations of particle fluxes onboard the low-orbiting NOAA satellites, and geomagnetic pulsation observations at the Lovozero observatory. A conclusion is drawn that the subauroral spots in the proton emission projected into the magnetosphere near the plasmapause are two-dimensional images at the ionospheric “screen” of the region of intense scattering of energetic protons into the loss cone at the development of an ion-cyclotron instability.  相似文献   
Mende  S.B.  Heetderks  H.  Frey  H.U.  Stock  J.M.  Lampton  M.  Geller  S.P.  Abiad  R.  Siegmund  O.H.W.  Habraken  S.  Renotte  E.  Jamar  C.  Rochus  P.  Gerard  J.-C.  Sigler  R.  Lauche  H. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,91(1-2):287-318
Two FUV Spectral imaging instruments, the Spectrographic Imager (SI) and the Geocorona Photometer (GEO) provide IMAGE with simultaneous global maps of the hydrogen (121.8 nm) and oxygen 135.6 nm components of the terrestrial aurora and with observations of the three dimensional distribution of neutral hydrogen in the magnetosphere (121.6 nm). The SI is a novel instrument type, in which spectral separation and imaging functions are independent of each other. In this instrument, two-dimensional images are produced on two detectors, and the images are spectrally filtered by a spectrograph part of the instrument. One of the two detectors images the Doppler-shifted Lyman- while rejecting the geocoronal `cold Ly-, and another detector images the OI 135.6 nm emission. The spectrograph is an all-reflective Wadsworth configuration in which a grill arrangement is used to block most of the cold, un-Doppler-shifted geocoronal emission at 121.567 nm. The SI calibration established that the upper limit of transmission at cold geocoronal Ly- is less than 2%. The measured light collecting efficiency was 0.01 and 0.008 cm2 at 121.8 and at 135.6 nm, respectively. This is consistent with the size of the input aperture, the optical transmission, and the photocathode efficiency. The expected sensitivity is 1.8×10–2 and 1.3×10–2 counts per Rayleigh per pixel for each 5 s viewing exposure per satellite revolution (120 s). The measured spatial resolution is better than the 128×128 pixel matrix over the 15°×15° field of view in both wavelength channels. The SI detectors are photon counting devices using the cross delay line principle. In each detector a triple stack microchannel plate (MCP) amplifies the photo-electronic charge which is then deposited on a specially configured anode array. The position of the photon event is measured by digitizing the time delay between the pulses detected at each end of the anode structures. This scheme is intrinsically faster than systems that use charge division and it has a further advantage that it saturates more gradually at high count rates. The geocoronal Ly- is measured by a three-channel photometer system (GEO) which is a separate instrument. Each photometer has a built in MgF2 lens to restrict the field of view to one degree and a ceramic electron multiplier with a KBr photocathode. One of the tubes is pointing radially outward perpendicular to the axis of satellite rotation. The optic of the other two subtend 60° with the rotation axis. These instruments take data continuously at 3 samples per second and rely on the combination of satellite rotation and orbital motion to scan the hydrogen cloud surrounding the earth. The detective efficiencies (effective quantum efficiency including windows) of the three tubes at Ly- are between 6 and 10%.  相似文献   
The Plasma and Suprathermal Ion Composition (PLASTIC) investigation provides the in situ solar wind and low energy heliospheric ion measurements for the NASA Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory Mission, which consists of two spacecraft (STEREO-A, STEREO-B). PLASTIC-A and PLASTIC-B are identical. Each PLASTIC is a time-of-flight/energy mass spectrometer designed to determine the elemental composition, ionic charge states, and bulk flow parameters of major solar wind ions in the mass range from hydrogen to iron. PLASTIC has nearly complete angular coverage in the ecliptic plane and an energy range from ~0.3 to 80 keV/e, from which the distribution functions of suprathermal ions, including those ions created in pick-up and local shock acceleration processes, are also provided.  相似文献   
Our current knowledge on the composition of the Venus atmosphere in the altitude range from the surface to 100 km is compiled. Gases that have been measured, and whose mixing ratios are assumed to be constant with altitude, are CO2, N2, He, Ne, Ar, and Kr. Gases that have been identified in the lower and/or middle atmosphere, but whose mixing ratios may depend on altitude, latitude and/or local time, are CO, H2O, HCl, HF, and SO2. Conflicting data or only upper limits exist on some important trace gases, such as O2, H2, and Cl2. The latter two are key constituents in the photochemistry of the middle atmosphere of Venus. The chapter concludes with a listing of the isotopic abundances of elements measured in the Venus atmosphere.  相似文献   
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