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In this investigation, we present and discuss the response of the ionospheric F-region in the South American and East Asian sectors during an intense geomagnetic storm in August 2005. The geomagnetic storm studied reached a minimum Dst of −216 nT at 12:00 UT on 24 August. In this work ionospheric sounding data obtained of 24, 25, and 26 August 2005 at Palmas (PAL; 10.2° S, 48.2° W; dip latitude 6.6° S), São José dos Campos (SJC, 23.2° S, 45.9° W; dip latitude 17.6° S), Brazil, Ho Chi Minh City, (HCM; 10.5° N, 106.3° E; dip latitude 2.9° N), Vietnam, Okinawa (OKI; 26.3° N, 127.8° E; dip latitude 21.2° N), Japan, are presented. Also, the GPS observations obtained at different stations in the equatorial and low-latitude regions in the Brazilian sector are presented. On the night of 24–25 August 2005, the h′F variations show traveling ionospheric disturbances associated with Joule heating in the auroral zone from SJC to PAL. The foF2 variations show a positive storm phase on the night of 24–25 August at PAL and SJC during the recovery phase. Also, the GPS-VTEC observations at several stations in the Brazilian sector show a fairly similar positive storm phase on 24 August. During the fast decrease of Dst (between 10:00 and 11:00 UT) on 24 August, there is a prompt penetration of electric field of magnetospheric origin that result in abrupt increase (∼12:00 UT) in foF2 at PAL, SJC (Brazil) and OKI (Japan) and in VTEC at IMPZ, BOMJ, PARA and SMAR (Brazil). OKI showed strong oscillations of the F-region on the night 24 August resulted to the propagation of traveling atmospheric disturbances (TADs) by Joule heating in the auroral region. These effects result a strong positive observed at OKI station. During the daytime on 25 August, in the recovery phase, the foF2 observations showed positive ionospheric storm at HCM station. Some differences in the latitudinal response of the F-region is also observed in the South American and East Asian sectors.  相似文献   
Red-cell mass determinations were performed before and after the first two Skylab missions. The data showed a 14% mean decrease in red-cell mass after the 28-day mission and a 12% mean decrease after the 59-day mission. The red-cell mass returned to premission levels more slowly after the shorter (28-day) than after the longer mission. Plasma volume decreases were found after each mission. with the crew from the longer mission showing the greater change (13% vs. 8.4%). Postmission decreases in red-cell mass and plasma volume have been a general finding in crewmen who return from short or long spaceflight.  相似文献   
Substorm evolution of the near-Earth (|X|<15 RE) plasma sheet has been emphasized recently because the inner tail is thought to link closely to the substorm auroral activity in the ionosphere during the early stage of substorms. In this paper, we discuss how the inner tail substorm phenomena during the late substorm growth phase and early expansion phase are accounted for by the two prevailing substorm models, namely, the near-Earth neutral line model and the current disruption model. We find that the late growth phase features are more satisfactorily accounted for by the current disruption model than by the near-Earth neutral line model. In addition, detailed observations on current disruption show evidence inconsistent with the proposed idea of dipolarization being due to plasma flow braking from reconnection in the mid-tail region, which poses a difficulty to the near-Earth neutral line model as well.  相似文献   
Amphibians possess the ability to vomit in response to a variety of stimuli that provoke emesis in mammals. Pharmacological studies have establish that the ejection of gastric contents and the basic mechanism for vomiting have been phylogenetically conserved among these tetrapods. As part of on-going comparative studies on emesis in vertebrates, we previously documented that some postmetamorphic anurans and salamander larvae experience motion-induced emesis when exposed to the provocative stimulus of parabolic aircraft flight. However, more recent experiments suggest that there are strict conditions for inducing emesis in amphibians exposed to parabolic flight and that amphibians are not as sensitive to this stimulus as mammals. Further studies on emesis in lower vertebrates may help us understand the processes that cause emesis in abnormal gravitational regimes.  相似文献   
Feng  Xueshang  Wu  S.T.  Wei  Fengsi  Fan  Quanlin 《Space Science Reviews》2003,107(1-2):43-53
It has been believed that three-dimensional, numerical, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modelling must play a crucial role in a seamless forecasting system. This system refers to space weather originating on the sun; propagation of disturbances through the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), and thence, transmission into the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere. This role comes as no surprise to numerical modelers that participate in the numerical modelling of atmospheric environments as well as the meteorological conditions at Earth. Space scientists have paid great attention to operational numerical space weather prediction models. To this purpose practical progress has been made in the past years. Here first is reviewed the progress of the numerical methods in solar wind modelling. Then, based on our discussion, a new numerical scheme of total variation diminishing (TVD) type for magnetohydrodynamic equations in spherical coordinates is proposed by taking into account convergence, stability and resolution. This new MHD model is established by solving the fluid equations of MHD system with a modified Lax-Friedrichs scheme and the magnetic induction equations with MacCormack II scheme for the purpose of developing a combined scheme of quick convergence as well as of TVD property. To verify the validation of the scheme, the propagation of one-dimensional MHD fast and slow shock problem is discussed with the numerical results conforming to the existing results obtained by the piece-wise parabolic method (PPM). Finally, some conclusions are made. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Much of the mass of a battery is comprised of nonreactive materials. In an NiH2 battery, this includes the pressure vessel and 50% of the positive electrode. PowerCore reconfigures the battery materials to serve as a structural sandwich panel. The effective specific energy of the new device can exceed 100 Wh/kg. PowerCore is intended to handle power demands of low Earth orbiting communications satellites such as IRIDIUM. This paper describes the concept and development progress  相似文献   
In this work we present a new track segment association technique to improve track continuity in large-scale target tracking problems where track breakages are common. A representative airborne early warning (AEW) system scenario, which is a challenging environment due to highly maneuvering targets, close target formations, large measurement errors, long sampling intervals, and low detection probabilities, provides the motivation for the new technique. Previously, a tracker using the interacting multiple model (IMM) estimator combined with an assignment algorithm was shown to be more reliable than a conventional Kalman filter based approach in tracking similar targets but it still yielded track breakages due to the difficult environment. In order to combine the broken track segments and improve track continuity, a new track segment association algorithm using a discrete optimization approach is presented. Simulation results show that track segment association yields significant improvements in mean track life as well as in position, speed, and course rms errors. Also presented is a modified one-point initialization technique with range rate measurements, which are typically ignored by other initialization techniques, and a fine-step IMM estimator, which improves performance in the presence of long revisit intervals. Another aspect that is investigated is the benefit of "deep" (multiframe or N-dimensional, with N > 2) association, which is shown to yield significant benefit in reducing the number of false tracks.  相似文献   
2001 Mars Odyssey Mission Summary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Saunders  R.S.  Arvidson  R.E.  Badhwar  G.D.  Boynton  W.V.  Christensen  P.R.  Cucinotta  F.A.  Feldman  W.C.  Gibbs  R.G.  Kloss  C.  Landano  M.R.  Mase  R.A.  McSmith  G.W.  Meyer  M.A.  Mitrofanov  I.G.  Pace  G.D.  Plaut  J.J.  Sidney  W.P.  Spencer  D.A.  Thompson  T.W.  Zeitlin  C.J. 《Space Science Reviews》2004,110(1-2):1-36
The 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft, now in orbit at Mars, will observe the Martian surface at infrared and visible wavelengths to determine surface mineralogy and morphology, acquire global gamma ray and neutron observations for a full Martian year, and study the Mars radiation environment from orbit. The science objectives of this mission are to: (1) globally map the elemental composition of the surface, (2) determine the abundance of hydrogen in the shallow subsurface, (3) acquire high spatial and spectral resolution images of the surface mineralogy, (4) provide information on the morphology of the surface, and (5) characterize the Martian near-space radiation environment as related to radiation-induced risk to human explorers. To accomplish these objectives, the 2001 Mars Odyssey science payload includes a Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS), a multi-spectral Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), and a radiation detector, the Martian Radiation Environment Experiment (MARIE). THEMIS and MARIE are mounted on the spacecraft with THEMIS pointed at nadir. GRS is a suite of three instruments: a Gamma Subsystem (GSS), a Neutron Spectrometer (NS) and a High-Energy Neutron Detector (HEND). The HEND and NS instruments are mounted on the spacecraft body while the GSS is on a 6-m boom. Some science data were collected during the cruise and aerobraking phases of the mission before the prime mission started. THEMIS acquired infrared and visible images of the Earth-Moon system and of the southern hemisphere of Mars. MARIE monitored the radiation environment during cruise. The GRS collected calibration data during cruise and aerobraking. Early GRS observations in Mars orbit indicated a hydrogen-rich layer in the upper meter of the subsurface in the Southern Hemisphere. Also, atmospheric densities, scale heights, temperatures, and pressures were observed by spacecraft accelerometers during aerobraking as the spacecraft skimmed the upper portions of the Martian atmosphere. This provided the first in-situ evidence of winter polar warming in the Mars upper atmosphere. The prime mission for 2001 Mars Odyssey began in February 2002 and will continue until August 2004. During this prime mission, the 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft will also provide radio relays for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and European landers in early 2004. Science data from 2001 Mars Odyssey instruments will be provided to the science community via NASA’s Planetary Data System (PDS). The first PDS release of Odyssey data was in October 2002; subsequent releases occur every 3 months.  相似文献   
Recent works on magnetic signatures due to distant lightning discharges are reviewed. Emphasis is laid on magnetic signatures in the ULF range (in the old definition from less than 1 mHz up to 1 Hz), that is in the frequency range below the Schumann resonance. These signatures are known to be of importance for the excitation of the ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) which works only at night time conditions. This emphasizes the difference between night and day time ULF signatures of lightning. The IAR forms a link between the atmosphere and magnetosphere. Similarities and differences of this link in the VLF (Trimpi effect) and ULF range are worked out. A search for a unique signature of sprite-associated positive cloud-to-ground (+CG) lightning discharges ended with a negative result. In this context, however, a new model of lightning-associated induced mesospheric currents was built. Depending on mesospheric condition it can produce magnetic signatures in the entire frequency range from VLF, ELF to ULF. In the latter case it can explain signatures known as the Ultra Slow Tail of +CG lightning discharges. A current problem on the magnetic background noise intensity has been solved by taking more seriously the contribution of +CG lightning discharges to the overall background noise. Their low occurrence rate is more than compensated by their large and long lasting continuing currents. By superposed epoch analysis it could be shown that the ULF response to ?CG is one to two orders smaller that in case of +CG with similar peak current values of the return stroke.  相似文献   
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