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In laboratory investigations with fluffy, highly porous ice and ice-dust bodies a new mechanism could be identified which strengthens the porous bodies. The process takes place under isothermal conditions and leads to the formation of ice bridges between the ice (dust) particles. It is driven solely by the dependence of the partial pressure of water vapour on the curvature of the particles. This mechanism is generally called “sintering”. A theory for the crushing strength of a porous ice and ice-dust agglomerate is developed which describes the experimental results on isothermal changes is strength due to sintering quantitatively well. The relevance for the evolution of comets is discussed.  相似文献   
The interpretation of diagnostic parameters in the spectral reflectance data for asteroids provides a means of characterizing the mineralogy and petrology of asteroid surface materials. An interpretive technique based on a quantitative understanding of the functional relationship between the optical properties of a mineral assemblage and its mineralogy, petrology and chemistry can provide a considerably more sophisticated characterization of a surface material than any matching or classification technique for those objects bright enough to allow spectral reflectance measurements. Albedos derived from radiometry and polarization data for individual asteroids can be used with spectral data to establish the spectral albedo, to define the optical density of the surface material and, in general, to constrain mineralogical interpretations.Mineral assemblages analogous to most meteorite types, with the exception of ordinary chondritic assemblages, have been found as surface materials of Main Belt asteroids. C1- and C2-like assemblages (unleached, oxidized meteoritic clay minerals plus opaques such as carbon) dominate the population (80%) throughout the Belt, especially in the outer Belt. A smaller population of asteroids exhibit surface materials similar to C3 (CO, CV) meteoritic assemblages (olivine plus opaque, probably carbon) and are also distributed throughout the Belt. The relative size (diameter) distributions for these two populations of objects are consistent with an origin by sequential accretion from a cooling nebula (C2 as surface layers, C3 as interior layers or cores). Based on information from meteoritic analogues and on qualitative models for the behavior of these materials during a heating episode, it seems unlikely that these C2- and C3-like asteroidal bodies have experienced any significant post-accretionary heating event either near surface or in the deep interior.The majority of remaining studied asteroids (20) of 65 asteroids exhibit spectral reflectance curves dominated by the presence of metallic nickel-iron in their surface materials. These objects are most probably the several end products of an intense thermal event leading to the melting and differentiating of their protobodies. These thermalized bodies are concentrated toward the inner part of the Asteroid Belt but exist throughout the Belt.The size of the proto-asteroid has apparently exercised control over the post-accretionary thermal history of these bodies. The available evidence indicates that all asteroids larger than about 450 km in (present) diameter have undergone a significant heating episode since their formation. The post-accretionary thermal history of the asteroidal parent bodies was apparently affected by both distance from the Sun and body size.The C2-like materials which dominate the main asteroid belt population appear to be relatively rare on earth-approaching asteroids. This suggests that most of these Apollo-Amor objects are not randomly derived from the main belt, but (a) may derive from a single event in recent time (107 yr), (b) may derive from a favorably situated source body, (c) may derive from a particular, compositionally anomalous region of the belt, or (d) may derive from an alternate source (e.g. comets).  相似文献   
Activities concerning international cooperation in space-based remote sensing for global change research have for the most part focused on technical/functional aspects such as data harmonization, research project coordination, and sensor selection and deployment. Until fairly recently, little attention has been directed towards the various political and economic constraints which may act as ‘stumbling blocks’. A review of the contemporary international remote sensing milieu as it relates to the global change research agenda is presented. Several important political and economic conditions affecting this area are identified: (1) data access and pricing policies; (2) national security concerns; (3) developed/developing nation relations; and (4) inconsistent political/financial commitments. A set of recommendations is offered to enhance international cooperation in the use of space-based remote sensing data for global change research.  相似文献   
The S-302 experiment has benefited more than most from the non-geostationary nature of the GEOS-1 orbit in so far as additional regions of quite different thermal and suprathermal plasmas were made accessible. Electron and positive ion spectra from three regions, the plasmasphere, plasmatrough and boundary layer, are described in order to highlight the variety of thermal plasmas observed.We show how, even in the presence of the local photoelectron sheath and its associated electric potential, the thermal characteristics can be derived. The success of this technique during active periods is demonstrated by the observation of both a heating of the thermal population and the appearance of a second field aligned thermal component during a period of intense wave activity.The detailed structure of the boundary layer adjacent to the magnetopause as observed on the 2nd December, 1977 shows only slow systematic development over a period of more than an hour. Where the thermal plasma density peaks the suprathermal positive ions show considerable drift motion as well as non-Maxwellian characteristics. This region is identified from the thermal particle data as being very close to the magnetopause, however, whether in fact the magnetopause was crossed requires corroborative data from the magnetometer and other experiments.  相似文献   
Recent anomalies exhibited by satellites and rocket bodies have highlighted that a population of faint debris exists at geosynchronous (GEO) altitudes, where there are no natural removal mechanisms. Despite previous optical surveys probing to around 10–20 cm in size, regular monitoring of faint sources at GEO is challenging, thus our knowledge remains sparse. It is essential that we continue to explore the faint debris population using large telescopes to better understand the risk posed to active GEO satellites. To this end, we present photometric results from a survey of the GEO region carried out with the 2.54 m Isaac Newton Telescope in La Palma, Canary Islands. We probe to 21st visual magnitude (around 10 cm, assuming Lambertian spheres with an albedo of 0.1), uncovering 129 orbital tracks with GEO-like motion across the eight nights of dark-grey time comprising the survey. The faint end of our brightness distribution continues to rise until the sensitivity limit of the sensor is reached, suggesting that the modal brightness could be even fainter. We uncover a number of faint, uncatalogued objects that show photometric signatures of rapid tumbling, many of which straddle the limiting magnitude of our survey over the course of a single exposure, posing a complex issue when estimating object size. This work presents the first instalment of DebrisWatch, an ongoing collaboration between the University of Warwick and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (UK) investigating the faint population of GEO debris.  相似文献   
"Mount Everest" is a vague name. That is (on the account here defended) there are many portions of reality all of which have equal claims to serve as its referent. We propose a new account of such vagueness in terms of a theory of what we shall call granular partitions. We distinguish different kinds of crisp and non-crisp granular partitions and we describe the relations between them, concentrating especially on spatial examples. In addition, we describe the practice whereby subjects use systems of reference grids as a means for tempering the vagueness of their judgments for example when they say that Libya straddles the Equator or that the meeting will take place between 2 and 3pm. We then demonstrate how the theory of reference partitions can yield a natural account of this practice, which is referred to in the literature as 'approximation'.  相似文献   
The Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) technology is used to accurately determine the position of space objects equipped with so-called retro-reflectors or retro-reflector arrays (RRA). This type of measurement allows to measure the range to the spacecraft with high precision, which leads to determination of very accurate orbits for these targets. Non-active spacecraft, which are not attitude controlled any longer, tend to start to spin or tumble under influence of the external and internal torques and forces.If the return signal is measured for a non-spherical non-active rotating object, the signal in the range residuals with respect to the reference orbit is more complex. For rotating objects the return signal shows an oscillating pattern or patterns caused by the RRA moving around the satellite’s centre of mass. This behaviour is projected onto the radial component measured by the SLR.In our work, we demonstrate how the SLR ranging technique from one sensor to a satellite equipped with a RRA can be used to precisely determine its spin motion during one passage. Multiple SLR measurements of one target over time allow to accurately monitor spin motion changes which can be further used for attitude predictions. We show our solutions of the spin motion determined for the non-active ESA satellite Envisat obtained from measurements acquired during years 2013–2015 by the Zimmerwald SLR station, Switzerland. All the necessary parameters are defined for our own so-called point-like model which describes the motion of a point in space around the satellite centre of mass.  相似文献   
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