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Analytical and experimental considerations of the large-signal transient responses of the buck-type switching regulator are described. The dynamic behavior under the large-signal condition is different from the small-signal operation because of the saturation characteristics of the pulsewidth modulator feedback controller. The effect of this nonlinearity is analyzed by dividing its operation into three modes. As a result the peak values of the inrush current and output voltage are obtained analytically both for the start-up and for the step change of the load condition.  相似文献   
Tree networks of communicating processors are examined with the objective of solving a computational problem in a minimal amount of time. The processors in the networks may be equipped either with or without front-end processors for communicating of loading. The determination of the optimal division of processing load is discussed for the network with and the network without front-end processors. The inclusion of solution time, the time taken for sensors to report the solution back to originator, is discussed  相似文献   
UWB radar for patient monitoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last few years the Moscow Aviation Institute (Russia) and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan) have worked jointly on the development of ultrawideband (UWB) medical radars for remote and contactiess monitoring of patients in hospitals. Preliminary results of these works were published in [1]. As of the present, several radars have been produced and tested in real conditions in hospitals in Russia and Taiwan. Some results of these tests are given.  相似文献   
We review recent observations by the Yohkoh-SXT in collaboration with other spacecraft and ground-based observatories of coronal loops and prominences. These new results point to problems that SoHO will be able to address. With a unique combination of rapid-cadence digital imaging (32 s full-disk and 2 s partial-frame images), high spatial resolution (2.5 arcsec pixels), high sensitivity (EM 1042 cm–3), a low-scatter mirror, and large dynamic range, SXT can observe a vast range of targets on the Sun. Over the first 21 months of Yohkoh operations, SXT has taken over one million images of the corona and so is building up an invaluable long-term database on the large-scale corona and loop geometry. The most striking thing about the SXT images is the range of loop sizes and shapes. The active regions are a bright tangle of magnetic field lines, surrounded by a network of large-scale quiet-Sun loops stretching over distances in excess of 105 km. The cross-section of most loops seems to be constant. Loops displaying significant increase in the ratio of the footpoint to loop-top diameter () are the exception, not the rule, implying the presence of widespread currents in the corona.All magnetic structures show changes. Time scales range from seconds to months. The question of how these structures are formed, become filled with hot plasma, and are maintained is still open. While we see the propagation of brightenings along the length of active-region loops and in X-ray jets with velocities of several hundred km/s, much higher velocities are seen in the quiet Sun. In XBP flares, for example, velocities of over 1000 km/s are common. Active-region loops seem to be in constant motion, moving slowly outward, carrying plasma with them. During flares, loops often produce localized brightenings at the base and later at the apex of the loop. Quiescent filaments and prominences have been observed regularly. Their coronal manifestation seems to be an extended arcade of loops overlying the filament. Reliable alignment of the ground-based data with the X-ray images make it possible to make a detailed intercomparison of the hot and cold plasma structures over extended periods. Hence we are able to follow the long-term evolution of these structures and see how they become destabilized and erupt.  相似文献   
The results of investigation of dynamic system sensitivity to parametric variations in the channel of flight vehicle lateral motion are presented using the notion of infinitesimal transformation. The exact relationships establishing a link between the structure of parameter deviation and that of system phase coordinate deviation are obtained.  相似文献   
A data fusion model consisting of several levels of parallel decision fusions is considered. Global optimization of such a model is discussed to obtain the fusion rules for overall optimal performance. The reliability analysis of the proposed model is carried out to establish its superiority over the existing parallel and serial fusion models  相似文献   
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