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基于CFD的涡轮泵转子密封流体激振研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐悦  田爱梅 《火箭推进》2005,31(1):8-13
介绍了密封流体激振对转子稳定性的影响,重点论述了利用计算流体力学(CFD)方法进行密封流体激振研究的理论和试验测量方法,对当前研究中存在的难点、重点问题结合国内外发展情况进行了探讨,提出需要发展通用性更好的非稳态数值方法,并利用流体激振的特性来设计密封结构,改善转子动力特性。  相似文献   
针对飞行器承力结构件结构尺寸大、高温力学性能及尺寸精度要求高的研制特点,通过对比多种工艺方案后选取粉末冶金热等静压工艺,完成了近1m尺寸量级的局部1∶1样件研制,获得了合理的工艺参数及变形控制方法,验证了粉末冶金工艺对该类结构件的适应性。根据该结构件的承载特点进行了强度有限元分析,设计了强度试验方案并完成试验考核,试验结果与有限元分析一致性较好。并根据试验结果给出了结构改进的方向。  相似文献   
基于局部熵差的图象匹配方法--算法及计算机仿真   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
传统的灰度相关匹配和基于边缘特征的匹配方法抗噪能力和抗几何失真能力较差,将信息熵的概念引入到图象匹配中,定义了图象局部熵,并由此提出一种新颖的基于局部熵差的图象匹配方法。由于图象熵反映的是图象的局部,因此基于局部熵差的图象匹配方法具有较强的抗噪能力。由于采用了分块、序贯检测及分层搜索技术,计算量大为减少,试验结果表明这是一种非常好的图像匹配方法。  相似文献   
本文论述了一种目标函数能自动在线调整的新型自校正控制器。这种自校正控制器既保留了最小方差控制器能达到渐近最优性能指际、算法简单、在线计算量小的优点,又采用了极点配置设计方法,以确保闭环系统稳定性和要求的动态响应。因此它兼有最小方差和极点配置两者的优点,使确定目标函数权多项式这个难题迎刃而解。 该自校正控制器首先通过广义最小二乘辨识,获得对象的参数a_i和b_i,然后由极点配置求得目标函数的权多项式P,Q,R,并建立一个算法,使P,Q,R随对象参数变化而自动地在线调整。数字仿真表明,这种控制器特别适用于具有大惯性和慢时变的对象,在工业控制中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
氢氧推力室再生冷却内壁故障分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对某氢氧火箭发动机在热试车后推力室再生冷却通道内壁产生裂纹的故障建立了理论分析模型,并进行了温度场与应力场的耦合计算分析。分析认为,推力室内壁在连续的发动机热试车中出现故障的机理为较大的热载荷和机械载荷的组合促使推力室内壁的组合应力超过当地的屈服极限,产生较大的塑性变形所致。采用改善冷却通道的结构形式、燃烧室内壁采用适当厚度的隔热镀层、降低推力室内壁应力比R等措施可以提高再生冷却推力室的热循环寿命。  相似文献   
The fuel regression rate is an important parameter in the design process of the hybrid rocket motor. Additives in the solid fuel may have influences on the fuel regression rate, which will affect the internal ballistics of the motor. A series of firing experiments have been conducted on lab-scale hybrid rocket motors with 98% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) oxidizer and hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) based fuels in this paper. An innovative fuel regression rate analysis method is established to diminish the errors caused by start and tailing stages in a short time firing test. The effects of the metal Mg, Al, aromatic hydrocarbon anthracene (C14H10), and carbon black (C) on the fuel regression rate are investigated. The fuel regression rate formulas of different fuel components are fitted according to the experiment data. The results indicate that the influence of C14H10 on the fuel regression rate of HTPB is not evident. However, the metal additives in the HTPB fuel can increase the fuel regression rate significantly.  相似文献   
The tropopause is an important boundary in the Earth’s atmosphere, and has been the subject of close attention from atmosphere and climate researchers. To monitor the global tropopause using radio occultation (RO) data, there are two primary methods, one is the widely used temperature lapse rate method, and the other is the bending angle covariance transform method which is unique to RO data. We use FengYun3-C (FY3C) and Meteorological Operational Satellite Program (MetOp) RO data and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) operational analysis data to determine differences in RO tropopause height calculated by these two methods. We compute biases of the RO lapse rate tropopause height (LRTH) and the RO bending angle tropopause height (BATH) relative to the ECMWF LRTH. The dependences of the tropopause height biases on tropopause height (TPH) retrieval method, latitude, season and RO mission are investigated. The results indicate that BATH show a consistent 0.8–1.2 km positive bias over the tropics and high latitude regions compared with LRTH, however, over 25° to 40° latitude in both hemisphere, BATH results are less stable. Furthermore, the mean bias between BATH and LRTH displayed a different symmetrical characteristic from 2017.12 to 2018.2 (DJF) compared to 2018.6–2018.8 (JJA). However, except for some bias over Antarctica, the mean value of both LRTH and BATH show a similar tropopause variation, indicating the consistency of both methods.  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种可以替代氟里昂CFC-113用于液氧煤油发动机的新型清洗剂,经与多种材料的表面化学稳定性试验及清洗效果试验证明,与正在研制的液氧煤油发动机所用材料有较好的相容性,并对煤油有优良的清洗效果。  相似文献   
等离子体鞘层加速模拟质子辐照连续谱数值仿真研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
质子辐照是导致空间飞行器热控涂层性能衰退的重要原因。目前地面多采用单一能量的粒子替代空间能量连续分布的粒子来开展质子辐照模拟试验。文章提出了在一个脉冲宽度内获得连续能量质子谱的方法,即脉冲偏压等离子体鞘层加速方法。文章利用细胞粒子(particle-in-cell,PIC)模型对在3种脉冲偏压三角波作用下等离子体鞘层加速质子以获得连续能量质子谱的动力学过程进行了数值仿真研究,分析了3种脉冲三角波形对鞘层扩展、离子加速及能量分布的影响。结果表明,电势空间分布和离子运动状态紧密联系,鞘层内离子密度变化受到脉冲波形和离子热扩散运动的综合影响,通过调整脉冲偏压三角波形,能够获得不同的能量-剂量分布,从而为下一步工作打下基础。  相似文献   
Chemical vapor deposition zinc sulfide (CVD ZnS) is widely used as an infrared window material to transmit infrared signals, keep the aerodynamic shape and protect its imaging system, which often suffers high temperature and complicated thermal stresses. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the thermal shock damage of CVD ZnS through a finite element method and oxygen propane flame experiments. The finite element model is developed to simulate the temperature and thermal stress fields by an oxygen propane flame. Then, the thermal shock experiments are performed to investigate the thermal shock damage behavior. The results show that the temperature rising rate of the shock surface is fast during the initial heating stage resulting in high thermal stress. After the thermal shock experiment, the scanning electron microscope (SEM) photographs shows that the shock surface of the specimen becomes rough and the microcracks occur in the thermal shock zone. Good agreements are achieved between the numerical solutions and the experimental results.  相似文献   
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