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基于四阶累积量的来波信号频率和二维角估计   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
本文提出了一种基于四阶累积量的来波信号频率、方位角和仰角三维参数估计的算法。该算法采用无方向模糊的无效均匀圆阵(阵元数大于6)和阵元延时,实现高斯白或色噪声环境下非高期信源的参数估计,且三维参数可自动配对;在空间欠采样条件下,使用整数搜索法实现方位角和仰角无模糊估计。仿真实验表明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   
Long-term analysis of data from two radiation detection instruments on the International Space Station (ISS) shows that the docking of the Space Shuttle drops down the measured dose rates in the region of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) by a factor of 1.5–3. Measurements either by the R3DE detector, which is outside the ISS at the EuTEF facility on the Columbus module behind a shielding of less than 0.45 g cm−2, and by the three detectors of the Liulin-5 particle telescope, which is inside the Russian PEARS module in the spherical tissue equivalent phantom behind much heavier shielding demonstrate that effect. Simultaneously the estimated averaged incident energies of the incoming protons rise up from about 30 to 45 MeV. The effect is explained by the additional shielding against the SAA 30–150 MeV protons, provided by the 78 tons Shuttle to the instruments inside and outside of the ISS. An additional reason is the ISS attitude change (performed for the Shuttle docking) leading to decreasing of dose rates in two of Liulin-5 detectors because of the East–West proton fluxes asymmetry in SAA. The Galactic Cosmic Rays dose rates are practically not affected.  相似文献   
提出了用均匀平行线阵和阵元输出信号的时间延迟估计时间欠采样来波频率、方位角和仰角的方法.该算法在DFT波束空间使用PROESPRIT方法,实现频率无模糊估计,完成来波信号频率和角度的估计.频率间接估计算法是先估计数字频率,然后用数字频率求模拟频率,其估计方差比直接估计算法的方差要小几个数量级.仿真实验表明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   
The InSight mission to Mars is well underway and will be the first mission to acquire seismic data from a planet other than Earth. In order to maximise the science return of the InSight data, a multifaceted approach will be needed that seeks to investigate the seismic data from a series of different frequency windows, including body waves, surface waves, and normal modes. Here, we present a methodology based on globally-averaged models that employs the long-period information encoded in the seismic data by looking for fundamental-mode spheroidal oscillations. From a preliminary analysis of the expected signal-to-noise ratio, we find that normal modes should be detectable during nighttime in the frequency range 5–15 mHz. For improved picking of (fundamental) normal modes, we show first that those are equally spaced between 5–15 mHz and then show how this spectral spacing, obtained through autocorrelation of the Fourier-transformed time series can be further employed to select normal mode peaks more consistently. Based on this set of normal-mode spectral frequencies, we proceed to show how this data set can be inverted for globally-averaged models of interior structure (to a depth of \(\sim 250~\mbox{km}\)), while simultaneously using the resultant synthetically-approximated normal mode peaks to verify the initial peak selection. This procedure can be applied iteratively to produce a “cleaned-up” set of spectral peaks that are ultimately inverted for a “final” interior-structure model. To investigate the effect of three-dimensional (3D) structure on normal mode spectra, we constructed a 3D model of Mars that includes variations in surface and Moho topography and lateral variations in mantle structure and employed this model to compute full 3D waveforms. The resultant time series are converted to spectra and the inter-station variation hereof is compared to the variation in spectra computed using different 1D models. The comparison shows that 3D effects are less significant than the variation incurred by the difference in radial models, which suggests that our 1D approach represents an adequate approximation of the global average structure of Mars.  相似文献   
乘波构型飞行器磁流体进气道一体化概念设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用准一维的磁流体方程组对设计状态下内磁流体发生器进行参数设计,利用斜激波理论设计磁流体进气道一体化的外形.以该外形为基点,对安装五对电极的内磁流体发生器采用五方程模型进行三维数值模拟,并通过调节其磁作用数以满足准一维假设下设计的进气道外形.研究表明,磁流体进气道最小出口流动均匀参数可以作为判别内发生器最优磁作用数的准则,在该磁作用数下内磁流体发生器可以有效地提高进气道的性能.   相似文献   
Möbius  E.  Kistler  L.M.  Popecki  M.A.  Crocker  K.N.  Granoff  M.  Turco  S.  Anderson  A.  Demain  P.  Distelbrink  J.  Dors  I.  Dunphy  P.  Ellis  S.  Gaidos  J.  Googins  J.  Hayes  R.  Humphrey  G.  Kästle  H.  Lavasseur  J.  Lund  E.J.  Miller  R.  Sartori  E.  Shappirio  M.  Taylor  S.  Vachon  P.  Vosbury  M.  Ye  V.  Hovestadt  D.  Klecker  B.  Arbinger  H.  Künneth  E.  Pfeffermann  E.  Seidenschwang  E.  Gliem  F.  Reiche  K.-U.  Stöckner  K.  Wiewesiek  W.  Harasim  A.  Schimpfle  J.  Battell  S.  Cravens  J.  Murphy  G. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,86(1-4):449-495
The Solar Energetic Particle Ionic Charge Analyzer (SEPICA) is the main instrument on the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) to determine the ionic charge states of solar and interplanetary energetic particles in the energy range from ≈0.2 MeV nucl−1 to ≈5 MeV charge−1. The charge state of energetic ions contains key information to unravel source temperatures, acceleration, fractionation and transport processes for these particle populations. SEPICA will have the ability to resolve individual charge states and have a substantially larger geometric factor than its predecessor ULEZEQ on ISEE-1 and -3, on which SEPICA is based. To achieve these two requirements at the same time, SEPICA is composed of one high-charge resolution sensor section and two low- charge resolution, but large geometric factor sections. The charge resolution is achieved by the focusing of the incoming ions, through a multi-slit mechanical collimator, deflection in an electrostatic analyzer with a voltage up to 30 kV, and measurement of the impact position in the detector system. To determine the nuclear charge (element) and energy of the incoming ions, the combination of thin-window flow-through proportional counters with isobutane as counter gas and ion-implanted solid state detectors provide for 3 independent ΔE (energy loss) versus E (residual energy) telescopes. The multi-wire proportional counter simultaneously determines the energy loss ΔE and the impact position of the ions. Suppression of background from penetrating cosmic radiation is provided by an anti-coincidence system with a CsI scintillator and Si-photodiodes. The data are compressed and formatted in a data processing unit (S3DPU) that also handles the commanding and various automatted functions of the instrument. The S3DPU is shared with the Solar Wind Ion Charge Spectrometer (SWICS) and the Solar Wind Ion Mass Spectrometer (SWIMS) and thus provides the same services for three of the ACE instruments. It has evolved out of a long family of data processing units for particle spectrometers. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
We review the radiometric ages of the 16 currently known Martian meteorites, classified as 11 shergottites (8 basaltic and 3 lherzolitic), 3 nakhlites (clinopyroxenites), Chassigny (a dunite), and the orthopyroxenite ALH84001. The basaltic shergottites represent surface lava flows, the others magmas that solidified at depth. Shock effects correlate with these compositional types, and, in each case, they can be attributed to a single shock event, most likely the meteorite's ejection from Mars. Peak pressures in the range 15 – 45 GPa appear to be a "launch window": shergottites experienced ~30 – 45 GPa, nakhlites ~20 ± 5 GPa, Chassigny ~35 GPa, and ALH84001 ~35 – 40 GPa. Two meteorites, lherzolitic shergottite Y-793605 and orthopyroxenite ALH84001, are monomict breccias, indicating a two-phase shock history in toto: monomict brecciation at depth in a first impact and later shock metamorphism in a second impact, probably the ejection event. Crystallization ages of shergottites show only two pronounced groups designated S1 (~175 Myr), including 4 of 6 dated basalts and all 3 lherzolites, and S2 (330 – 475 Myr), including two basaltic shergottites and probably a third according to preliminary data. Ejection ages of shergottites, defined as the sum of their cosmic ray exposure ages and their terrestrial residence ages, range from the oldest (~20 Myr) to the youngest (~0.7 Myr) values for Martian meteorites. Five groups are distinguished and designated SDho (one basalt, ~20 Myr), SL (two lherzolites of overlapping ejection ages, 3.94 ± 0.40 Myr and 4.70 ± 0.50 Myr), S (four basalts and one lherzolite, ~2.7 – 3.1 Myr), SDaG (two basalts, ~1.25 Myr), and SE (the youngest basalt, 0.73 ± 0.15 Myr). Consequently, crystallization age group S1 includes ejection age groups SL, SE and 4 of the 5 members of S, whereas S2 includes the remaining member of S and one of the two members of SDaG. Shock effects are different for basalts and lherzolites in group S/S1. Similarities to the dated meteorite DaG476 suggest that the two shergottites that are not dated yet belong to group S2. Whether or not S2 is a single group is unclear at present. If crystallization age group S1 represents a single ejection event, pre-exposure on the Martian surface is required to account for ejection ages of SL that are greater than ejection ages of S, whereas secondary breakup in space is required to account for ejection ages of SE less than those of S. Because one member of crystallization age group S2 belongs to ejection group S, the maximum number of shergottite ejection events is 6, whereas the minimum number is 2. Crystallization ages of nakhlites and Chassigny are concordant at ~1.3 Gyr. These meteorites also have concordant ejection ages, i.e., they were ejected together in a single event (NC). Shock effects vary within group NC between the nakhlites and Chassigny. The orthopyroxenite ALH84001 is characterized by the oldest crystallization age of ~4.5 Gyr. Its secondary carbonates are ~3.9 Gyr old, an age corresponding to the time of Ar-outgassing from silicates. Carbonate formation appears to have coincided with impact metamorphism, either directly, or indirectly, perhaps via precipitation from a transient impact crater lake. The crystallization age and the ejection age of ALH84001, the second oldest ejection age at 15.0 ± 0.8 Myr, give evidence for another ejection event (O). Consequently, the total number of ejection events for the 16 Martian meteorites lies in the range 4 – 8. The Martian meteorites indicate that Martian magmatism has been active over most of Martian geologic history, in agreement with the inferred very young ages of flood basalt flows observed in Elysium and Amazonis Planitia with the Mars Orbital Camera (MOC) on the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS). The provenance of the youngest meteorites must be found among the youngest volcanic surfaces on Mars, i.e., in the Tharsis, Amazonis, and Elysium regions.  相似文献   
声光相关技术在检测宽带微弱信号中有很大的潜力,提出在射频上用声光相关器对扩频信号做相关运算的方案,给出扩频信号的快速捕获、精密跟踪和信息解调的方法,并设计了实验系统,结果得到了验证。  相似文献   
Aspects of high-power high-voltage power conditioner design and weight estimation relevant to space subsystems are discussed. Weight has become an increasingly important parameter with the advent of larger and more sophisticated spacecraft, especially those for high-power communication. A computer program for estimating the weight of a high-power dc-to-dc power conditioner as functions of output power, operating frequency, input voltage range, maximum input voltage, and efficiency, respectively, is described, including computer-aided design of inductors and transformers. Curves of typical power conditioner weight as functions of the preceding parameters, derived from the power conditioner weight program, are presented.  相似文献   
为研究电路参数对SAW相关器输出信号的影响,建立了一种把SAW相关器和包络检波器视为一体的数学模型,通过对SAW相关器进行计算机模拟分析,给出了本地参考信号的格式、相关峰顶点检测方法、本地参考信号中心频率偏差和码元宽度误差的允许范围,并给出了相关峰的实验结果,与模拟计算机结果做了对比,在此基础上完成了扩频信号相关解调解扩电路的设计。  相似文献   
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