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A linear daisy chain of processors in which processor load is divisible and shared among the processors is examined. It is shown that two or more processors can be collapsed into a single equivalent processor. This equivalence allows a characterization of the nature of the minimal time solution, a simple method to determine when to distribute load for linear daisy chain networks of processors without front end communication subprocessors and closed form expressions for the equivalent processing speed of infinitely large daisy chains of processors  相似文献   
Two-dimensional cross-correlation techniques are applied to the problem of image registration under the assumption of small geometric distortion. Optimum window functions are derived for two performance measures of interest: peak-to-sidelobe ratio and mean-square registration error. The latter is examined in terms of the contribution caused by noise and the contribution caused by geometric distortion. A generalized Lagrange multiplier approach is used to derive approximate solutions assuming random images. The case of Gaussian autocorrelation functions is examined in detail. Results of applying the theoretically derived window functions to real data are presented, showing significant improvement in correlator performance.  相似文献   
The OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer (OTES) will provide remote measurements of mineralogy and thermophysical properties of Bennu to map its surface, help select the OSIRIS-REx sampling site, and investigate the Yarkovsky effect. OTES is a Fourier Transform spectrometer covering the spectral range 5.71–100 μm (\(1750\mbox{--}100~\mbox{cm}^{-1}\)) with a spectral sample interval of \(8.66~\mbox{cm}^{-1}\) and a 6.5-mrad field of view. The OTES telescope is a 15.2-cm diameter Cassegrain telescope that feeds a flat-plate Michelson moving mirror mounted on a linear voice-coil motor assembly. A single uncooled deuterated l-alanine doped triglycine sulfate (DLATGS) pyroelectric detector is used to sample the interferogram every two seconds. Redundant ~0.855 μm laser diodes are used in a metrology interferometer to provide precise moving mirror control and IR sampling at 772 Hz. The beamsplitter is a 38-mm diameter, 1-mm thick chemical vapor deposited diamond with an antireflection microstructure to minimize surface reflection. An internal calibration cone blackbody target provides radiometric calibration. The radiometric precision in a single spectrum is \(\leq2.2 \times 10^{-8}~\mbox{W}\,\mbox{cm}^{-2}\,\mbox{sr} ^{-1}/\mbox{cm}^{-1}\) between 300 and \(1350~\mbox{cm}^{-1}\). The absolute integrated radiance error is \(<1\%\) for scene temperatures ranging from 150 to 380 K. The overall OTES envelope size is \(37.5 \times 28.9 \times 52.2~\mbox{cm}\), and the mass is 6.27 kg. The power consumption is 10.8 W average. OTES was developed by Arizona State University with Moog Broad Reach developing the electronics. OTES was integrated, tested, and radiometrically calibrated on the Arizona State University campus in Tempe, AZ.  相似文献   
A pulsating flow of the incompressible viscoelastic fluid enclosed in the multilayer viscoelastic tube of a variable circular section is investigated. The problem stated leads to the singular Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem which in its turn is reduced to the equivalent integral equation of the Volterra type that is solved by the successive approximation method. The influence of fluid relaxation and retardation time on the wave system characteristics is revealed.  相似文献   
The Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA) will answer important questions posed by the mission’s main objectives. After Giotto, this will be the first time the volatile part of a comet will be analyzed in situ. This is a very important investigation, as comets, in contrast to meteorites, have maintained most of the volatiles of the solar nebula. To accomplish the very demanding objectives through all the different phases of the comet’s activity, ROSINA has unprecedented capabilities including very wide mass range (1 to >300 amu), very high mass resolution (mm > 3000, i.e. the ability to resolve CO from N2 and 13C from 12CH), very wide dynamic range and high sensitivity, as well as the ability to determine cometary gas velocities, and temperature. ROSINA consists of two mass spectrometers for neutrals and primary ions with complementary capabilities and a pressure sensor. To ensure that absolute gas densities can be determined, each mass spectrometer carries a reservoir of a calibrated gas mixture allowing in-flight calibration. Furthermore, identical flight-spares of all three sensors will serve for detailed analysis of all relevant parameters, in particular the sensitivities for complex organic molecules and their fragmentation patterns in our electron bombardment ion sources.  相似文献   
A high-frequency (HF) aperture was synthesized by receiving ionospherically propagated signals in an airplane. The signals used the one-hop F lower ray mode to propagate a distance of 2600 km and were processed to yield equivalent aperture lengths of 10 km and 70 km. It was shown that apertures of up to 10 km in length could sometimes achieve their ideal free-space directivity without use of ionospheric compensation.  相似文献   
As comet 9P/Tempel 1 approaches the Sun in 2004–2005, a temporary atmosphere, or “coma,” will form, composed of molecules and dust expelled from the nucleus as its component icy volatiles sublimate. Driven mainly by water ice sublimation at surface temperatures T > 200 K, this coma is a gravitationally unbound atmosphere in free adiabatic expansion. Near the nucleus (≤ 102 km), it is in collisional equilibrium, at larger distances (≥104 km) it is in free molecular flow. Ultimately the coma components are swept into the comet’s plasma and dust tails or simply dissipate into interplanetary space. Clues to the nature of the cometary nucleus are contained in the chemistry and physics of the coma, as well as with its variability with time, orbital position, and heliocentric distance. The DI instrument payload includes CCD cameras with broadband filters covering the optical spectrum, allowing for sensitive measurement of dust in the comet’s coma, and a number of narrowband filters for studying the spatial distribution of several gas species. DI also carries the first near-infrared spectrometer to a comet flyby since the VEGA mission to Halley in 1986. This spectrograph will allow detection of gas emission lines from the coma in unprecedented detail. Here we discuss the current state of understanding of the 9P/Tempel 1 coma, our expectations for the measurements DI will obtain, and the predicted hazards that the coma presents for the spacecraft. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   
This paper describes the current effort to develop a standardized data set, or suite of digital video sequences, that can be used for test and evaluation of digital video motion detectors (VMDs) for exterior applications. We have drawn from an extensive video database of typical application scenarios to assemble a comprehensive data set. These data, some existing for many years on analog videotape, have been converted to a reproducible digital format and edited to generate test sequences several minutes long for many scenarios. Sequences include non-alarm video, intrusions and nuisance alarm sources, taken with a variety of imaging sensors including monochrome CCD cameras and infrared (thermal) imaging cameras, under a variety of daytime and nighttime conditions. The paper presents an analysis of the variables and estimates the complexity of a thorough data set. Some of this video data test has been digitized for CD-ROM storage and playback. We are considering developing a DVD disk for possible use in screening and testing VMDs prior to government testing and deployment. In addition, this digital video data may be used by VMD developers for further refinement or customization of their product to meet specific requirements. These application scenarios may also be used to define the testing parameters for future procurement qualification. A personal computer may be used to play back either the CD-ROM or the DVD video data. A consumer electronics-style DVD player may be used to replay the DVD disk. This paper also discusses various aspects of digital video storage including formats, resolution, CD-ROM and DVD storage capacity, formats, editing and playback  相似文献   
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