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A more appropriate title for this talk would have been “Measurements of Large Scale Structure from X-ray Background Fluctuations”. While it has long been recognized that the X-ray Background (XRB) is primarily of a cosmological origin (with z < a few), it has recently become apparent that surface brightness fluctuations in the surveys of the XRB can be used to trace the distribution of matter in much the same way as complete catalogs of individual objects. The distance which is probed is related to the angular resolution of the detector; for the HEAO-1 A2 experiment, which provides the best all-sky data base for the XRB in the 2–20 keV band, the effective depth is a few 100 Mpc.  相似文献   
SAX is an Italian X-ray satellite with a Dutch contribution that will be placed in orbit in 1994. The prime scientific object of SAX is to cover an energy bandwidth that ranges from 0.1 keV up to 200 keV. Among other instruments, SAX will consist of two X-ray Wide Field Cameras built by the Space Research Organisation Netherlands at Utrecht. The WFCs are based on the coded mask principle, the reconstruction of the image takes place on ground. The field of view is 20 degrees square full width at half maximum (FWHM), the angular resolution 5 arcminutes (FWHM) and the energy band ranges from 1.8 to 30 keV with a resolution of 18% at 6 keV. The sensitive area is 200 cm2 at 6 keV. The mask pattern is based on a pseudo random array with 255 × 257 elements of 1 mm2, 50% of which are transparent.  相似文献   
The INFRARED SPACE OBSERVATORY (ISO), a project of the European Space Agency (ESA), will make various astronomical observations in the wavelength range of 2 to 200 μm. Two-thirds of its observing time will be available to guest observers via the traditional route of proposal submission. ISO will be launched in 1995 by an Ariane 4 from Kourou (Guyana) and be brought into a very elongated orbit with a 24hr period of which 16 hr can be used for astronomical observations. The payload module is essentially a large cryostat with a tank that will be filled with over 2000 litres of superfluid helium to keep the instruments cold (2 to 4 K) during an expected lifetime of 18 months. Inside the dewar, there is a Ritchey-Chretien telescope with a primary mirror of diameter 60cm. Four instruments, each provided by a different PI consortium, share the ISO focal plane. These instruments are : a photometer, a camera and two spectrometers — one for the wavelength range 2–45 μm and the other for 45–180 μm.  相似文献   
We describe the design and calibration of the Far-Infrared Photometer (FIRP), one of four focal plane instruments on the Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS). The FIRP will provide absolute photometry in four bands centered at 150, 250, 400, and 700 μm with spectral resolution λ/Δλ ≈ 3 and spatial resolution ΔΘ = 0.5 degrees. High sensitivity is achieved by using bolometric detectors operated at 300 mK in an AC bridge circuit. The closed-cycle 3He refrigerator can be recycled in orbit. A 2 K shutter provides a zero reference for each field of view. More than 10% of the sky will be surveyed during the ≈3 week mission lifetime with a sensitivity of <10−13 W·cm−2·sr−1 per 0.5 degree pixel.  相似文献   
The Galactic plane was scanned nearly three times by the UCSD/MIT Hard X-Ray and Low Energy Gamma-Ray Experiment on HEAO-1 from August 1977 through September 1978. Its Medium Energy Detectors were of the NaI/CsI phoswich type and operated over the 100 keV to 2 MeV range, with a 17° FWHM field of view and a 9% energy resolution at 511 keV. Sky maps for each epoch of observation were constructed in several energy bands. After subtraction of known point sources, a component associated with the galactic plane remains, whose spectrum is consistent with a power law and a positron annihilation spectrum. In the 333 to 583 keV energy band the flux is concentrated within ±35° of the galactic center, and the ratio of flux/radian (anticenter) is high, with a 2σ lower limit of 13. The parameters of the galactic center region's annihilation spectrum are positronium fraction of 0.9±0.1 and 511 keV flux of (2.0±0.7)×10−3 photons/cm2-sec-rad.  相似文献   
We report the first detection of two soft gamma ray transients GX 354-0 and Nova Persei (GRO J0422+32) by the coded-mask telescope SIGMA. Only preliminary results are presented with regard to Nova Persei while special emphasis is given to the data on GX 354-0 which has been monitored during the 1992 February–April survey of the Galactic Center. GX 354-0 underwent two flares of about two week duration and its average spectrum is well described by a thermal Bremsstrahlung model or a broken power law whereas the Nova Persei spectrum seems to be similar to the one observed for GRS 1124-684 in Musca.  相似文献   
In the past three years, a new era of study of globular clusters has begun with multiwavelength observations from the current generation of astronomical telescopes in space. We review the recent results obtained from our studies of compact binaries and x-ray sources in globulars with ROSAT and HST as well as our balloon-borne hard x-ray telescope EXITE and ground-based observations (CTIO). With ROSAT, we have obtained the most sensitive high resolution soft x-ray images of clusters which show multiple low luminosity sources in cluster cores that are likely indicative of the long-sought population of cataclysmic variables (CVs). We have obtained deep H images of two clusters with HST and found CV candidates for 3 of the ROSAT sources in the core of NGC 6397. New CTIO imaging and spectroscopy of two ‘dim source’ fields in ω-Cen are also described. With EXITE we carried out the first hard x-ray imaging observations of the cluster 47 Tuc; such studies can ultimately limit the populations of millisecond pulsars and pulsar emission mechanisms. A long ROSAT exposure on 47 Tuc also shows probable cluster diffuse emission, possibly due to hot gas from ablating millisecond pulsars. Multiwavelength studies of globular clusters may provide new constraints on problems as diverse as the origin of CVs and LMXBs and the origin of hot gas in globulars.  相似文献   
航天遥感仪器的反射镜轻量化的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
反射镜轻量化是航天遥感仪器轻型化的重要技术途径之一。阐述了反射镜轻量化的意义,反射镜材料的选择,玻璃反射镜轻量化的结构型式和设计要求、设计方案和计算以及温度试验结果。  相似文献   
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