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The period January–February 2008 was characterized by four Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSWs) in the Northern Hemisphere, of which the last warming, at the end of February 2008, was a major warming. A significant decrease in mesospheric water vapour (H2O) of more than 2 ppmv (∼40%) was observed by the ground-based microwave (GBMW) radiometer in Seoul, S. Korea [37.3°N, 126.3°E] during the major SSW. A comparison with ground-based mesospheric H2O observations from the mid-latitude station in Bern [46.9°N, 7°E] revealed an anticorrelation in the mesospheric H2O data during the major SSW. In addition, prior to the major warming, strong periodic fluctuations were recorded in the Aura MLS vertical temperature distribution between 15 and 0.05 hPa at Seoul. The mesospheric temperature oscillation was found to have a period of ∼10–14 days with a persistency of 3–4 cycles.  相似文献   
The HZETRN deterministic radiation code is one of several tools developed to analyze the effects of harmful galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and solar particle events on mission planning and shielding for astronauts and instrumentation. This paper is a comparison study involving the two Monte Carlo transport codes, HETC–HEDS and FLUKA and the deterministic transport code, HZETRN. Each code is used to transport an ion from the 1977 solar minimum GCR spectrum impinging upon a 20 g/cm2 aluminum slab followed by a 30 g/cm2 water slab. This research is part of a systematic effort of verification and validation to quantify the accuracy of HZETRN and determine areas where it can be improved. Comparisons of dose and dose equivalent values at various depths in the water slab are presented in this report. This is followed by a comparison of the proton and forward, backward and total neutron flux at various depths in the water slab. Comparisons of the secondary light ion 2H, 3H, 3He and 4He fluxes are also examined.  相似文献   
Long-term sensitivity of human cells to reduced gravity has been supposed since the first Apollo missions and was demonstrated during several space missions in the past. However, little information is available on primary and rapid gravi-responsive elements in mammalian cells. In search of rapid-responsive molecular alterations in mammalian cells, short-term microgravity provided by parabolic flight maneuvers is an ideal way to elucidate such initial and primary effects. Modern biomedical research at the cellular and molecular level requires frequent repetition of experiments that are usually performed in sequences of experiments and analyses. Therefore, a research platform on Earth providing frequent, easy and repeated access to real microgravity for cell culture experiments is strongly desired. For this reason, we developed a research platform onboard the military fighter jet aircraft Northrop F-5E “Tiger II”. The experimental system consists of a programmable and automatically operated system composed of six individual experiment modules, placed in the front compartment, which work completely independent of the aircraft systems. Signal transduction pathways in cultured human cells can be investigated after the addition of an activator solution at the onset of microgravity and a fixative or lysis buffer after termination of microgravity. Before the beginning of a regular military training flight, a parabolic maneuver was executed. After a 1 g control phase, the parabolic maneuver starts at 13,000 ft and at Mach 0.99 airspeed, where a 22 s climb with an acceleration of 2.5g is initiated, following a free-fall ballistic Keplerian trajectory lasting 45 s with an apogee of 27,000 ft at Mach 0.4 airspeed. Temperature, pressure and acceleration are monitored constantly during the entire flight. Cells and activator solutions are kept at 37 °C during the entire experiment until the fixative has been added. The parabolic flight profile provides up to 45 s of microgravity at a quality of 0.05g in all axes. Access time is 30 min before take-off; retrieval time is 30 min after landing. We conclude that using military fighter jets for microgravity research is a valuable tool for frequent and repeated cell culture experiments and therefore for state-of-the art method of biomedical research.  相似文献   
The oxidizing surface chemistry on Mars argues that any comprehensive search for organic compounds indicative of life requires methods to analyze higher oxidation states of carbon with very low limits of detection. To address this goal, microchip capillary electrophoresis (μCE) methods were developed for analysis of carboxylic acids with the Mars Organic Analyzer (MOA). Fluorescent derivatization was achieved by activation with the water soluble 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC) followed by reaction with Cascade Blue hydrazide in 30 mM borate, pH 3. A standard containing 12 carboxylic acids found in terrestrial life was successfully labeled and separated in 30 mM borate at pH 9.5, 20 °C by using the MOA CE system. Limits of detection were 5-10 nM for aliphatic monoacids, 20 nM for malic acid (diacid), and 230 nM for citric acid (triacid). Polyacid benzene derivatives containing 2, 3, 4, and 6 carboxyl groups were also analyzed. In particular, mellitic acid was successfully labeled and analyzed with a limit of detection of 300 nM (5 ppb). Analyses of carboxylic acids sampled from a lava tube cave and a hydrothermal area demonstrated the versatility and robustness of our method. This work establishes that the MOA can be used for sensitive analyses of a wide range of carboxylic acids in the search for extraterrestrial organic molecules.  相似文献   
Until recently, only about 10 % of the total intracluster gas volume had been studied with high accuracy, leaving a vast region essentially unexplored. This is now changing and a wide area of hot gas physics and chemistry awaits discovery in galaxy cluster outskirts. Also, robust large-scale total mass profiles and maps are within reach. First observational and theoretical results in this emerging field have been achieved in recent years with sometimes surprising findings. Here, we summarize and illustrate the relevant underlying physical and chemical processes and review the recent progress in X-ray, Sunyaev–Zel’dovich, and weak gravitational lensing observations of cluster outskirts, including also brief discussions of technical challenges and possible future improvements.  相似文献   
In this article, I will attempt to give an overview of the motivations for studying black holes and of the current major problems in the field. I will also give some perspectives on what can be done in the future, focusing on instrumentation which has already been approved. This chapter will necessarily be more speculative than the other chapters in this volume.  相似文献   
All sampling representations of band-limited signals involve infinite sums. The truncation error associated with a given representation is defined as the difference between the signal and an approximating sum utilizing a finite number of terms. In this paper truncation error is expressed as a contour integral for Lagrange interpolation, general Hermite interpolation, the Shannon series (cardinal series), the Fogel derivative series, and multidimensional sampling expansions. Truncation error bounds are obtained under various constraints on the signal magnitude, spectral smoothness, and energy content.  相似文献   
The increase of our understanding of the processes acting in the solar corona and maintaining it is strongly dependent on the quality of the data that are obtained to check theories. The fine structure of the solar atmosphere seen from the photosphere and extending to the hottest parts of the corona requires data with high resolution in all parameter space (angular, spectral and temporal). To constrain the hypotheses that are proposed to describe the solar corona, it is necessary to establish an accurate energy budget taking into account the processes which are acting from the chromosphere to the corona. Some requirements can be established and compared with the data collected so far (or about to be collected) with the present SUMER (Solar Utraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiations) instrumentation.  相似文献   
We present a simple yet numerically robust technique, using autoregressive linear filters, to remove unwanted “colored noise” from solar wind and radiation belt electron data at sub-daily resolution. The remaining signal is then studied using finite impulse response linear prediction filters to represent the driven portion of the linear dynamics that describe the coupling between solar wind speed and electron flux. Sub-daily resolution response profiles covering magnetic L-shells between 1.1 and 8.0 RE are presented which are consistent with daily resolution response functions. Namely, while there is strong global coherence governing electron flux dynamics, there are at least two distinct responses. The first response is an immediate dropout of electrons between L = 4 and L = 7 that is at least a partly adiabatic effect associated with enhancements in the ring current. This is followed by a 1–2 day delayed enhancement across the same L-shells that is likely a result of increased radial diffusion. The second response is an immediate enhancement seen between L = 3 and L = 4 with a typical duration of less than one day. Plausible explanations for this second response are briefly discussed, but neither empirical nor theoretical evidence can establish conclusively a definite physical cause. Finally, the response profiles show significant solar cycle and seasonal dependencies, indicating that better model output might be achieved with: (1) additional simultaneous solar wind inputs; (2) more sophisticated dynamical model structures capable of incorporating non-linear feedback; and/or (3) time-adaptive linear filters that can track non-stationary dynamics in time.  相似文献   
ISO performed a large variety of observing programmes on comets, asteroids and zodiacal light – covering about 1% of the archived observations – with a surprisingly rewarding scientific return. Outstanding results were related to the exceptionally bright comet Hale–Bopp and to ISO's capability to study in detail the water spectrum in a direct way. But many other results were broadly recognised: Discovery of new molecules in comets, the studies of crystalline silicates, the work on asteroid surface mineralogy, results from thermophysical studies of asteroids, a new determination of the asteroid number density in the main-belt and last but not least, the investigations on the spatial and spectral features of the zodiacal light.  相似文献   
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